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Psychology of Colours

Red has a meaning associated with intense, excitement, passion,
danger, energy, action, adrenaline, and fireworks. The colour red is
believed to be the most appealing colour. Red is a perfect colour for
marketing a brand because red is eye-catching and it will leave a
remark on one’s memory. That’s why many iconic brands are red.
During Chinese New Year, the colour red is found everywhere as the
Chinese believe that it brings good luck and fortune. Red is also an
international colour for the stop. In dress, red is chosen if the wearer
wants to attract the attention of the people around him.
Orange is often used in a working environment which requires
productivity as it stimulates emotion. Orange is the favourite colour of
lawyers. The colour orange is cheerful, energetic, enthusiastic and
creative. Little did people know that chocolate milk tastes more
delicious when drank in an orange cup. This colour is also associated
with the harvest season or autumn.
In some cases, yellow can make you feel nauseous, so the usage of this
colour is highly avoided in aircraft. Yellow tops may be the least
favourite. The most common reason put forward is too much
excitement. Yellow is indeed the most challenging colour to be
identified by the eyes because it is to glare and it hurts the eyes. But
this cheerful colour also has positive properties, which increase
concentration and speed up metabolism. One proof is the stick note
that uses yellow.

Pink is a playful, and immature colour. Since the colour pink is

associated with girls, it always refers to girly or femininity. Pink is
believed to be one of the cool shades as it can reduce anger and
anxiety because of its calming effect. Several prisons and mental
disorder institutions painted their walls pink to control the condition of
patients and prisoners who were out of control.
The colour green is always related to nature. All the go green campaign are
fulfilled with the colour green. Having a green ecosystem means that the
environment is clean which lead to an impression of healthy. Some do
believe that the colour green means prosperity or wealth. This is because
people love to symbolised leaves as money. When a tree has tons of leave, it
has a meaning of growth and fertility. Not surprisingly, dark green is more
popular with men. According to the experts, the colour green is right for your
eyes as it relaxes and soothes the eye muscles. A study even recommends
that each work table is equipped with one plant. This refers to the meaning
behind the green. This colour is one of the most popular choices if someone
wants to look fresh and vibrant. Santa suits were initially green back when he
was known as St Nicholas. Green was also once the preferred colour choice
for wedding gowns.

Blue is the world’s most favourite and popular colour. The colour blue is
often used to create an impression of spacious; this is because the sky
and the sea are always the ones that pop up in everyone’s mind when
they heard the word blue. The colour blue is always associated with
boys. But nowadays, we could find a lot of girls who love the colour
blue. Blue creates both positive and negative connotation. On the one
hand, it can create an effect of calmness, trust, consistency and
professional. But on the other hand, it produces a result of cold,
insensitive and sadness.

Back in the days, purple is considered as a royal colour because of only

the royal family and the wealthy who could afford garments in purple
colour as the purple dye is very rare, and so the price is exceptionally
high. The colour purple is usually associated with strength, royalty and
expensive but some believe that the colour purple is mysterious as it is
closely related to witch and potion. On the modern days, wearing too
much of this colour can lead to an impression of disappointment.
Scientifically, purple is the hardest colour for the eye to distinguish.
Generally, established and independent women tend to choose purple
or purple shades in their clothing collections because this colour
represents feminist, romantic, power and character.

White is one of the colours which have a lot of different meaning. But
generally, the colour white describes simplicity, purity, innocence and
perfection. And if you have to identify a brand that uses the colour
white to deliver a brand message about perfection, maybe Apple's the
right example. White represents the simplicity of their products. White
is also frequently used by designers to deliver minimalist and clean
aesthetics and modern quality.
Like red, black has many meanings. This colour can represent strength,
luxury, sophistication, and exclusivity. But on the other hand, black can
symbolise death, evil, or mystery. In modern days clothing, black
generally communicates formality. It’s no doubt that many evening
gowns are in black. In addition to highlighting the impression of
elegance, black also makes the wearer looks slimmer. No wonder the
colour black that is popular in the fashion industry becomes many
people favourite.
Brown is a neutral colour. This colour can be created by blending all of
the colours. It is a colour that is very down to earth because it has a
very close relationship with the earth itself, stone and wood. This is
why the colour brown is heavily used in natural or organic food
products. The colour brown brought warmth and simple effect on
things. But sometimes, using an excessive amount of brown colour on
things will bring out an old and dull impact on things.

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