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1. Perolehan Data sesuai dengan tahapan eksplorasi dan produksi

2. Konsep Thermodinamika dalam system Panasbumi
3. Sifat fisik batuan dan fluida system panasbumi
4. Konseptual model
5. Penentuan Potensi Statik
a. Metode Volumetrik
b. Metode Montecarlo
6. Penentuan Potensi Dinamik
7. Simulasi Reservoir
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1. Grant, M.A., Donaldson I.G., Bixley P.F (1982): Geothermal
Reservoir Engineering, Academic Press.
2. M.J & McKibbin R. (1989) : Geothermal Reservoir
Engineering, a Manual for Geothermal Reservoir
3. Handbook of Geothermal Energy,Editors: Edwards, L.M.,
Chilingar, G.V. et al. , Gulf Publishing Company, 1982, 613
4. Bodvarsson G.S. and Whiterspoon P.A. (1989): Geothermal
Reservoir Engineering, Geotherm. Sci. & Tech., Volume 2(1)
pp. 1-68.
5. Nenny Miryani Saptadji (2001): Teknik Reservoir Panas
Bumi, Diktat Kuliah TM-ITB
What is a Geothermal Reservoir?

A subsurface region where the rocks

contain hot water and/or steam that
can be withdrawn using wells and put
to practical use for direct heating or
for generating electricity
Essential Elements of a Geothermal

 High temperature
 Working fluid (water and/or steam)
 Permeable flow channels

all at depths which may be economically

reached by drilling.
Geothermal Reservoirs

 Geothermal reservoirs are usually found in

fractured volcanic rocks.
 Permeability of a geothermal reservoir is
usually found in discrete fractures, not
intergranular pores.
 Vertical dimensions of permeable reservoir
zone can be large (comparable to horizontal
Geothermal Reservoirs

 Natural condition is dynamic, not static.

 Geothermal reservoir is in a continuous
state of convective flow, which carries heat
from deep underground to exploitable
Geothermal Reservoirs

 Resource is heat, not mass. Brine acts as a

working fluid which can carry energy stored in
hot rock to the surface through wells.
 In most liquid-dominated reservoirs, over 80
percent of the total heat is stored in rock—vapor-
dominated, over 95 percent.
 Production/injection wells create artificial
circulation system to mine energy from the rock.
Purpose of Geothermal Reservoir

 To gain a quantitative understanding of the flows of

fluid mass and of heat which take place within the
geothermal reservoir under natural conditions, and
how they change due to production and injection
 To use this understanding to
(1) help in interpreting exploration surveys, and
(2) make quantitative appraisals of proposed
operational strategies to guide the management
of the resource.
Fluid distribution in natural and exploited states
of a liquid-dominated reservoir.
Reservoir Engineering Procedure (1)

 Gather and interpret field measurements

to help establish geothermal reservoir
• Area, volume and depth.
• Hydrological and thermal boundaries.
• Rock physical properties.
• Permeability structure.
Reservoir Engineering Procedure (2)

• Source and state of fluid.

• Natural heat, mass fluxes.
• Natural reservoir pressure distribution.
• Underground temperatures.
• Production/injection history.
• Changes in reservoir from operations
Reservoir Engineering Procedure

 Based on available field data, construct a

deterministic model which describes the
known facts about the system, including
natural-state and observed response to
production/injection operations.
 Validated model can be used to make forecasts
of field capacity changes and probable drilling
requirements, and help in planning and
resource management.
Field Data Useful for Reservoir
Engineering (1)

 Structural interpretations from remote

sensing, air/satellite images, maps, drilling
 Surface and downhole resistivity surveys.
 Surface heat flow surveys.
 Hot spring mapping and characterization.
 Stratigraphic and mud loss drilling logs.
 Laboratory tests of cores.
Field Data Useful for Reservoir
Engineering (2)

 Geochemical analyses of surface and reservoir

 Shut-in and flowing downhole pressure logs.
 Repeat downhole temperature surveys.
 Downhole spinner logs (shut-in and flowing).
 Flow/enthalpy/pressure histories for
production and injection wells.
 Pressure-transient test results.
Essential elements of conceptual model

 Fluid State (Pressure, Temperature, Salinity,

Gas Content)
 Source Fluids (Meteoric, Sea Water, Magmatic)
 Permeability Structure and Hydraulic
Boundaries (Major faults and fractures,
Permeable formations, Detailed permeability
distribution, Impermeable barriers, Recharge
and/or Discharge boundaries)
 Deep Heat Source (Convective and Conductive
heat flux)
Reservoir Assessment:
Two Approaches

 USGS Volumetric Assessment together with

Monte Carlo Simulation - Method used in
early exploration stages.

 Numerical Simulation – Method most useful

after some wells have been drilled and tested.
USGS Volumetric Assessment with
Monte Carlo Simulation (1)

 In early exploration stages, often used to provide

estimates of the probable electrical generation
 Methodology consists of combining probability density
functions for uncertain estimates of temperature, area,
thickness, and thermal recovery factor of a geothermal
 Used to obtain the probability distribution function for
the stored energy (“heat in place”) and the recoverable
USGS Volumetric Assessment with
Monte Carlo Simulation (2)

 The electrical capacity of a potential

geothermal reservoir is then computed using
a conversion (or utilization) efficiency.
 The conversion efficiency depends on both
the chosen reference temperature as well as
the power cycle (steam, flash, or binary).
 Because of the large uncertainties in the
assumed input parameters, the results of a
USGS Volumetric Assessment are often
subject to large errors.
Reservoir Modeling and Simulation

 Reservoir Simulator
A computer program which can solve unsteady 3-D
governing equations for mass, momentum, and
energy conservation in a geothermal reservoir.
Subdivides volume into many “grid blocks”;
calculates solution in a sequence of “time-steps”.

 Reservoir Model
A particular quantitative conceptual picture of a
specific geothermal reservoir. Incorporates
locations of boundaries, recharge and discharge
areas, distributions of rock properties such as
permeability and porosity.
Reservoir Simulators

 Standard versions of widely used reservoir simulators

(Tetrad, Tough2, STAR) are limited to temperatures below
350 oC or so.

 Experimental versions of STAR (Pritchett, 1994) and

Tough2 (Croucher and O’Sullivan, 2008) can also treat
supercritical conditions for pure water (to ~800°C). These
experimental versions do not however allow for dissolved
solids (e.g. NaCl) and incondensable gases (e.g. CO2).
Reservoir Simulators (continued)

 Temperatures as high as 360 oC encountered in

geothermal wells.
 Modeling of very high-temperature ( >320 oC)
geothermal reservoirs will require a capability to
incorporate underlying deeper parts of the system
where temperatures may exceed the critical temperature
for water.
 Requirement for improved Equation-of- State
formulations for reservoir fluids.
Objectives of Reservoir Simulation (1)

 Before large-scale production/injection - Help

interpret exploration surveys.
• Estimate generating potential, lifetime.
• Appraise effects of uncertainties on the
estimated capacity.
• Define appropriate well spacings and
optimum well locations.
Objectives of Reservoir Simulation (2)

 After field exploitation begins

 Manage production/injection operations to
optimize energy recovery.
 Indicate changes in well locations needed to
avoid premature cold water breakthrough.
 Determine optimum sites for make up wells.
Pertemuan ke II
Development of a Reservoir Model: The

 If no production/injection wells present, any

acceptable reservoir model MUST yield behavior
which is:
(1) steady-state on scales of human lifetimes, AND
(2) consistent with measured pre-production
underground pressures, temperatures, etc.

 To develop natural-state model, use simulator

iteratively, changing major unknowns (usually
boundary conditions at depth and distributions of
permeability) from run to run.

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