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• Robot is defined as a mechanical design that is capable of performing
human tasks or behaving in a human-like manner.
• There are many possibilities a fire can start in an industry or in any remote
• Fires cause billions of dollars in damage and thousands of deaths each
• Firefighting robots are being deployed around the world to reduce the
loss of human life and the amount of property damage.
• High-rise buildings are used for both business and family homes. Recently,
Multi sensor Fire Detection System (MSFDS) is one of the important
research issues.
• Here, a fire fighter robot is fabricated providing extinguishment platform.
• An arduino based simple algorithm is used for detection of fire and
measurement of distance from fire source while the robot is on its way to
extinguish fire.
• When the fire is detected and the robot is at a distance
near to fire, a solenoid valve pump is used to throw
water for extinguishment purpose.
• A water spreader is used for effective extinguishing.
• It is seen that velocity of water is greatly reduced due
to the use of water spreader.
• Sensors are used to detect the fire and distances on its
way towards fire.
• Sensitivity of these sensors at different day times and
distances is tested through analog reading of the serial
• The robot is controlled by using android mobile.

• In the existing system, Firefighting and

rescuing the victims is a risky task.
• Fire Fighters have to face dangerous situations
while extinguishing the fire.
• Development of industries has faced serious
difficulties due to accidental situations like fire

• Difficult to control
• High maintenance cost
• High developing cost

• In this project, our goal is to develop an intelligent multi sensor

based fire fighting robot and rescue system in our daily life.

• We design the fire detection system using different types of

sensors in the firefighting robot, and program the fire detection and
fighting procedure using sensor based method.

• The fire fighting robot is equipped with ultrasonic sensor, gas sensor
and temperature sensor that continuously monitor the object
distance detection, gas level and temperature.

• Ultrasonic sensor is used for object distance detection. Gas sensor

is used for monitor the gas level.
• If the temperature increases beyond the
predetermined threshold value, automatically
robot controls this fire using solenoid valve.
• Fire Fighting Robot continuously monitors the
temperature at these sensors and if fire accident
is true, the robot moves to the direction to which
the temperature is recorded to be the relatively
maximum among the three sensors and
extinguishes the fire with water pump provided
to it.
• The robot is controlled by the android mobile.

• Low cost
• Easy to operate
• Low developing cost
• Easy to handle
• Low maintenance cost

• Power Supply 5V
• Ultrasonic Sensor
• LM35
• Gas sensor
• Solenoid valve
• Motor robot
• LCD display

• Proteus circuit designer
• Embedded C language
• Android app

• The Arduino environment performs some small pre-

processing to turn sketch into a C program. It then gets
passed to a compiler (avr-gcc), which turns the human
readable code into machine readable instructions (or
object files). Then, code gets combined with (linked
against), the standard Arduino libraries that provide
basic functions like digitalWrite() or Serial.print(). The
result is a single Intel hex file, which contains the
specific bytes that need to be written to the program
memory of the chip on the Arduino board. This file is
then uploaded to the board: transmitted over the USB
or serial connection via the bootloader already on the
chip or with external programming hardware.

• The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the

ATmega328 (datasheet). It has 14 digital input/output pins (of which
6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz crystal
oscillator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a
reset button. It contains everything needed to support the
microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB cable
or power it with a AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started. The
Uno differs from all preceding boards in that it does not use the
FTDI USB-to-serial driver chip. Instead, it features the Atmega8U2
programmed as a USB-to-serial converter. "Uno" means "One" in
Italian and is named to mark the upcoming release of Arduino 1.0.
The Uno and version 1.0 will be the reference versions of Arduino,
moving forward. The Uno is the latest in a series of USB Arduino
boards, and the reference model for the Arduino platform; for a
comparison with previous versions, see the index of Arduino
• Technical Specifications
• Microcontroller ATmega328
• Operating Voltage 5V
• Supply Voltage (recommended) 7-12V
• Maximum supply voltage (not recommended) 20V
• Digital I/O Pins 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output)
• Analog Input Pins 6
• DC Current per I/O Pin 40 mA
• DC Current for 3.3V Pin 50 mA
• Flash Memory 32 KB (ATmega328) of which 0.5 KB used by boot
• SRAM 2 KB (ATmega328) EEPROM 1 KB (ATmega328)
• Clock Speed 16 MHz

• The hardware of project requires different

power supplies. 5 v. the interfacing devices
will get the supply from main microcontroller

• Ultrasonic sensors are based on measuring the

properties of sound waves with frequency above
the human audible range. They are based on
three physical principles: time of flight, the
Doppler effect, and the attenuation of sound
waves. Ultrasonic sensors are non-intrusive in
that they do not require physical contact with
their target, and can detect certain clear or shiny
targets otherwise obscured to some vision-based
sensors. On the other hand, their measurements
are very sensitive to temperature and to the
angle of the target.

• The sensors contain two or three electrodes,

occasionally four, in contact with an electrolyte. The
electrodes are typically fabricated by fixing a high
surface area precious metal on to the
porous hydrophobic membrane. The working electrode
contacts both the electrolyte and the ambient air to be
monitored usually via a porous membrane. The
electrolyte most commonly used is a mineral acid, but
organic electrolytes are also used for some sensors.
The electrodes and housing are usually in a plastic
housing which contains a gas entry hole for the gas and
electrical contacts.

• The LM35 series are precision integrated-

circuit temperature sensors, whose output
voltage is linearly proportional to the Celsius
(Centigrade) temperature. . The LM35 is rated
to operate over a −55˚ to +150˚C temperature
range. A digital thermometer can be easily
created by using LM35 temperature sensor
and can be interfaced any microcontrollers.

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