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Associate Professor., Ph.D.

Nguyen Thi Thanh Hoai

1 Nguyễn Thị Thanh Hoài 21 May 2019

Subject Addressed
1. An overview on tax

2. Value Added Tax (VAT)

3. Excise duty

4. Customs duty

5. Corporation Income Tax (CIT)

6. Personal income tax (PIT)

2 Nguyễn Thị Thanh Hoài 21 May 2019

1. Taxation – A University Textbook, Finance Publisher,
2013 - Le Xuan Truong and Nguyen Thi Thanh Hoai
2. Websites:

3 Nguyễn Thị Thanh Hoài 21 May 2019



4 Nguyễn Thị Thanh Hoài 21 May 2019

1.1. Definition of tax
1.2. Characteristics of tax
1.3. Roles of tax
1.4. Kinds of taxes
1.5. Standards of a modern tax system
1.6. Basic elements of a tax law
1.7. Principles of taxation

5 Nguyễn Thị Thanh Hoài 21 May 2019

1.1. Definition

Read over all of the perceptions of tax in the

text book and answer the following questions:
 Who pay taxes?
 To whom taxes are paid?
 What are taxes used for?
 Is it compulsory or voluntary?
 What are the forms of taxes?
 Where does it come from?

6 Nguyễn Thị Thanh Hoài 21 May 2019

1.1. Definition

Tax is a part of income which is legally stipulated and

compulsorily paid by citizens to the government in
order to finance the public expenditures.

7 Nguyễn Thị Thanh Hoài 21 May 2019

1.2. characteristics
1) A compulsory payment
 What does a compulsory payment mean?
 Why does it need to be compulsory?
 From this feature, point out the differences
between tax and other revenues of the state.
2) An indirect compensation payment
 Why isn't it a direct compensation payment?
 Point out the signs of indirect compensation.

8 Nguyễn Thị Thanh Hoài 21 May 2019

1.3. Roles of taxes
1) An important revenue of the state budget
 Why is it an important revenue of the state
 Names of countries where tax isn't an
important revenue of the state budget.
2) Macro economic adjustment
 To contribute to regulate economic cycle
- State 4 stages of economic cycle
- Name some worst recessions in history
- Point out the way that tax help to regulate
economic cycle

9 Nguyễn Thị Thanh Hoài 21 May 2019

1.3. Roles of taxes (continued)
 To contribute to balance the labor market and
control inflation
- Describe the way that taxes can help to
balance the labor market and control inflation
- Why is it said that using tax to balance the
labor market and control inflation is a two-
edge sword?

10 Nguyễn Thị Thanh Hoài 21 May 2019

1.3. Roles of taxes (continued)
 To stimulate the economy to develop in
accordance with government’s directions
- Which elements of a tax is often used to
stimulate the economy to develop in
accordance with government’s directions
- Where and when should the tax rate be high?
Give example.
- Where and when should the tax rate be low?
Give example.
- Where and when should incentives are used?
- State some kinds of incentives in Vietnam’s
tax law.
11 21 May 2019
Nguyễn Thị Thanh Hoài
1.3. Roles of taxes (continued)
 Domestic production protection
- Describe the way that tax can help to protect
the domestic production
- State the advantages and disadvantages of
- Give some examples to demonstrate the use
of tax to protecting the domestic production in
Vietnam in recent years
- How does this role change in the context of
global integration

12 Nguyễn Thị Thanh Hoài 21 May 2019

1.3. Roles of taxes (continued)
 To correct problems caused by negative
- Give some examples of positive externalities
of production
- Give some examples of negative externalities
of production
- What is market failure?
- Describe the way that tax can help to correct
market failure
- How does environment tax affect the
producers who pollute the air, rivers, lakes
and oceans?
13 Nguyễn Thị Thanh Hoài
- Can only tax help to protect the environment?
21 May 2019
1.3. Roles of taxes (continued)
3) To contribute to reducing inequity in income
- What is equity? Give some examples of
- How taxes can help to reducing inequity in
income distribution?

14 21 May 2019
Nguyễn Thị Thanh Hoài
1.4. Tax classification
1) Based on the way to levy
- Give some examples of direct tax
- Give some examples of indirect tax
- Which tax, direct or indirect one, is easier to
- Which one is more equitable?
2) Based on bases of taxes
- Give some examples of consumption tax
- Give some examples of property tax
- Give some examples of income tax
- Which of the above three kinds of tax is
Nguyễn Thị Thanh Hoài 21 May 2019
1.4.Tax classification

3) Based on the proportion between tax and

- Which tax, progressive or regressive, takes
more from the rich? Which takes more from
the poor?
- Why is VAT a regressive tax? Give an example
to demonstrate.
- Why is VAT still applicable despite of its
- Is it right that a progressive tax is always a
good tax in term of equity?
16 Nguyễn Thị Thanh Hoài 21 May 2019
1.4.Tax classification
4) Based on the power to levy
- Where doesn’t federal tax and local tax exist?
- Where does federal tax and local tax exist?
- Point out some countries where federal tax
and local tax exist?
- In an autonomy system, can a local authority
decide any tax they like and any tax rate they

17 Nguyễn Thị Thanh Hoài 21 May 2019

1.5. standards of a Modern tax system

1) Equity
- What is horizontal equity?
- Point out the problems of horizontal equity
- What is vertical equity?
- How to measure the ability to pay?
2) Efficiency
- There are two aspects of efficiency. What are
- What does “efficiency in tax administration”
What does
Nguyễn Thị Thanh Hoài “efficiency in socio-economic
21 May 2019
impact” mean?
1.5. standards of a Modern tax system (continued)

3) Stability
- Why should a tax system be stable?
- What should a government do in enacting a
tax law to get this standard?
4) Adaptability
- Why should a tax system be adaptable?
- What should a government do in enacting a
tax law to get this standard?

19 Nguyễn Thị Thanh Hoài 21 May 2019

1.5. standards of a Modern tax system (continued)

5) Transparency
- What does transparency mean?
- Why should a tax system be transparent?
- What should a government do in enacting a
tax law to get this standard?

20 Nguyễn Thị Thanh Hoài 21 May 2019

1.6. Basic Elements of a tax law
1) Name of a tax
2) Taxpayer
- Compare to meanings of taxpayer
3) Tax base
- How many types of tax base?
- Discuss the importance of tax base.
3) Tax rate
- What is tax rate?
- Describe all types of tax rate. Give example
for each.
- Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of
each type of tax rate
21 21 May 2019
Nguyễn Thị Thanh Hoài
Chart of tax rates

Forms Ways of taxation

Specifi Single
c rate specific
Tax Proportion
rate al rate Simple progressive
tax table

Ad Progressiv
e rate Marginal progressive
tax table
m rate
Regressiv Wholly progressive
e rate rate table
22 Nguyễn Thị Thanh Hoài 21 May 2019
1.6. Basic Elements of a tax law
5) Incentives
- Read over the course book and describe all
types of incentives
6) Procedure
- What are the contents of procedure?
- Describe two ways of representing this
7) Punishment
- Why is punishment used in a tax law? What
would happen if there were no punishment
articles in a tax law?
- Describe
Nguyễn Thị Thanh
types of violations of tax law.
23 21 May 2019
- Describe types of punishment.
1.7.The principles of taxation
1) Benefit-received principle
- What is the root of this principle?
- What does this principle mean?
- In what circumstances can we apply this
principle? In what not?
2) Ability-to-pay principle
- What is the root of this principle?
- What does this principle mean?

24 21 May 2019
Nguyễn Thị Thanh Hoài
1.7.The principles of taxation (continued)
3) Origin Principle
- What is the root of this principle?
- What does this principle mean?
4) Destination Principle
- What is the root of this principle?
- What does this principle mean?
- Give example of this principle in reality.

25 Nguyễn Thị Thanh Hoài 21 May 2019

 Value added tax;
 Excise duty;
 Customs duty;
 Environmental protection tax;
 Corporate income tax;
 Personal income tax;
 Agricultural land use tax;
 Non-agricultural land use tax;
 Natural resources tax.

26 Nguyễn Thị Thanh Hoài 21 May 2019

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