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The basis of this old school of penology is

the human free-will.

A. Penology School
B. Classical School
C. Neo-classical
D. Positivist

Answer: B
Operation conducted by the BJMP wherein a
prisoner maybe checked at any time. His
bedding's, lockers and personal belongings
may also be opened at anytime, in his
presence, whenever possible. This practice
is known as:
A. Check and balance
B. S.O.P.
C. Inventory
D. OperationGreyhound

Answer: D
The Correctional System in the Philippines
is composed of ______ agencies under
______ distinct and separate departments
of the national government:
A. 6; 3
B. 3;6
C. 2;4
D. 4;2
Answer: A
Under the Probation Law, the filing of an
application for probation “shall be deemed a
waiver of the right to appeal.” Is this waiver
A. Yes, since no imprisonment is imposed
under probation
B. No, because probation law is liberally
interpreted in favor of the accused.
C. Yes, because probation law is strictly
interpreted against the accused.
D. No, it violates the right of the probationer to
Answer: B
How many provisions of PD 968 that were
already amended by RA 10701?
A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8
Answer: B
Which of the following is not a function of BUCOR?

A. Safekeep prisoners convicted by courts (6) years

and one (1) day and above to serve sentence in
B. Provide inmates basic needs.
C. Ensure rehabilitation programs are made
available to the inmates for their physical,
intellectual and spiritual development.
D. Develop livelihood programs to assist inmates
earn a living and develop their skills while in
Answer: A
X was charged with theft and upon arraignment, pleaded guilty
to the charge. He was detained for failure to post bail. After 2
months, a decision was rendered, sentencing X to an
indeterminate sentence of 6 months and 1 day to 1 year and 1
month. On January 16, 2019, the very day the sentence was
read to X, the judge issued a Commitment Order addressed
to the Provincial Warden. On January 28, 2019, X applied for
probation but his application was denied on the ground that
the sentence of conviction became final and executory on
January 16, 2019, when A commenced to serve his sentence.
Is X still eligible for probation?

A. Yes, because his penalty is less than 6 years.

B. Yes, because his application was filed within 15 days from
the promulgation of judgment..
C. No, the application has already prescribed.
D. No, because he already commenced his sentence.
Answer: B
How many prison facilities does the BUCOR

A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8
Answer: C
The following are the purpose of Probation except:

A. Promote the correction and rehabilitation of an

offender by providing him with individualized
B. Provide an opportunity for the reformation of a
penitent offender which might be less probable
if he were to serve a prison sentence;
C. Prevent the commission of offenses
D. To reduce the penalty of convicted criminals
Answer: D
How many reformation programs does the
BUCOR implements?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
Answer: D
Carlos was charged and convicted of murder. He
was sentenced to reclusion perpetua. He
applied for probation. Is he entitled?
A. No, because he was already convicted.
B. Yes, probation law is construed in favor of the
C. No, because the penalty is more than 6 years.
D. Yes, as long as he apply and is granted by the
Answer: B
Juan was convicted of the RTC of a crime and
sentenced to suffer the penalty of imprisonment for
a minimum of 8 years. He appealed both his
conviction and the penalty imposed upon him to the
CA. The appellate court ultimately sustained Juan’s
conviction but reduced his sentenced to a maximum
of 4 years and 8 months imprisonment. Could Juan
still file an application for probation?

A. No, under PD 968 because he already appealed his

B. Yes, under RA 10707 he can still apply for
C. Yes, probation is a matter of right.
D. No his penalty imposed by RTC is 8 years.
Answer: B
The accused was found guilty of grave oral
defamation in sixteen (16) informations which
were tried jointly and was sentenced in one
decision to suffer in each case a prison term of 1
year and 1 day to 1 year and 8 months of prision
correcional. Within the period to appeal, he filed
an application for probation. Could he possibly
qualify for probation?
A. No, his penalty is more than 6 years.
B. No, because the case was decided jointly
C. Yes, the law uses maximum term and not the total
D. It depends upon the sound discretion of the
Answer: C
A, a subdivision developer was convicted by the
RTC of Makati for failure to issue the subdivision
title to a lot buyer despite full payment of the lot
and was sentenced to suffer 1 year imprisonment.
A appealed the decision of the RTC to the CA but
his appeal was dismissed. May A still apply

A. No, because he already appealed his case.

B. Yes, under RA 10707 he can apply for probation.
C. No, there is no crime.
D. Yes, his penalty is not more than 6 years.
Answer: A
Johnny was convicted of the crime of estafa by the RTC. He was
sentenced to suffer the penalty of 3 years to 6 years and was
ordered to indemnify the offended party in the amount of P
30,000. He filed an application for probation upon the
promulgation of judgment. What is the legal effect of his
application for probation on the judgment of conviction?

A. The filing of the application for probation is considered as a

waiver of the right of the accused to appeal.
B. The filing of the application for probation is not considered as
a waiver of the right of the accused to appeal.
C. The filing of the application suspends the execution of the
D. The filing of the application will stay the execution of
Answer: A
When a person convicted by final judgment is
placed on probation and finally discharged
after the probation period, is he still required
to satisfy his civil liabilities under the Revised
Penal Code?
A. Yes, probation extinguishes the civil and
criminal aspects of a case.
B. No, if the civil case is reserved on the part of
the offended party.
C. Yes, probation only affects the criminal
aspect of the case.
D. No, probation only affects the civil aspect of
the case.
Answer: C
A was charged with homicide. After trial, he was
found guilty and sentenced to 6 years and 1 day to
12 years and 1 day of reclusion temporal. Prior to his
conviction, he had been found guilty of vagrancy and
imprisoned for 10 days and fined to 500 pesos. Is he
eligible for probation?
A. No, A is disqualified because he was previously
found guilty of vagrancy.
B. No, probation does not extend to those sentenced
to serve a maximum term of imprisonment of more
than 6 years.
C. Yes, his minimum sentence is 6 years and 1 day.
D. It depends if the court approves his probation.
Answer: B
May a probationer appeal from the decision
revoking the grant of probation or modifying the
terms and conditions thereof?

A. Yes, if there is grave abuse of discretion

committed by the judge.
B. Yes, probation law must be construed in
favor of the accused.
C. No, an order revoking the grant of probation
can only be made if the court acted with grave
abuse of discretion.
D. No, an order granting or denying probation is
not appealable.
Answer: D
X was arrested on May 13, 2019 for violation
of liquor ban. He was sentenced to serve an
imprisonment of not less than 1 year but not
more than 6 years. He applied for probation.
Is he entitled for probation?
A. No, because it is an election offense.
B. No, his penalty is 6 years.
C. Yes, his penalty is probationable.
D. Yes, the offense he committed is so
Answer: A
It is used to find out the petitioner’s legal qualifications
and his suitability for probation. It is also used in
establishing the diagnosis for his favorable response
to the community-based and individualized correction
program and gathers information on the petitioner’s
personality, character, antecedents, environment and
other relevant information, including community
resources which shall be utilized in the rehabilitation of
the client.
A. Post Sentence Investigation
B. General Inter-Office Referral
C. Courtesy Investigation
D. Pre-investigation Activities
Answer: A
The basic tools used in PSI are as follows,
A. interviews
B. records check
C. psychological evaluation
D. drug tests
E. Background check
Answer: E
All information gathered is written in the PPA
Form 3 or Post-Sentence Investigation
Report (PSIR) and is submitted to the _____
for disposition.

A. Chief, Probation and Parole

B. Probation and Parole Officer
C. Head, PPA
D. Court
Answer: D
A felony of grave coercion is committed by a
public officer or employee who maltreats a
detained prisoner who is not under his
custody. The statement is:
A. True, because he is a public officer.
B. True, because he overdoes himself in the
correction of handling of such prisoner.
C. False, it should be maltreatment of
D. False, Physical injury is committed.
The following are the instances when
judgment of conviction becomes final,
A. when the sentence has been partially or
totally served.
B. when the accused applies for probation.
C. after the lapse of perfecting an appeal
which is 15 days.
D. none of the above.
The main difference between probationer
and parolee is that
A. The former has not served any part of his
B. The latter has not served any part of his
C. The former has partly served sentence.
D. The latter has undergone post- sentence.
The BuCor, through its penal
establishments, shall receive prisoners from
competent authority upon presentation of
the following documents, except:
A. Mittimus/Commitment Order
B. Information and Court Decision
C. Certification of Detention
D. Certification of No Pending Case
E. Certification of Non-Appeal
F. None of the above
Answer: F
The imprisonment a convicted offender may
serve, at the rate of PhP8.00 a day subject
to certain rules, for failure to pay a fine and if
ordered to do so by the judgment is referred
to as
A.Subsidiary imprisonment
B.Secondary Imprisonment
C.Preventive Imprisonment
D.None of the above
The enactment of Republic Act no.
6975 created the BJMP. It operates as
a line bureau under the Department of
Interior and Local Government (DILG).
This statement is:
A.partially true
B.partially false
The power of the chief Executive to grant pardon
is limited to the following, except:

A.Pardon can not be extended to cases of

B.No pardon, parole or suspension of sentence
for the violation of any election law may be
granted without favorable recommendation of
the Commission of Elections.
C.Pardon is exercised only after conviction
D.Pardon is administered by the court
P was sentenced from 6 years and 1 day to
12 years and 1 day and ordered to pay a
fine of P 2,000. May P be compelled to
serve subsidiary imprisonment in case of
failure to pay the fine?
A. Yes, if he will not pay the fine.
B. Yes, his penalty is only prision mayor.
C. No, because he must undergo preventive
and not subsidiary imprisonment.
D. No, because his penalty is higher than
prision correctional.
Answer: D
The following are the instances in criminal
cases wherein the accused, either as an adult
or as a minor, can apply for and/or be granted a
suspended sentence, except:
A. Suspension of Sentence of minors above 15
but below 18 at the time of trial.
B. Suspension of Sentence of minors above 15
but below 18 at the time of trial
C. Suspension of sentence by reason of
D. Suspension of sentence under the probation
E. None of the above
Answer: E
A was 2 months below 18 years of age when he committed the crime.
He was charged with the crime 3 months later. He was 23 when he was
finally convicted and sentenced. Instead of preparing to serve a jail
term, he sought a suspension of the sentence on the ground that he
was a juvenile offender Should he be entitled to a suspension of
A. Yes, as provided under RA 9344, if a minor commits a crime, his
sentence should be suspended regardless of his age upon the time of
B. Yes, because when he committed the crime he was still a minor.
C. No, A is not entitled to suspension of sentence because only the
court can grant it upon review of his case.
D. No, A is not entitled to a suspension of the sentence because he is
no longer a minor at the time of promulgation of the sentence.
E. None of the above
Answer: D
Can juvenile offenders, who are recidivists,
validly ask for suspension of sentence?
A. Yes, as long as the offender is still a minor at
the time of the promulgation of the sentence.
B. Yes, this is favorable to the offender.
C. No, he is a recidivist. This is not allowed
under RA 9344.
D. No, this only applies to adult offenders and
not minors.
E. None of the above
Answer: A
Which of the following statements is not true?

A. PARDON includes any crime and is exercised individually by the

President, while AMNESTY applies to classes of persons or communities
who may be guilty of political offenses.
B. PARDON is exercised when the person is already convicted, while
AMNESTY may be exercised even before trial or investigation.
C. PARDON looks backward and relieves the offender of the penalty of the
offense for which he has been convicted; it does not work for the
restoration of the rights to hold public office, or the right of suffrage, unless
such rights are expressly restored by means of pardon, while AMNESTY
looks forward and abolishes the offense and its effects, as if the person
had committed no offense.
D. PARDON does not alter the fact that the accused is criminally liable as it
produces only the extinction of the penalty, while AMNESTY removes the
criminal liability of the offender because it obliterates every vestige of the
E. PARDON being a private act by the President, must be pleaded and
proved by the person pardoned, while AMNESTY which is a Proclamation
of the Chief Executive with the concurrence of Congress is a public act of
which the courts should take judicial notice.
Answer: C
Macky, a security guard, arrived home late one night after rendering
overtime. He was shocked to see Joy, his wife, and Ken, his best
friend, in the act of having sexual intercourse. Macky pulled out his
service gun and shot and killed Ken. The court found that Ken died
under exceptional circumtances and exonerated Macky of murder but
sentenced him to destierro, conformably with Article 247 of the Revised
Penal Code. While serving his sentenced, Macky entered the prohibited
area and had a pot session with Ivy (Joy’s sister). Is Macky entitled to
an indeterminate sentence in case he is found guilty of the use of
prohibited substances?
A. Yes, death under exceptional circumstances is not a crime.
B. Yes, destierro is not a form of imprisonment which deprives Macky of
his liberty. ISLAW only apply if the penalty is imprisonment.
C. No, because the penalty for use of any dangerous drug by a first
offender is not imprisonment but rehabilitation in a government center
for a minimum period of six (6) months.
D. No, Macky s not entitled to the benefit of the Indeterminate Sentence
Law (Act 4103, as amended) for having evaded the sentence which
banished or placed him on destierro.
E. None of the above
Answers: C and D
In a conviction for homicide, the trial court
appreciated two (2) mitigating circumstances and
one (1) aggravating circumstance. Homicide under
Article 249 of the Revised Penal Code is punishable
by reclusion temporal, an imprisonment term of
twelve (12) years and one (1) day to twenty (20)
years. Applying the Indeterminate Sentence Law,
determine the appropriate penalty to be imposed.
E. None of the above
Answer: A
Will your answer be the same if it is a conviction for
illegal possession of drugs under R.A. 9165
(Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002), the prescribed
penalty of which is also imprisonment for a term of
twelve (12) years and one (1) day to twenty (20)
A. No, ISLAW does not apply to special penal laws
B. No, my answer will not be the same because
violations of Rep. Act 9165 are mala prohibita.
C. Yes, because ISLAW applies to a violation of
special penal law.
D. Yes, application of ISLAW is applicable in this
case because it is favorable to the accused.
Answer: B
Matt was found guilty of drug trafficking. Matt filed a petition
for probation. His counsel argued that he being a first time
offender, his petition for probation should be granted. Is the
lawyer of Matt correct?

A. Yes, because probation applies to those persons

convicted of drug trafficking.
B. Yes, because probation applies to violation of RA 9165.
C. No, because probation does not apply to violation of RA
D. No, because probation does not apply to those persons
convicted of drug trafficking.
E. None of the above
Answer: D
For a convicted offender, probation is a form
A. Punishment
B. Treatment
C. Enjoyment
D. Incarceration
Answer: A
It is a mode of securing the release of any
person in custody or detention for the
commission of an offense who is unable to
post bail due to abject poverty.

A. Recognizance
B. Bail bond
C. Preventive release
D. Subsidiary release
E. None of the above
Answer: A
The following are the requirements for the
release of recognizance.
A. A sworn declaration by the person in custody
of his/her indigency.
B. A certification issued by the head of the
social welfare and development office.
C. The person in custody has been arraigned.
D. Notification by the court to the city or
municipal sanggunian.
E. Notification to the public prosecutor
F. None of the above
Answer: F
X committed the crime of theft. He was sentenced to an
imprisonment of 1 year to 3 years. He applied for
probation and was granted by the court. While on
probation, he punched his neighbor of which the latter
suffered physical injuries. He was prosecuted for the
crime of physical injuries. He applied for release on
recognizance since he was indigent. Is he qualified?
A. No, because recognizance does not apply if there
was probation.
B. No, because he committed a crime while on
C. Yes, the crime he committed has only less penalty.
D. Yes, because he is indigent and no money to secure
Answer: B

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