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September 30th Movement


By : Wafa Aisyah M.
 Lieutenant General A. Yani
 Major General R. Soeprapto
 Major General Harjono
 Brigadier General Soetojo
 Brigadier General D.I
 Major General S. Parman
 First Lieutenant P.A Tendean
The Indonesian Communist Party was once Partai Komunis Indonesia sempat tercatat
recorded as the largest Communist Party in sebahgai Partai Komunis terbesar di dunia
the world without having to count several tanpa harus dengan menghitung beberapa
communist parties scattered in the Soviet partai komunis yang tersebar di Uni Soviet
Union and China. dan Tiongkok.
PKI berdiri dibelakang dukungan penuh
The PKI stood behind the full support of
dekrit presiden Soekarno. Sistem Demokrasi
President Soekarno's decree. The Guided
Terpimpin yang diperkenalkan oleh
Democracy System introduced by Sukarno
was also welcomed by the PKI. Because of Soekarno juga disambut denngan gembira
the existence of this system the PKI was oleh PKI. Karena dengan adanya sistem ini
believed to be able to create an alliance of PKI diyakini mampu menciptakan sebuah
Nationalist, Religious and Communist persekutuan konsepsi Nasionalis, Agama dan
conceptions which was then abbreviated as Komunis yang kemudian disingkat dengan

Hammer sickle flag that known as the

Indonesian Communist Party flag.
The G30S PKI event began on October Peristiwa G30S PKI bermula pada tanggal 1
1. Starting with the kidnapping of 7 generals Oktober. Dimulai dengan kasus penculikan 7 jendral
consisting of army staff members by a group of yang terdiri dari anggota staff tentara oleh
troops moving from the Air Field to southern sekelompok pasukan yang bergerak dari Lapangan
Jakarta. Three of the seven generals were killed Udara menuju Jakarta daerah selatan. Tiga dari tujuh
in their homes, namely Ahmad Yani, M.T. jenderal tersebut diantaranya telah dibunuh di rumah
Haryono and D.I. Panjaitan. mereka masing-masing, yakni Ahmad Yani, M.T.
Haryono dan D.I. Panjaitan.
Meanwhile the other three targets,
namely Soeprapto, S. Parman and Sutoyo were Sementara itu ketiga target lainya yaitu
captured alive. Abdul Harris Nasution, who was Soeprapto, S.Parman dan Sutoyo ditangkap secara
the main target of the group of troops, managed hidup-hidup. Abdul Harris Nasution yang menjadi
to escape after trying to jump over the border target utama kelompok pasukan tersebut, berhasil
wall of the Iraqi embassy. Even so, Pierre kabur setelah berusaha untuk melompati dinding
Tendean was arrested and the daughter of batas kedubes Irak. Meskipun begitu, Pierre Tandean
Abdul Haris Nasution, Ade Irma S. Nasution was tertangkap dan anak Abdul Haris Nasution, Ade Irma
shot dead on October 6 by the ambush team. S. Nasution tertembak tewas pada 6 Oktober oleh regu
…and many mystical stories there.
The failures in the history of the Tinta kegagalan tertulis dalam sejarah
G30SPKI events because they missed peristiwa G30SPKI karena mereka melewatkan
Soeharto whom they thought was not a Soeharto yang mereka kira bukan seorang tokoh
political figure. One of his friends told politik. Salah seorang tentangga beliau memberi
tahu pada Soeharto tentang hilangnya para
Soeharto about the disappearance of the Jenderal serta penembakan yang terjadi pada jam
Generals and the shooting which took setengah 6 pagi. Mendengar berita tersebut,
place at half past six in the morning. Soeharto pun segera bergerak ke Markas
Hearing the news, Suharto immediately KOSTRAD dan menghubungi anggota angkatan laut
moved to KOSTRAD Headquarters and dan polisi.
contacted the navy and police members. Soeharto juga berhasil membujuk dua dari
Suharto also managed to persuade batalion pasukan kudeta untuk menyerah. Dimulai
dari pasukan Brawijaya yang masuk ke dalam area
two of the coup battalion forces to markas KOSTRAD. Kemudian disusul dengan
surrender. Starting from Brawijaya troops pasukan Diponegoro yang kabur menuju Halim
who entered the KOSTRAD headquarters Perdana Kusuma.
area. Then followed by Diponegoro troops Kudeta ini juga gagal dikarenakan perencanaan
who fled to Halim Perdana Kusuma. This yang kirang matang. Sehingga kondisi ini
coup failed because of poor planning. So menyebabkan para tentara yang berada di
that this condition causes the soldiers who Lapangan Merdeka kehausan akan
are on Merdeka Square to protect the impresi mereka untuk melindungi Presiden di
President at the Palace. Istana.
G30S PKI ended at 7 pm. Soeharto's G 30 S PKI bisa berakhir pada jam 7 malam,
forces succeeded in taking over all the pasukan pimpinan Soeharto berhasil mengambil
facilities which had previously been alih atas semua fasilitas yang sebelumnya pernah
controlled by the G30S PKI. At 9 pm dikuasai oleh G 30 S PKI. Jam 9 malam Soeharto
Soeharto and Nasution announced that he bersama dengan Nasution mengumumkan bahwa
was now taking over an army that had been sekarang ia tengah mengambil alih tentara yang
controlled by the PKI and would continue to pernah dikuasai oleh PKI dan akan tetap berusaha
try to destroy the counter-revolutionary untuk menghancurkan pasukan kontra-
forces to protect Soekarno's position. revolusioner demi melindungi posisi Soekarno.

Suharto returned an ultimatum which Soeharto melayangkan kembali sebuah

this time was specifically aimed at troops at ultimatum yang kali ini ditujukan khusus kepada
Halim. Shortly thereafter, Soekarno left pasukan di Halim. Tak berapa lama kemudian,
Halim Perdana Kusuma to immediately Soekarno meninggalkan halim perdana kusuma
head to the other presidential palace in untuk segra menuju ke istana presiden lainnya
Bogor. The seven bodies of people killed yang ada di Bogor. Ketujuh jasad orang yang
and wasted at Lubang Buaya on October 3 terbunuh dan terbuang di Lubang Buaya pada
were successfully found and buried on tanggal 3 Oktober berhasil ditemukan dan
October 5. dikuburkan secara layak pada tanggal 5 Oktober.
a) Title : September 30th Movement
b) What : 7 high rank military was killed by PKI on 30 September 1965
c) When : 30 September 1965
d) Who : Abdul Harris Nasution, Ahmad Yani, M.T. Haryono, D.I. Panjaitan,
Soeprapto, S. Parman, Sutoyo, Ade Irma S. Nasution, Ir. Soekarno, Soeharto, PKI
e) Where : In Lubang Buaya
1) PKI growing so much and became the largest communist party in the world
without having to count several communist parties scattered in the Soviet and
2) G30SPKI event began by kidnapping 7 generals and taking over strategic
location in Jakarta.
3) Soeharto led forces succeded in taking over all the facilities previously held by
the G30SPKI
1) The Indonesian Communist Party had been recorded as the largest Communist Party in the world
(Past Perfect Continous Tense)
2) Approximately 3,5 million more people have been under it’s influence (Present Perfect Continous
3) Abdul Harris Nasution, who was the main target of the group of troops, managed to escape after
trying to jump over the border wall of the Iraqi embassy. (Simple Past Tense)
4) Even so, Pierre Tendean was arrested and the daughter of Abdul Haris Nasution, Ade Irma S.
Nasution was shot dead on October 6 by the ambush team. (Simple Past Tense)
5) Three of the seven generals were killed in their homes, namely Ahmad Yani, M.T. Haryono and D.I.
Panjaitan. (Simple Past Tense)
6) The surviving general was killed and dumped in Lubang Buaya. (Simple Past Tense)
7) The Cakrabiwa that the G30S PKI had succeeded in taking over several strategic locations in
Jakarta and other military members. (Past Perfect Continous Tense)
8) Army that had been controlled by the PKI. (Past Perfect Continous Tense)
9) The seven bodies of people killed and wasted at Lubang Buaya on October 3 were successfully
found and buried on October 5. (Simple Past Tense)
 Decree = Dekrit  Secure = Terjamin
 Coup D'état = Kudeta  Commander = Letnan – Kolonel
 Troops = Pasukan / Tentara  Forces = Kekuatan
 Increasing = Meningkat / Bertambah  Immediately = Segera / Sekarang juga
 Occupy = Menempati / Mendiami  Previously = Sebelumnya
 Approximately = Kira – kira / Mendekati  Thereafter = Sesudah itu
 Movement = Gerakan
 Kidnapping = Penculikan
 Coup = Pukulan tiba – tiba
 Efforts = Upaya / Usaha
 Scattered = Tersebar / Terpencar
 Suspicious = Curiga
National Heroes Cemetery, South Jakarta

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