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Marketing Plan to increase Sales

Steps to be followed to design and

execute the Marketing Plan
• Analyze the current Scenario and deviation
from the target
• Source of Deviation and Why deviation
• Creation of Marketing Plan to nullify the
deviation ,along with the criteria to evaluate
the results
• Execution of the plan
• Evaluation of the results
Analyze the current Scenario and
deviation from the target
In this Phase following activities will be performed
1. Collect the Sales Data for a particular period for
that product. It includes everything from leads
generated, source of leads, lead territory, leads
lost, stages of leads lost, stages of open leads ,
closure etc.
2. Compare the data with the goals set in terms of
both lead generated and closures. This analysis
is to be done at the territory level and then till
sales person level where there is deviation at
the territory level.
Sources of Deviation and Why
In this phase we will do the Deviation Analysis to
find out why deviation is there. Following scenarios
may be there:
• Scenario 1: Deviation exist over all. There is lack
of leads and subsequently closures.
• Scenario2: Deviation Exist at particular Sales
Territory. There is lack of leads at some regional
• Scenario 3: Deviation is due to some
underperforming sales people. There are leads
but they are unable to close it.
Creation of Marketing Plan to nullify the deviation
along with the criteria to evaluate the results

Scenario1 and 2:
Here we will execute dual channel Marketing Plan to generate
 Online Channel:
o Email Campaign: A series of E-mailers will be sent to target
o Social Media Engagement

 Offline Channel
o Participation in the events
o Print Ad in Magazines
o Collection of Prospect data and handing over to Sales Team
Creation of Marketing Plan to nullify the deviation
along with the criteria to evaluate the results

Scenario 3:
Here we will execute plan to motivate the sales team. It
can be
• Retraining them about the service and its USPs
• Pursuing them to put in more effort by increasing the
performance related incentives and sales accelerators.
• Executing workshops to enhance their efficiency and
their approach.
• Taking their feedback and ensuring corrective action
about the service drawbacks and sales processes.
Online Channel(Email Campaign)
The campaign will be a 3 level process
1. Preparation and planning for the Campaign
2. Execution
3. Evaluation
Online Channel(Email Campaign)
1. Preparation and planning for the Campaign
 Identify the pain areas of the target Industry which can be solved by SPS.

 Identify the list of recipients and arrange for it. List of CEOs, CTOs, CIOs ,CMO

 Design the mailers by highlighting the features that can resolve their problem.
 1st mailer will be teaser mailer that a product has arrived that can resolve
all the problems related to Software procurement
 Subsequent mailers will be highlighting the features that will act as solution
to the problem faced during software procurement individually
 Last mailer will be a comprehensive mailer mentioning the entire SPS service
Online Channel(Email Campaign)
1. Preparation and planning for the Campaign
 Plan out the frequency and timings of the mailers.
 All the mailers will be shoot once in a month at equal time intervals and will spread over a
month. This cycle will be repeated for 3 Months
 Timing for start of the campaign should be Jan ,as by this time all the sales season is over and
company also have the idea about how much they can spend over this service as 75% of FY is
 Set the goals and results you want to achieve from the campaign, basically
ROI. Design a criteria and a way to evaluate it.
1. Each mailer should have a link to the landing page on the website, corresponding to the
Service, by which we can track the traffic to assess the effectiveness of the mailer
2. Links for automatic response mail should also be there for those who wants to share their
needs over mail
3. Link for contact us form for those who wants to discuss their needs over phone. This form
should be a short form with 3 fields. Name, contact number and email id for better response.
4. All the above mentioned points are call to action to track the effectiveness of the campaign
against investment. Mainly point 2 and 3 will give direct evaluation in terms of lead.
Online Channel(Email Campaign)
• Send the mailers as per plan decided in Preparation and planning

• Evaluate the results against goals set and take corrective action if
any GAP exists. This may be in terms of matter or the design of the

Following points should be taken into consideration overall.

• Since SPS Service is into B2B vertical so how business of the client
can be benefitted by this service should be highlighted
• Success story if any( from same industry) to be highlighted
Online Channel
(Social Media Engagement)
• Posting blogs related to SPS on Company
website. Posting the link of the blog along
with title on LinkedIn, fb and twitter
• Participating in the forum discussions and
generating backlinks to the website.
Offline Channel
(Participating in the events)
• Participating in the Events:
 Search for the events that can be relevant. Mainly the tech
events or events related to IT where CIOs and CTOs normally
 Plan out the budget for this activity
 Select the level of Participation viz. putting up a stall, some
branding activity, participating in some panel discussion,
delegate participation or just go as a visitor
 Participating at the level decided and according budget
 Evaluation of this activity will be done as per the criteria
decided upon for the amount we need to spend for generating
a lead. ROI will be no of leads generated compared to amount
spent over participation.
Offline Channel
(Print Ad Magazines)
• Print Ad in Magazines:
 Search for the magazines that can be relevant. Mainly the tech
and IT related magazines which CIOs and CTOs normally reads
such CIO review, computer world , how it works etc.
 Plan out the budget for this activity
 Select the level of ad viz. full page , half page etc
 Idea and designing of creative in line with company’s positioning
and creative should be such that it should depict the entire
value proposition in single or half page.
 Creative should be a picture or a diagram rich rather then text
rich. This will grab the attention of the reader.
 Evaluation of this activity can’t be done comprehensively.
Although it can be evaluated in terms of in bound leads if they
informs us the source of contact is Print ad
Offline Channel
Collection of Prospect data and handing
over to Sales Team
o Collection of Prospect data and handing over to
Sales Team
This is a direct lead generation process.
Initial Market research done to prepare a list of CIOs
and CTOs of the companies where we can sell this
Contact details for them need to collected and the
comprehensive list to be handed over to sales team
according to their regions.
ROI for this can be adjudged directly in terms of lead
generated by sales team from this activity.
Execution of Plans and
Evaluation of Results
• Execution of Plans
Execute the plans as decided in the plans
mentioned in previous slides according to the
• Evaluation of Results:
Evaluate the results strictly as per criteria set to
get the exact picture of the effectiveness of the
marketing plan

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