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Task 1
• In task 2 you will hear a hospital doctor preparting a patient for a
lumbar puncture. The patient has been ill for a week with
headaches and a temperature following a respiratory infection.
Examination shows neck stiffness. During the extract the doctor
instructs the patient to take up the correct position for the lumbar
puncture. Try to predict her instruction from these clues. Each blank
may represent one or several missing words.

1. Now I want you to move right to edge of the bed

2. Lie on ........................
3. Now can you bend both your..............?
4. Put your head up ........................
5. Curl ......................
6. Lie ......................
Language Focus 1
• In the extract on the previous page the doctor tries to
do three things.
1. Explain what she is going to do and why.
– Now I’m going to take some fluid off your back to find out
what’s giving you these headaches.
2. Instruct the patient to take up the correct position.
– Now I want you to move right to the edge of the bed
3. Reassure the patient about the investigation.
– It won’t take very long
– Now I am going to give you a local anaesthestic so It wont
take long.
Language Focus 2
• Doctor combine reassurance with warning.
Study these examples from a sternal marrow
investigation :
– It shouldn’t be painful, but you will be aware of
feeling of pressure.
– This may feel a little bit uncomfortable, but it
won’t take long.

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