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Technical Holdup Supplies - VSSC
Customer: VSSC (PO: 6031-2015E-028)
SO: 233105216
Payment Due: Approx. 28 L (Invoice: 2740)
DC No. & date: 113013, 31-03-2018
Supply Description:
PU Ring No. 2110 (Grade: Ti31, Heat: S1769)

• Material was invoiced and despatched without VSSC clearance in March 2018. Later
the material was rejected by VSSC due to UT failure.

Solution/Way-Ahead: Sale reversal to be done and the material has to brought back
from VSSC.
Technical Holdup Supplies - OFK
Customer: OFK, Kanpur (POS:11600725/LP/MMG-D/16-17, 11600725/LP/MMG-
D/16-17, 11600724/LP/MMG-D/16-17, 11600723/LP/MMG-D/16-17)
SO: Many
Payment Due: 1.25 Cr.
DC No. & date: Many
Supply Description:
Supply of 722M24 Items

Issue: Post Contract, Midhani requested for change in Tolerance from +0.1mm to
+10%. However no reply was received from Customer. Midhani supplied the material
for all these Pos with +10%, because of which material was rejected.
Midhani QC personnel visited OFK in Dec, 17 but the issue was not sorted out.

Solution/Way-Ahead: Discussion to be made with Top Management of OFK for

acceptance of material with some discount.
Technical Holdup Supplies - MSF
Customer: MSF, Ishapore (PO: 17LPP10099)
SO: 335808217
Payment Due: 53.10 L (Invoice: 930)
DC No. & date: 88856, 23-09-2017
Supply Description:
ESR Slug of 1200 mm dia of Weight 10000-11000 Kg (Grade: MDN 155)

Issue: The ESR Slug (Heat No. Q80) supplied by Midhani to be used for Dhanush Barrel
was rejected due to UT failure and the same was used for Arjun Barrel. Around 20%
material of the slug was rejected due to UT failure, however MSF proposed a price
discount of 46.24%.

Solution/Way-Ahead: Payment for this ESR slug to be mutually discussed and agreed
Technical Holdup Supplies - MSF
Customer: MSF, Ishapore (PO: 17LPP10099)
SO: 334408317
Payment Due: 48.38 L (Invoice: 783)
DC No. & date: 88659, 31-08-2017
Supply Description:
ESR Slug (Grade: MDN 155)

Issue: The ESR Slug (Heat No. Q79) supplied by Midhani to be used for Dhanush Barrel
was rejected due to UT failure. Joint inspection by Midhani and MSF teams also
confirmed the rejection.

Solution/Way-Ahead: The ESR Slug (along with other 5 slugs of similar dia and
weight) to be brought back.
Technical Holdup Supplies - FGF
Customer: FGF, Kanpur (PO: 1370260TE/P&P)
SO: 336818817
Payment Due: 33.7L (Invoice: 1286)
DC No. & date: 89227, 31-10-2017
Supply Description:
Forging for T-90 Breech Ring Weight 1525-1560 Kg (Grade: MDN 172)

Issue: 2 Nos. of total 3 Breech Rings supplied were rejected. Joint inspection by
Midhani and further reconciliation for total supplies to be done.

Solution/Way-Ahead: Rejected material if confirmed by Midhani is to brought back

and sales reversal to be done
Technical Holdup Supplies - GCF
Customer: GCF, Jabalpur (PO: 15/0780/GL-01 & Amdt)
SO: 344105716
Payment Due: 1.82 L (Invoice: 2238)
DC No. & date: 112318, 28-02-2018
Supply Description:
St. Billet 60 mm Sq. (Grade: MDN 59)

Issue: Instead of 60 mm Sq., 426 kg of 60 mm Rd. was supplied vide DC 84929. 417 Kgs
of 60 mm sq. was supplied as replacement vide DC nos. 113514 & 114132. It was
informed to Customer that the extra quantity will be regularized against customer’s
future requirements.
DC No. DC Date Weight (Kg) Remarks Customer Acceptance
84929 30-06-2016 426 Supplied Round instead of Square Accepted
112318 28-02-2018 307 Accepted
113538 29-06-2018 119 Accepted
113514 29-06-2018 140 Replacement for 426 Kgs round Rejected due to Excess Quantity
114132 21-09-2018 277 Replacement for 426 Kgs round Rejected due to Excess Quantity

Solution/Way-Ahead: Excess Quantity for which payment was not made, to be

brought back to Midhani
Technical Holdup Supplies - GCF
Customer: GCF, Jabalpur (PO: 15/0071/GL-01)
SO: 344112015
Payment Due: 2.97 L (Invoice: 1377)
DC No. & date: 85791, 30-09-2016
Supply Description:
St. Billet 100 mm Sq. (Grade: MDN 59)

Issue: Initial supplied (5018 Kg) made in Dec 2015, were rejected and the replacements
for the same were made after the expiry of extended delivery date (without LD). Hence
LD was recovered for the delayed supplies.
DC No. DC Date Weight (Kg) Remarks Customer Acceptance
82717 30-09-2015 1714 Supplied within DP Accepted
83385 31-12-2015 5018 Supplied within extended DP Rejected due to Rough Surface, uneven size & shape
Original DP 15-10-2015 extended till 31-01-2016 (without LD) and further till 31-10-2016 (with LD)
85526 31-08-2016 1527 Delayed by 7 Months Accepted
85791 30-09-2016 3020 Delayed by 8 Months Accepted
113920 28-08-2018 661 Delayed by 31 Months Accepted

Solution/Way-Ahead: Payment Due to be written-off as LD was recovered for the

delayed supplied
Technical Holdup Supplies - GCF
Customer: GCF, Jabalpur (PO: 15/0605/GL-01)
SO: 344100516
Payment Due: 0.45 L (Invoice: 0812)
DC No. & date: 85131, 31-07-2016
Supply Description:
St. Round 50 mm x 2200 (Grade: MDN 59)

Issue: 224 Kg was supplied against this DC, however only 70 Kgs were accepted.
Payment was not made for accepted quantity since revised invoice was not submitted
or replacement supplies were made.

Moreover, option clause for supply of additional 380 Kgs was accepted in Jul, 2017and
the supplies were not made till date.

Solution/Way-Ahead: Rejected material be brought back and the due payment of

0.45 L be written-off and order be closed instead of making supplies at old rate.
Thank You

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