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Engr. John Ryan D.

Rational Numbers

3/4 Natural

...,-4 , -3, -2, -1 0 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,...
2 3 
 10
Properties of Real Numbers

1. Commutative Property 5. Multiplicative Identity

a b  b a Property
a b  b a a 1  a
2. Associative Property
(a  b)  c  a  (b  c) 6. Additive Inverse Property
(a  b)  c  a  (b  c)
a  (a)  0
3. Distributive Property
a(b  c)  ab  ac
7. Multiplicative Inverse
(a  b)c  ac  bc Property
4. Additive Identity Property
a0  a a   a
Properties of Equality:

1. Reflexive Property
2. Symmetric Property
If a=b, then b=a
3. Transitive Property
If a=b and b=c, then a=c

A sequence of numbers is a set of numbers in a

definite or specific order and formed according to a
definite rule. The numbers of the sequence are
called terms.
Find the sum of the first 5 terms in the
sequence whose general term is (2n-1).

A. 16
B. 8
C. 31
D. 15
Determine the 5th term of the sequence
whose sum of n terms is given by:
(2n+3 – 5).
A. 258
B. 218
C. 128
D. 158
A sequence of values in which each term
is obtained from the preceding term in
the same way.
- is a sequence in which there is a common
difference “d” between any two consecutive

an  am  (n  m)d
n n
A  (2a1  (n  1)d )  (a1  an )
2 2
Find the sum of the first 100
positive odd integers.

A. 10,000
B. 9,899
C. 5,000
D. 8,910
- is a sequence in which there is a common ratio of
each term to its preceding term.

( nm)
gn  gmr
g1 (r  1) n
(r  1)
The fourth term of a Geometric
Progression is 189 and the sixth term is
1701, the 8th term is:

A. 5103
B. 1240029
C. 45927
D. 15309
Find the sum of the first 10 terms
of the geometric progression

A. 1203
B. 2046
C. 1225
D. 1825
A rubber ball is made to fall from a
height of 50 ft. and is observed to
rebound 2/3 of the distance it falls.
How far will the ball travel before
coming to rest if the ball continues to
fall in this manner?

A. 420 C. 343
B. 271 D. 250
 50 
   50 
   50 
A rubber ball is made to fall from a
height of 50 ft. and is observed to
rebound 2/3 of the distance it falls.
How far will the ball travel before
coming to rest if the ball continues to
fall in this manner?

A. 420 C. 343
B. 271 D. 250
- a sequence of terms in which each term is the
reciprocal of the corresponding term of a series in
arithmetic progression.
What is the 11th term of the
harmonic progression if the first
and the third terms are 1/2 and
1/6 respectively?

A. 1/20 C. 1/4
B. 1/12 D. 1/22
Basic Counting Principles
“If a first event can be performed in “n1” different
ways and a second event can be performed in “n2”
different ways…
n1• n2 • n3 … ways
A department store has 8
entrance doors. In how many
ways can a person enter and leave:
a. by any door
b. by different door

A. 66, 45 C. 64, 56
B. 68, 46 D. 70, 50
How many 4 - digit numbers
less than 4000 can be formed from
the digits 2,3,5,6,7 and 9 if each digit
must be used only once?

A. 120 C. 20
B. 40 D. 80
P(n, r ) 
 n  r !
p(n, n)  n !


q !r !...

P   n  1 !  in a plane

 n  1 !
 in a space

C (n, r ) 
r ! n  r !
C (n, n)  1
- Combination of n different things taken 1,2,3…n at
a time:

C  nC1  nC2  ...  nCn

C  2 1

Find the number of combinations of 4 objects, A, B, C, D, taken

3 at a time.


In how many ways can 6
people be seated in a round table
with 6 seats?

A. 120 C. 110
B. 150 D. 90
In how many ways can 18
points, no three of which are
collinear, be connected to form
a triangle?

A. 720 C. 144
B. 540 D. 816
From the given digits
0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9, find the
number of 4 digit combination.

A. 210 C. 120
B. 126 D. 162
In how many ways can you invite
one or more of your five friends in a

A. 32 C. 31
B. 15 D 25
A semi conductor company will
hire 7 men and 4 women. In how many
ways can the company choose from 9
men and 6 women who qualified for the

A. 540 C. 720
B. 120 D. 28
What is Ratio?

The ratio of two numbers a and b may be written as:

a to b, a:b or a/b

a is called the antecedent
b is called the consequent
What is Proportion?
A proportion is a statement of equality between two ratios

 means
a:b  c :d a c

b d
 extremes

a and d  are called extremes

b and c  are called means
d  is called the fourthproportional to a,b,and c

y  kx  direct var iation

 1
y  k    inverse var iation

y  kxz  joint var iation

y  k    combined var iation
A line segment 30 cm long is
divided into two parts whose lengths
have the ratio 2:3. Find the larger part.

A. 12 C. 18
B. 15 D. 21
Given that “w” varies directly as
the product of x and y and inversely
as the square of z , and that w = 4,
when x = 2 , y = 6 and z = 3. Find
the value of “w” when x = 1 , y = 4
and z = 2 .

A. 2 C. 4
B. 3 D. 5

“The Difference of the ages of two persons is CONSTANT. Or time

elapsed for persons concerned are equal.”
Present Age: “ages now” “at present” “is” “are”
Past Age: “years ago” “was at that time” “in the last _ years”
Future Age: “years from now” “years hence” “years after”
A father is four times as old as his
son now. Six years ago he was 7 times
as old as his son during that time.
Find their present ages.

A. 8,41 C. 10,40
B. 12,48 D. 12,45
The sum of Kim’s and Kevin’s ages
is 18. In three years Kim will be twice as
old as Kevin. What are their ages now?

A. 6,12 C. 5,13
B. 4,14 D. 8,10
% ( A)  %( B)  %( A  B)

% in A % in B % in A + B
Note: “Be extra careful in choosing the percentage when it is implied”
Ex. Pure water is 0% salt
Ten liters of 25% salt solution and
15 liters of 35% salt solution are poured
into a drum originally containing 30
liters of 10 % salt solution. What is the
percent concentration in the mixture?

A. 19.54 % C. 11.4%
B. 15.3% D. 5%
How many pounds of water must
be removed from a 50 lb of 3 % salt
solution so that the remaining solution
will be 5 % salt?

A. 10 lb C. 15 lb
B. 30 lb D. 20 lb
The boat travels downstream in 2/3 of the time as
it does going upstream. If the velocity of the river
current is 8 kph, determine the velocity of the boat
in still water.

A. 20 KPH C. 15 KPH
B. 40 KPH D. 30 KPH
Pedro and Juan run at constant speeds along
a circular track 1,350 m in circumference. If
they run in opposite directions, they meet
every 3 minutes, while running in the same
direction they are together every 27 minutes.
Determine the speed of Pedro.

A. 250 m/min. C. 150 m/min.

B. 180 m/min. D. 230 m/min.
Let, x = no. of minute spaces traveled by the minute hand
x/12 = no. of minute spaces traveled by the hour hand for every x
Note: minutes traveled by the minute hand.
Hands of the clock together = 0 minutes difference
hands perpendicular to each other = 15 minutes difference
hands opposite to each other = 30 minutes difference
What time after 2 o’clock will the hands of the
clock extend in opposite directions for the
first time?
A. 2:43.64
B. 2:43.46
C. 2:34.64
D. 2:34.46
At what time after 12 o’clock will the hour
hand and the minute hands of a clock form
an angle of 120 degrees for the first time?

A. 12:21.818 C. 12:22.818
B. 12:18.818 D. 12:24.818
What time between 2 and 3 o’clock will the
angle between the hands of the clock be
bisected by the line connecting the center of
the clock and the 3 o’clock mark?

A. 2: 18 6/13 C. 2: 15 5/12
B. 2: 17 3/7 D. 2: 18 7/11
For 2-digit number:

10t  u  original number

10u  t  reversed number
u=unit’s digit
For 3-digit number: t=ten’s digit
100h  10t  u  original number h=hundred’s digit
10uu  10t  h  reversed number
A number is divided into two parts such that
when the greater part is divided by the
smaller, the quotient is 3 and the remainder
is 5. Find the smaller number if the sum of
the two numbers is 37.

A. 8 C. 32
B. 12 D. 16
The sum of the digits of a certain two digit
number is 10.If the digits are reversed, a new
number is formed which is one less than
twice the original number. Find the original

A. 19 C. 82
B. 37 D. 64
A class of 40 students took examination in
Electronics and Communications. If 30 passed
in Electronics, 36 passed in Communication
and 2 failed in both subjects, how many
students passed in both subjects?

A. 28 C. 26
B. 30 D. 32
10 Questions
1. The first term in a sequence of number is 2.
Each even-numbered term is 3 more than the
previous term and each odd-numbered term,
excluding the first, is –1 times the previous
term. What is the 45 th term of the sequence?

A. 2 C. -2

B. 5 D. -5
2. The first term of an arithmetic progression is
6 and the 10th term is 3 times the second term.
What is the common difference?

A. 1 C. 3

B. 2 D. 4
3. The value of x so that 4x, 5x+4, 3x2 - 1 will
be in arithmetic progression is:

A. 2 C. 4

B. 3 D. 5
4. Find x in the series: 1, 1/3, 0.2, x.

A. 1/6 C. 1/7

B. 1/8 D. 1/9
5. In a benefit show, a number of wealthy men
agreed that the first one to arrive would pay 10
centavos to enter and each later arrival would
pay twice as much as the preceding man. The
total amount collected from all of them was
p104,875.50. How many wealthy man had

A. 18 C. 20

B. 19 D. 21
6. In how many ways can 5 people line up to
pay their electric bills if two particular persons
refuse to follow each other?

A. 120 C. 90

B. 72 D. 48
7. What is the total number of various squares
on a (8 x 8) chessboard?

A. 204 C. 200

B. 256 D. 512
8. How many matches are played in a
badminton singles tournament where there are
100 entrants. (Each round consists of pairing off
the remaining players and the losers retire from
the tournament while the winners progress until
the champion is decided).

A. 50 C. 100

B. 25 D. 99
9. Factorial function is defined as the product of
the positive integers from 1 to n inclusive. For
large values of n, one uses _________ .

A. Stirling`s Approximation
B. Inclusion-Exclusion principle
C. Tree diagram
D. Venn diagrams
10. A farmer buys 3 cows, 2 pigs, and 4 hens
from a man who has 6 cows, 5 pigs, and 8 hens.
Find the number of choices the farmer has.

A. 10, 000
B. 14, 000
C. 12, 000
D. 18, 000

1. A. 2
2. B. 2
3. B. 3
4. C. 1/ 7
5. C. 20
6. B. 72
7. A. 204
8. D. 99
9. A.Stirling`s Approximation
10. B. 14,000
Engr. Roy Andrew Garcia

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