Paulo - Trabalho de Inglês

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My vacations

Paulo Rosário
6º B
22 de Maio de 2019

During the summer vacation, I went with my family to a seaside resort
in the municipality of Vila de Rei called Penedo Furado. We stayed in
a Vila de Rei hotel.
Early in the morning, we would always go to the beach, take lots of
dives, and during digestion, we would take the time to play at one.
Later we would go to the dives again.
The only one who did not go to the water was my father, because
he does not like it very much.
The beach was always full of families, especially campers.
During the holidays, my brother and I did kayaking, but what I
liked the most was to climb to the ridge of Penedo Furado,
because it has a very touristic landscape, from where we can see
the mountains and the pine forest.
I loved this beach and these were the best vacations ever.

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