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1960’s Timeline

Cameron Essak
Jamal Kaafrani
1st Hour
The First Televised Presidential Debate, 1960
• The debate was between the two
people of John F. Kennedy and
Richard M. Nixon.
• At this time, the country was in a
heated Cold War against the Soviet
• The 43-year-old Kennedy lacked
Nixon’s extensive foreign policy
experience and had the
disadvantage of being one of the
first Catholics to run for president
on a major party ticket.
Greensboro Sit-Ins, 1960
• The Greensboro sit-ins were a series
of nonviolent protests in North
• This led to the Woolworth department
store chain removing its policy of
racial segregation in the Southern
United States.
• These sit-ins led to increased nation
sentiment at a crucial period of time in
United States History.
The Freedom Riders, 1961
• They did this to challenge the non-
enforcement of the United States
Supreme Court’s decision ruling that
segregated busses are unconstitutional.
• The Freedom Riders were civil rights
activists who rode interstate busses
into the deep segregated parts of the
• The Freedom Riders were beaten
brutally in Mississippi and Alabama.
The police did nothing to help them.
Escape from Alcatraz, 1962
• Three Alcatraz inmates Frank Morris,
John and Clarence Anglin pulled off
the impossible and escaped Alcatraz
• The three inmates used dummies to
fool the guards patrolling the prison
while fitting through a hole they
chiseled then going to the roof .
• There are many theories on what
happened to the three inmates who
escaped. Some people think they died
in the bay some think they survived
and moved to another country.
John F. Kennedy Assassination, 1963
• President John F. Kennedy, the
35th President of the United
States, was shot during a
motorcade drive through in
downtown Dallas.
• Thousands of people stood
outside in a parking lot to listen
to the speech Kennedy was going
to give before he was
Martin Luther King “I Have a Dream Speech”,
• “I have a Dream” is a public
speech given by MLK during the
March on Washington for Jobs
and Freedom on August 28,
• He began with the Emancipation
Proclamation which had freed
millions of slaves in 1863.
• Martin Luther King had been
preaching about his dreams since
Civil Rights Act, 1964
• The Civil Rights act is a
landmark civil rights law that
outlaws discrimination based on
race, color, religion, sex or
national origin
• This act ended unequal
application of voter registration
and segregation
• This act was what the civil rights
movement was pushing to
Martin Luther King Jr assassination, 1968
• MLK was assassinated on April
4th, 1968 in Memphis Tennessee
• King was staying in room 306 at
the Lorraine Motel in Memphis
when he was shot
• The motel he was staying at is
now apart of the national civil
rights museum
Zodiac Killer Strikes, 1968
• The Zodiac Killer was a serial
killer who operated in northern
California in the late 1960s and
early 1970s.
• The Zodiac murdered many
people in many different cities
between December 1968 and
October 1969.
• He specifically targeted four men
and three women between the
age of 16 and 29.
Neil Armstrong Becomes the First man on the
Moon, 1969
• On July 20, 1969, as part of the
Apollo 11 mission, Neil
Armstrong became the very first
to accomplish that dreamed,
followed minutes later by Buzz
• The footsteps on the moon left
by Neil Armstrong was
considered America’s “victory”
in the race for space.

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