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Dr.Sushma Muralie

 Understanding the meaning of HRM

 Essential Nature of HRM
 The Scope of HRM
 Objectives of HRM
 Why HRM
 A Systems approach to HRM
Understanding the meaning of

 The ministry of education re coined to be called MHRD.

 Meaning of Human
 Meaning of Resource
 Meaning of Management
 Are Special
 Our Cognitive abilities seem to differ from animals.
 According to Darwin we are merely incrementally more
intelligent than animals.
 Some scientist believe -They suggest a profound gap
separates our intellect from the animal kind.
 Four abilities in which we differ are:
 Computation abilities
 Promiscuous combination of ideas
 Mental symbols
 Abstract thought.

 A resource is a source or supply from which a benefit is

 Typically, resources are materials, energy, services, staff,
knowledge, or other assets that are transformed to
produce benefit and in the process may be consumed or
made unavailable.

 Management is the administration of an organization,

whether it is a business, a not-for-profit organization, or
government body.
 Management includes the activities of setting
the strategy of an organization and coordinating the
efforts of its employees (or of volunteers) to accomplish
its objectives through the application of available
resources, such as financial, natural, technological
and human resources
Nature of HRM

 Who are its beneficiaries

 What it is supposed to do to them
 Ultimate purpose of any department in organization
 Why should organizations have them
 Can it individually achieve the targets of the
 Is it static
 Is it only science or purely an humanities subject.
Scope of HRM

 Personnel Aspect
 Welfare Aspect
 IR Aspect
Objectives of HRM

 You are employed as employed as a headmistress /head

master of a primary school, what would be your

 Enterprise Level
 At individual Level
 Society level
 National Level
Systems Approach to HRM

Finance Marketing
HR Subsystem

A interactive case on HR
 Watson public limited company is well known for its for its
welfare activities and employee oriented schemes in
manufacturing industry for more than a decade. It has 800
workers ,150 admin staff and 80 management level
employee. It treats all of them equal.
 The company has same uniform for all employees. They
have two different cafeterias one for workers and other for
admin. Staff, but both have same amenities and same type
of food is served in both canteens.
 The relationship between management and workers is
cordial, not a single man day has been lost due to strike.
 The compensation in comparison to others in industry is still
less, yet other benefits compensates with other benefits.
 To meet increased orders, the company recently
employed new employees at higher levels and higher
 however company is now facing countable number of
problems in supplying material, Quality issues, mismatch
in packing , wrong labeling.
 The company constituted a HR team to look into the
 Discuss the possible causes……………………..

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