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Control Systems Lab

Mohammad Sadiq
Control Systems Lab - 305312
• Co-requisite of Control Systems Course (305311)

• Active participation and individual level learning required

• Every individual is required to have good matlab programming

grip to solve control problems (Inorder to pass the lab course)
• Initial labs on MATLAB in computer lab

• Later labs in Control Lab in Block – VI, Room: 6109

• Submit Lab reports in groups of max. 4 students

• Labs should be submitted in hard copy

• Submissions after deadline would not be accepted


• Strictly no plagiarism for Lab Report or Project. Copy + Pasting

person/group would get straight zero marks !! (Both for the group lending
the lab report as well as the copying group)

• Submit Lab Reports in printed Hard copy using proper IST submission
format (Format available on the shared google folder link)

• Marks to be deducted for messy, unclear, skipped steps in Lab report

• Lab content would be uploaded on the following Link

• Kindly Review it before coming to lab for any pre-lab

assignment etc
Course Assessment
• Assignment/Lab reports: 25%

• Midterm Exam: 20%

• Project: 30%

• Final Exam : 25%

Absolute Grading Criteria at IST
Control Theory??
• So what exactly is Control theory??

• What do we understand by the word “Control”

• Shift to “What is Control” Lecture Slides

Very Very useful advice from a very eminent
Control Theory Professor
First Assignment/Lab Report
• To be submitted individually, in hard copy. Follow template to submit the
report.(Otherwise Marks deduction!!)

• Complete the tutorial uploaded online

• Answer the Questions at the end of tutorial

• Give it in MATLAB print shot screen as proof

• Do it individually, no copying, COPYING WILL LEAD TO ZERO MARKS!!

• Be AWARE, this is an absolutely graded course. Take all assignments, quizzes, midterms and
finals seriously
Request for Permission
• These lectures have been used from Dr. Ozgur Zeydan of Bülent
Ecevit Üniversitesi

• An email was sent requesting the permission of using these


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