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Why not being an

What is an entrepreneur?
• Entrepreneurship: trendy word nowadays but without a meaningful background for
99.9% of the people. Usually starters think that being an entrepreneur is just to have a
great idea.

• Everybody wants to be an entrepreneur bad nobody actually is really one.

• Every “entrepreneur” (or better call them starter) starts his company looking for success
for success. They want to create a great product, amaze all customers, have an
innovative amazing environment in their big office in the best place of the city, hire the
smartest people to join their team and appear in every magazine a newspaper telling the
world their story.

• But, what actually really happens is that 0.01% really reach success and 0.09% just make
their company survive over the 2 years test line.
What is really happening with entrepreneurs?
What is required to be an entrepreneur?
1. Mental Strength:

The biggest battle you will have to fight is with yourself. The weight of the Project
and its development is only supported by you. The sucess will be on all the team,
but the failure will be just on you. And you will have no place to go or hide.

You will be going to difficult times, you will be feeling lonely and your motivation
will may struggle at some point, you will have to make hard decisión and, at some
point, you may have to accept parcial failures and re start.

If you want to be an entrepreneur you must be tough.

What is required to be an entrepreneur?
2. Social Rejection:

Most of the countries in the world does not have an entrepreneurial environment. In most
of the countries of the world being an entrepreneur is being a person who profits on the
pain of their workers, most of the countries think that a “good job” is the “life solution”.

Most of the entrepreneurs don’t have time for social interaction. Most of the
entrepreneurs, when they are successful, their social life change completely (as they will be
in the spot light of the market) and, if they fail, they will be marked for life.

If you don’t have the carácter to asume those facts and the move forward considering
those entrepreneurship is not for you.
What is required to be an entrepreneur?
3. You CAN’T do it alone:

A startup is a living and constantly transforming organisim.

A start up requires different backgrounds and profiles to survive.

99.9% of the people don’t have what is required to be an entrepreneur but 99.9%
may have what is required to be a great member of your team. Be ready to
convence them to join you team.

You will have to be able to convence people that is smarter than you to believe in
your “fairytale story” and keep them motivated, otherwise you will fail.
What is required to be an entrepreneur?
4. You will be evaluated:

Every starter thinks that they will never have a “boss” in their entire life, but the fact is that
every entrepreneur has, at least, five bosses (or more): “your clients, your investors, your
providers, the regulator and the employees (just to name a few) will become your bosses”.
And you can’t afford to lose one of those.

You will be in the eyes of all of them. They will look for every single Little mistake you may
have, they will evaluate you, your company, your services, your dream and they will decide
if they want to keep working with you or not.

If one of those say no to you, you will have to asume your responsability, analize the
situation, not taking the fact personnaly and use that situation as a milestone to improve
your performinig. If your are not able to analize the situation and change, you will fail.
What is required to be an entrepreneur?
5. You MUST go out and SALE:

Every employee is used to have someone selling for them. They are used to work in environments in
which sales are granted, or not part of their Jobs, and they simply just don’t care on that. As an
entrepreneur that is something in which you definitly SHOULD CARE.

If you want to be an entrepreneur you MUST go out and SALE. You must sale your own product first
before others starts to sell for you. You must know product, you must know your competitive
advantages, you must convince people that your product is better than all the similar or substitutes
products that are out there in the market, you must go on the field talk to the customers, evaluate
their needs, understand what they are looking for, be active in the market, otherwise you will fail.

If you are not willing to go out and sale, you must not start a venture because you will, without a
doubt, fail.
What is required to be an entrepreneur?
5. You MUST go out and SALE:

Every employee is used to have someone selling for them. They are used to work in environments in
which sales are granted, or not part of their Jobs, and they simply just don’t care on that. As an
entrepreneur that is something in which you definitly SHOULD CARE.

If you want to be an entrepreneur you MUST go out and SALE. You must sale your own product first
before others starts to sell for you. You must know product, you must know your competitive
advantages, you must convince people that your product is better than all the similar or substitutes
products that are out there in the market, you must go on the field talk to the customers, evaluate
their needs, understand what they are looking for, be active in the market, otherwise you will fail.

If you are not willing to go out and sale, you must not start a venture because you will, without a
doubt, fail.
What is required to be an entrepreneur?
5. You MUST go out and SALE:

Every employee is used to have someone selling for them. They are used to work in environments in
which sales are granted, or not part of their Jobs, and they simply just don’t care on that. As an
entrepreneur that is something in which you definitly SHOULD CARE.

If you want to be an entrepreneur you MUST go out and SALE. You must sale your own product first
before others starts to sell for you. You must know product, you must know your competitive
advantages, you must convince people that your product is better than all the similar or substitutes
products that are out there in the market, you must go on the field talk to the customers, evaluate
their needs, understand what they are looking for, be active in the market, otherwise you will fail.

If you are not willing to go out and sale, you must not start a venture because you will, without a
doubt, fail.

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