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Task Details (see the subject outline)

1. Describe one (1) social responsibility and one (1) managerial ethics practice whi
ch the organisation uses as part of engaging with stakeholders and discuss the i
mpact of these practices.

2. Describe one (1) criticism relating to the organisation’s social responsibility and
/or managerial ethics practices. In your response, you should outline the outco
me(s) of this criticism and what the organisation have learnt from it.

3. Analyse the environment where the organisation operates, the main opportuni
ties and threats this environment brings, and the actions the organisation took
to exploit the opportunities and encounter the challenges.

4. Describe the organisational leadership style of a successful CEO(s) in the organi

sation’s history and how this style affected the management of teams and contr
ibuted to organisational success.
Assessment 3

 Type: Individual assessment, A Report

Word Limit –2000 words, not including a cover page, r

eference and appendix

Value: 40%

Due Date: Week 10, 5.00pm Saturday 11 May 2019

Organisation for the assignment

Qantas Airways is the flag carrier of Australia and its largest airline by fleet size, inte
rnational flights and international destinations.

Do not choose any other company
Incremental Assignments

This assessment may be submitted in four (4) stages. 

Stage Task Due Submission Form

1 1 Week 5 Hard copy to tutor

2 2 and 3 Week 7 Hard copy to tutor

3 4 Week 8 Hard copy to tutor

4 1, 2,3 and 4 Week 10 Upload Soft copy on Moodle

Incremental Assignments
Before the start of your weeks 5, 7 and 8 tutorials, 
you may print and bring to the class a copy of the 
work you have written in the expected report styl
e structure. 
Incremental Assignments

Your tutor will provide feedback for your work an
d sign off each week on it. 

This submission approach is designed to increase 
the support which students receive and help them 
achieve a good outcome. 
Final Submission
Upload a soft copy into Turnitin on Mo
Word file: .doc / .docx

 Do not use Apple Mac file or Image file

The following slides are designed to help the students
to start their work.

Do not limit your work in the guide. ( Limiting your re

search will limit your performance)
TASK 1 – Week 2 topic
Need to understand the definition of CSR and Manageri
al Ethics

Research an example each the company have accomplish


Research an example the company top managers have pr

TASK 1 – Week 2 topic
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a self-regula
ting business model that helps a company be socially a
ccountable — to itself, its stakeholders, and the public

Managerial ethics is a set of principles and rules dicta

ted by upper management that define what is right and
what is wrong in an organization.
It is the guideline that helps direct a lower manager's d
ecisions in the scope of his or her job when a conflict of
values is presented.
TASK 1- Stakeholders
Task 2 – Week 2 topic
Research a negative criticism of CSR activities or Managerial ethics pra

Describe the criticism and the company’s responses.

The criticisms may comes from various stake holders, s

uch as competitors, employees, customers, suppliers, co
mmunities, media journalist, industry experts, academic
professionals etc.
Task 3 – Week 4 Topic
Task 3

Specific Environments Internal

1. Customers environments
2. Partners
1. Process
3. Industry
2. System
4. Unions 3. Employees
5. Competitors 4. Management
6. Supplier
Task 3 – Week 4 Topic

External Environmental Analy
sis – O . T

Analysis Tools
General Environments (PESTEL) analysis
Specific Environments analysis
Task 3 – Week 4 Topic

Internal Analysis – S .W
Analysis Tools - Resource Based Model analysis
Task 4 – Week 6 Topic

Research the most Successful CEOs in the company

Examples - Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Richard Branson in other

multinational companies.
Task 4 – Week 6 Topic
Research the style of leadership of the CEO(s)
Such as ;
Transformational leadership
Transactional leadership
Servant leadership
Autocratic leadership
Laissez-faire leadership
Democratic leadership
Bureaucratic leadership.
Charismatic leadership
Task 4 – Week 6 Topic

Successful CEOs

What are the Core values and competencies of the c

ompany, which are developed by the CEO(s)?

How did the CEOs inspire the employees?

How did the CEOs develop and implement the stra

tegies successfully?
Research requirements

Students need to support their analysis with references.

Reference Requirements: 

Minimum of eight(8) suitable, reliable, current and ac

ademically acceptable sources – check with your tutor if
unsure of the validity of sources.

Students seeking Credit or above grades should support

their analysis with increased number of reference sourc
es comparable to the grade they are seeking.
The Report requires 
          a reference  
               not a bibliography.
Difference Between
a Bibliography & a Reference list.
A bibliography includes details of all the resources you u
sed to produce your assignment, including those you d
id not quote or paraphrase.

Reference -
In APA Style, each reference cited in-text must appear in
the reference list, and each entry in the reference list m
ust be cited in-text.
Report Structure

1. Title page,
2. Executive summary,
3. Table of contents,
4. Suitable headings and subheadings,
5. Conclusions,
6. Reference list (Harvard – Anglia style).

Typed using 12 pt Times New Roman or 11 pt Calibri font

s. Single line spacing.
Executive Summary
The Executive Summary (approx. 200 words) needs to
a. Purpose(s) of the report
b. Importance of the purpose(s)
c. Key outcome(s) of the report.

Follow the structure of report suggested. The assignme

nt is not an essay type.
Presentation of the report

Do Not Use

Fancy images, 
Coloured letters 
Water marks
Different font size/ font style
Your name and number on the every page
‘Body’ as a heading
Any images without reference
Marking Guide

1. Analysis 40%
2. Research – extent and application 40%
3. Recommendations/conclusions 10%
4. Presentation 10%

This mark will be scaled to a mark out of 20. See the

SO for the Marking Rubric
Turnitin - Similarity Report
What % is acceptable?
Turnitin - Similarity Report
Similarity percentage is not same as a per
centage of the assessment has been plagi
KOI plagiarism Guide

L1 - Level 1 Minor Academic Misconduct (if say less than

10% of the assessment has plagiarism) – this would justif
y a few nominal marks deduction for the question

 L2 - Level 2 Moderate Academic Misconduct (if say bet

ween 10% and 25% of the assessment has plagiarism) – t
his would justify more marks deducted for the question
KOI plagiarism Guide


L3 - Level 3 Major Academic Misconduct (if

say more than 25% of the assessment has be
en plagiarised) – this would justify a zero m
ark for the question
Contract Cheating
Contract cheating is where a student commissions - eit
her paid or unpaid - that is offering its services to prod
uce academic work on the student's behalf.
These days, there are many online contract cheating sit
es that try to attract students to behave dishonestly.

It is academic misconduct.  Such an incident will 
be treated very seriously at KOI.

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