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• Mr Z • Known case of mental illness for the past 3 years
• 39-year-old • Brought in by police due to aggressive behaviour
on the day of admission
• Malay
• Divorced (10 years ago)
• Jaga parking
• Lives alone at Jalan Teluk Sisek
• Education up until form 2
2007 2013 2015 11 months ago

• Elevated mood, energy • Changed job – he rented a

• He was first admitted due to • Second admission because he
• Believed that he was land and turn it into a parking
aggressive behaviour. assaulted his neighbour. His
chosen by Terengganu gov • Assaulted a visitor in a hotel neighbour like to ridicule him space.
to conduct an investigation room by calling him crazy. • He feels energetic  take
to discover the cause of • Patient admitted taking ‘pil • Brought in by police and cleaning cars job at his parking
low moral in the society. He kuda’ at that time admitted for 1 and a half space
was given the title ‘Polis • Admitted for 1 month month • Works everyday from 8.30 –
Diraja Hak Asasi Manusia’. • Discharge with medications • Compliant to follow-ups and 12 am. Only sleep around 3-4
but not compliant. medications hours/day
• He purposely stole a bike
• Defaulted follow-up • Claimed that doctor stopped • He believe that his land is
to get prisoned in order to wanted by triad gang
conduct his investigation in his medication in early 2016
• He always felt that he is being
prison watched by people from the
• Denies any depressed triad
mood, loss of interest or • He also believe that he has a
suicidal thought. • He claimed that he as stopped royal blood in him. Animals
• He was working at a car wash taking drugs wont harm him and obey him.
• Live alone in a rented room • Still working and living at same He also claimed that his
• He was prisoned at Penjara place parking space were given by
Maran for 18 months the Pahang Gov to him
• Involved in a fight with people
he claimed from the gang,
broke his nose
• Denied being more talkative
than usual, easily distracted.

• Earlier that day, he admitted he took syabu around RM30 packet, jab
• He has been hearing voices, by his ear
• Multiple voices
• Talking among themselves, unsure the content
• Uncontrollable, but he choose to ignore it. He knows that is from the drugs
• No running commentary

• No visual, gustatory or tactile hallucination

• He worried that the people from the gang will come and harm him so he brought parang to work
• He was reported and brought in to ward Dahlia by the police.

• Separated from his family when he was infant. No memory of real parents, only know
they have died during war
• Lives with adopted parents
• He is the 2nd out of 7 siblings
• Claimed that he had been married 7 times with 4 children. People want to have his
offspring because he has a noble blood.
• 2 previous admission, 2015 last • No known medical illness
• Prescribed with epilim (valproate) and • No previous surgery
respidal (risperidone)

• Birth: SVD, uneventful

• Development: normal
• School: expelled at form 2 because he involved in sexual promiscuity, involved with
absenteeism, gangsterism,
• Occupation: multiple job, claimed to be very devoted to his job, customers are satisfied
with his car washing services
• Relationship: divorced around 10 years ago, not in contact with his ex-wife or his
children. Lost contact with his adopted family

• Started first took cough syrup when he was 20

• The drink alcohol, around once per month. Believed that it can cleanse his kidney
• Then take pil kuda, syabu
• Syabu – sometimes chase, sometime jab

• He describe himself as a fierce guy, gangster

• He used to mix with his neighbours from his gangs, had multiple friends from his gang
• Good relationship with adopted family, they treated him like he was their own son

• Smokes around 1 and a half pack per day before admitted

• Involved in sexual promiscuity

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