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Psychiatric Emergencies
• A psychiatric emergency is any disturbance in thoughts, feelings or
actions for which immediate therapeutic intervention is necessary
(Kaplan & Sadocks)

• Increasing in number – violence, alcoholism, substance, etc

• Equal men:women
• 20% suicidal, 10% violent
• Most common case are mood disorders, schizophrenia, alcohol
• 40% require hospitalization
• More visit during night hours
Treatment Settings
Specializes psychiatric services are highly favoured in emergency room


Adequate number of staff members

Clear communications, staff must understand situation

Children are better treated under paediatrics care except there is a risk of
behavioural problems or leaving the hospital against advice.
Access to emergency room &
diagnostic services
Agitated patients must be
Treatment Restrain rooms close to nursing
Settings station for close observation
1. Self-protection
• Know as much as possible about the patients before
meeting them.
• Leave physical restraint procedures to those who
General are trained.
• Be alert to risks of impending violence.
Strategy in • Attend to the safety of the physical surroundings
(e.g., door access, room objects).
Evaluating the • Have others present during the assessment if
Patient needed.
• Have others in the vicinity.
• Attend to developing an alliance with the patient
(e.g., do not confront or threaten paranoid patients)
2. Prevent harm
A. Prevent self-injury and suicide. Use whatever methods are
necessary to prevent patients from hurting themselves
during the evaluation.
B. Prevent violence toward others. Evaluate risk of violence:
General • Inform the patient that violence is not acceptable.
• Approach the patient in a nonthreatening manner.
Strategy in • Reassure, calm, or assist the patient's reality testing.
• Offer medication.
Evaluating the • Inform the patient that restraint or seclusion will be
used if necessary.
Patient • Have teams ready to restrain the patient.
• When patients are restrained, always closely observe
them, and frequently check their vital signs. Isolate
restrained patients from surrounding agitating stimuli .
3. Rule out organic mental disorders.
Strategy in
4. Rule out impending psychosis.
Evaluating the
Medical or Psychiatric?
• Medical conditions-such as diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease, acute
intoxications, withdrawal states, AIDS, and head traumas---can
present with prominent mental status changes that mimic common
psychiatric illnesses
Features that Point to a Medical Cause of a
Mental Disorder
• Acute onset (within hours or minutes, with prevailing symptoms) First episode
• Geriatric age
• Current medical illness or injury
• Significant substance abuse
• Nonauditory disturbances of perception
• Neurological symptoms-loss of consciousness, seizures, head injury, change in headache
pattern, change in vision
• Classic mental status signs-diminished alertness, disorientation, memory impairment,
impairment in concentration and attention, dyscalculia, concreteness
• Other mental status signs-speech, movement, or gait disorders
• Constructional apraxia-difficulties in drawing clock, cube, intersecting pentagons, Bender
gestalt design
• Psychosis
• Important parameters:
• Degree of withdrawal from reality
• Level of affect
SPECIFIC • Intellectual function
INTERVIEW • Degree of regression
• Straightforward, easy to understand
SITUATIONS • Not all patients want our help
• Limit interview if there is potential for
agitation or regression
• Depression and potentially suicidal patients
• Suicidal risks:
• Previous attempt or fantasized suicide
• Anxiety, depression, exhaustion
• Availability of means of suicide
SPECIFIC • Concern for effect of suicide on family
INTERVIEW • Verbalized suicidal ideation
• Preparation of a will, resignation after
SITUATIONS agitated depression
• Proximal life crisis, such as mourning
or impending surgery
• Family history of suicide
• Pervasive pessimism or hopelessness
• DDX may include psychoactive
substance induces, organic mental
disorders, medical cause, etc.
• Signs of impending violence
• Very recent acts of violence, including
property violence
• Verbal or physical threats (menacing)
VIOLENT • Carrying weapons or other objects that
may be used as weapons (e.g., forks,
PATIENTS • Progressive psychomotor agitation
• Alcohol or drug intoxication
• Paranoid features in a psychotic patient
• Command violent auditory hallucination
• Catatonic excitement
• Mania or agitated depression
• Personality disorder
• Assess the risk of violence
• Consider violent ideation, wish,
intention, plan, availability of
means, implementation of plan,
wish for help.
• b. Consider demographics-sex
(male), age (1 5-24), socioeconomic
VIOLENT status (low), social supports (few).
• c. Consider past history: violence,
PATIENTS nonviolent antisocial acts, impulse
dyscontrol (e.g., gambling,
substance abuse, suicide or self-
injury, psychosis).
• d. Consider overt stressors (e.g.,
marital conflict, real or symbolic
• Rape is the forceful coercion of an unwilling
victim to engage in a sexual act, usually
sexual intercourse
• Reactions- shame, humiliation, anxiety,
confusion, outrage
• Clinicians should be-reassuring, supportive,
• Inform patients about the availability of
RAPE VICTIMS medical and legal services, rape crisis
• If possible, female attending doctor evaluate
• Patients consent – to collect evidence such
as semen, pubic hair, take photographs of

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