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German physicist Heisenberg

discovered that objective
observation of atomic
particles are an impossibility,
the very act of observing was
interfering and altering,
instead of preserving and
fixing the object.- everytime
scientists observed the
particles, say an electron their
act of observations was
You can only see an
electron when it emits
light and it emits light
only when it jumps, so
that to see where it was
you have to make it go
elsewhere. That being
the case you can either
measure its location or
velocity but never both
at the same time. If you
know where you are, you
cannot tell how fast you
are moving and if you
know how fast you are
moving you cannot tell

The assignment of probabilities

for the various outcomes of an
event are virtually impossible to
establish. The deeper we
penetrate the more restless
becomes the universe, all is
rushing about and vibrating in a
wild dance.
Everything in this
world is connected
with everything else
in a delicate and
complex web of
relationships. The
best computer still
cannot calculate
even a tiny fraction
of all the
relationships that
exists in an
ecosystem of a
simple pond.

The current view is that everything in Every single thing is energy and
the world is in the process of
becoming. Even nonliving phenomena
that energy is constantly
are constantly changing. This process transforming.
of becoming is nothing more than the
ENTROPY LAW at work.

Every occurrence in the world is unique

and for that reason it is not possible to
make exact predictions about the
future based on scientific observations.
In the final analysis, every science is
nothing more than a methodology for
predicting the future.

The Entropy Law will soon supersede

Newtonian mechanics as the ruling paradigm of
science because only it adequately explains the
nature of change, its direction and the
interconnectedness of all things within that
change process.
The Entropy Law may someday be invalidated
and overthrown. But for now it remains the one
law of science that seems to make common
sense out of the world we live in and provides
an explanation of how to survive in it.

The current learning process

as practiced by large numbers
of teachers emphasize the
Newtonian world view, i.e.,
emphasis is on quantities,
distance, location, facts
specializations, rarely on
qualities or conceptions.
Reformulations Giving more emphasis to
of the learning processes

involves Examining flow of
various interconnected phenomena

Emphasizing the teaching of
which concepts rather than empirical
admittedly are abilities or skills.
practiced by
some lead Examining the external world as
web of interrelated phenomena
teachers, but
which should
Instead of viewing man against
nature, emphasizing people in

Emphasizing learning through

day to day experiences in the

Going to school means going to

the community to learn

Many other changes will be

guided by the 1st and 2nd Laws of

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