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As economic globalization –free trade- is essentially a zero sum game,
global divides or observable under the current setup where one side wins at the
expense of another ; a country’s gains (for example, increased exports) is
another nation’s loss (such as un form of increased imports). Indeed
globalization failed to drastically bridge the gap between and within countries.
The promise of shared prosperity remains unfulfilled for hundreds of millions
of citizens in Third World countries.
 As of 2013, the number of poor citizens (people who live on less than USD
1.90 a day) worldwide 767 million.
 In the Human Development Index (HDI) for 2015 – UN’s ranking of countries
based on levels of holistic human development that encompasses data on
health, education, and income
 Norway is ranked first with an almost perfect score of 0.949 (1.0 is the highest
possible score)
 Philippines is at rank 116 with a score of 0.682.
Globally , most of the developed countries are in North America and
Europe, while the developing countries are mostly in Asia, Africa, and Latin
Global Divides: The North and the South, First
and Third World
Among development researchers, the term Global North and Global South are
commonly used to refer to the two halves of the current global system.
The Global North countries such as the;
 US
 Developing countries of ASIA ( including Southwest Asia or Middle East)
The Global North refers to the rich and developed parts of the world, while the Global
South covers the poor and developing half of it. Most countries of the Global North have
GDP (Gross Domestic Product) per capita that above the world’s GDP per capita, while
nations of the Global South have a GDP per capita below the world’s GDP per capita.
Global Divides: The North and the South, First
and Third World
The terms Global North and Global South , and First World and Third World are used
interchangeably in common conversation. Through these two sets of concepts are related,
they are actually different. The labels First World and Third World came into popular use
during the Cold War between the capitalist camp led by the US, UK , and their allies
(mostly Western European Country)

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