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Bhakti Bagus Ibrahim (14111135)

Ester Marheni (
Strength Weakness
Brand Equity High price
Tag of innovation Restrictions on the phone
Consumer Loyalty No Steve jobs anymore
Amazing software and OS
Wide developer support /
control in the hands of users
Design consistency

Opportunity Threats
Market potential of smart Android
Continued technological Samsung
More dependency Lack of innovation
on digitization
Geographic expansion Threat of brand Apple losing
its shine
Strength Weakness
Brand Equity High price
Tag of innovation Restrictions on the phone
Consumer Loyalty No Steve jobs anymore
Amazing software and OS Has not bluetooth
Wide developer support / For the front camera is bad
control in the hands of users
Design consistency
High quality of camera
Opportunity Threats
Market potential of smart Other Android
Continued technological Apple
More dependency Lack of innovation
on digitization
Geographic expansion Threat of brand Apple
losing its shine
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