Students' Performance in Mathematics Grade 5

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Presented by:

Mathematics is the foundation of all

learning. It is being utilized in all the
matters we do, whether in playing or in
singing. It is a concept that seemingly
so simple but yet too complicated for
the simple mind.
Background of the Study
Attitude as a concept is concerned with an
individual’s way of thinking, acting and behaving. It has
very serious implications for the learner, the teacher,
the immediate social group with which the individual
learner relates, and the entire school system. Attitudes
are formed as a result of some kind of learning
experiences students go through. This is mimicry,
which also has a part to play in the teaching and
learning situation. In this respect, the learners draw
from the teachers’ disposition to form their own
attitude, which may likely affect their learning outcomes
(Yara 2009).
Background of the Study

In the past few months, it has been

noted that several learners in Lingsat
Integrated School in San Fernando City, La
Union have developed a negative attitude
towards the study of Mathematics. And that
such negative attitude may result to failure
of learners in that subject.
Theoretical Framework

The Law of Set or Attitude (Thorndike,

Edward Lee)
Observational Learning (Bandura,
Albert 1961)
Psychological Behaviorism (Staat)
Statement of the Problem
The study attempted to determine the factors
affecting mathematics performance of Grade 5
Specifically, it sought to answer the following
1. What is the mathematical performance of the
Grade 5 learners SY 2018-2019?
2. What is the extent of the effect of the student-
related factors along interest and study habits?
3. Is there a significant relationship between
respondents’ mathematics performance and the
extent of the students-related factors?

There is no significant relationship

between the respondents’ mathematics
performance and the extent of effect of
the students-related factors.

 Research Design
The researchers used descriptive
research design in this study.

Participants of the Study

52 grade 5 learners from Lingsat
Integrated School in San Fernando City
 Data Gathering Tools and

The materials used in this study are

three sets of survey questionnaires
 Data Management

After determining the factors that

affect the academic performance of
learners in mathematics, all information
gathered will be treated with absolute
 Data Management

Rating Quantitative Descriptive

Scale Equivalent Equivalent Rating
4 3.26-4.00 Very Highly Improved
3 2.51-3.25 Highly Improved
2 1.76-2.50 Slightly Improved
1 1.00-1.75 Poorly Improved
 Data Management

Conclusion drawn from this study was

obtained only from this group of learners.

The following are the questionnaires used in

this study:
1. How much do you agree with these
statements about learning mathematics?
a) I usually do well in mathematics
b) I would like to do more mathematics in
 Data Management

c) Mathematics is harder for me than for

many of my classmates
d) I enjoy learning other subjects than
e) I learn things quickly in mathematics
f) Mathematics is boring
g) I like mathematics
 Data Management

2. How often do you do the following for your

mathematics subject?
a) I review my math subject before going to sleep
b) I only review my math subject only when I want
c) I review my math subject before the
d) I play first before reviewing my math subject
e) I practice adding, subtracting, multiplying and
dividing at home
 Data Management
3. Do you participate in the following activities in
a) Actively participate in activities like programs,
quiz bee, etc. in mathematics
b) Actively participate in classroom discussion in
c) Voluntarily do board work like problem solving,
d) Answer actively to oral recitations in

With an initial meeting with the

respondents, the researchers explained
the purpose of the study and that the
results of the study will be treated with

After gathering the questionnaires

from the respondents and have
summarized the results using
Descriptive Statistics, the following have
been noted:
Results Table 1 shows the result of the computation for
the level of mathematical performance of the
Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
q1 52 4372 84.08 24.35
q2 52 4391 84.44 21.58

q3 52 4426 85.12 16.69

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 28.86 2 14.43 0.69 0.50 3.06
Within Groups 3193.83 153 20.87

Total 3222.69 155

GROUP Mean F-value F-crit value Decision Interpretation

q1 84.08 0.69 3.06 Accept the Hypothesis No Significance

q2 84.44
q3 85.12
Table 2 shows the result on the level of interest of the
respondents towards mathematics
Criteria M DER

I usually do well in mathematics 2.15 VS

I would like to do more mathematics in school 1.98 S

Mathematics is harder for me than for many of my. . . 3.29 O

I enjoy learning other subjects than mathematics 1.85 S

I learn things quickly in mathematics 1.73 P

Mathematics is boring 3.40 O

I like mathematics 1.92 S

Actively participate in activities like programs, quiz

1.52 P
bee, etc. in mathematics.

Actively participate in classroom discussion in

2.19 S

Voluntarily do board work like problem solving, etc. 2.10 S

Answer actively to oral recitations in mathematics. 1.62 P

Table 3 shows the result on the study habits of the
respondents in mathematics
Criteria M DER

I review my math subject before going to sleep 1.54 P

I only review my math subject only when I want 2.73 VS

I review my math subject before the examinations. 1.96 S

I play first before reviewing my math subject. 3.10 O

I practice adding, subtracting, multiplying and

1.67 P
dividing at home.
The purpose of this study is to show the
relationship between learners attitude
towards mathematics and the their academic
performance to it.

We predicted that:

A. There is NO significant
relationship between the respondents’
mathematics performance and the extent of
effect of the students-related factors.
Basing on the results of the survey
questionnaires as provided for by the
respondent-learners and the results of the
statistical computations undertaken, we
concluded that the academic performance of
the learners towards mathematics is not
affected by their attitude and by the
students-related factors.

The Null Hypothesis is hereby accepted.


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