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Why there is so much unemployment??

• Lack of skills – skills don’t match the market demands or skilled

people don’t have information to relevant opportunities

• Centralization of jobs in Tier-1 cities – Geographical constraints

makes it difficult for meaningful work to be available at all places

• Lack of believe in hard work leading to low confidence – nature of

being dependent has lead to people doubting their own capabilities
even before actually trying at the first place
External factors to Youth Unemployment
• Poor Public Policy - Election speeches of creating meaningful work
never really translate to ground reality

• Cronyism, Favoritism, and Corruption – Productive work is hardly

fairly rewarded

• Macro Disruptions - unavoidable factors (war, economic collapse etc)

• Technological Disruption – Need to adapt to the technological

changes and evolve more efficiently
Conventional approaches that don’t work
• More degrees only coming in – Knowledge and not degrees give you
sustainable employment

• Subsidized public sector jobs – Without relevant market-skills, these

are only illusions on a long term basis

• Accelerators and incubators – Only tech people or people in cities are

accessing it, Youth in rural areas still not reachable

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