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Simple Performance

Prediction Methods

Momentum Theory

© L. Sankar 1
Helicopter Aerodynamics
• Developed for marine propellers by Rankine
(1865), Froude (1885).
• Used in propellers by Betz (1920)
• This theory can give a first order estimate of
HAWT performance, and the maximum power
that can be extracted from a given wind turbine
at a given wind speed.
• This theory may also be used with minor
changes for helicopter rotors, propellers, etc.

© L. Sankar 2
Helicopter Aerodynamics
• Momentum theory concerns itself with the
global balance of mass, momentum, and
• It does not concern itself with details of the
flow around the blades.
• It gives a good representation of what is
happening far away from the rotor.
• This theory makes a number of simplifying
© L. Sankar 3
Helicopter Aerodynamics
Assumptions (Continued)
• Rotor is modeled as an actuator disk
which adds momentum and energy to the
• Flow is incompressible.
• Flow is steady, inviscid, irrotational.
• Flow is one-dimensional, and uniform
through the rotor disk, and in the far wake.
• There is no swirl in the wake.
© L. Sankar 4
Helicopter Aerodynamics
Control Volume
Station1 V

Disk area is A

Station 2 V- v2

Station 3

Stream tube area is A4

Velocity is V-v4
Station 4
Total area S
© L. Sankar 5
Helicopter Aerodynamics
Conservation of Mass

Inflow through t he top  ρVS

Outflow through t he bottom  ρVS - A 4   ρ(V  v 4 )A 4

Ouflow through t he side  m
 Inflow at the top  Outflow at the bottom
 ρv 4 A 4

© L. Sankar 6
Helicopter Aerodynamics
Conservation of Mass through the
Rotor Disk

m  AV  v 2   AV  v3 

V-v3  A4 V  v 4 

Thus v2=v3=v

There is no velocity jump across the rotor disk

The quantity v is called velocity deficit at the rotor disk
© L. Sankar 7
Helicopter Aerodynamics
Global Conservation of Momentum
Momentum inflow through t op  V 2 S
Momentum outflow through t he side  m
 1V
 A 4 v 4V
Momentum outflow through bottom 
 S - A 4 V 2   V  v 4 2 A4
Pressure is atmospheri c on all
the far field boundaries .
Drag on the rotor , D  Momentum rate in -
Momentum Rate out
D  A 4 (V  v 4 ) v 4  m v 4
Mass flow rate through the rotor disk times
velocity loss between stations 1 and 4
© L. Sankar 8
Helicopter Aerodynamics
Conservation of Momentum at the
Rotor Disk

p2 V-v Due to conservation of mass across the

Rotor disk, there is no velocity jump.

Momentum inflow rate = Momentum outflow rate

p3 V-v
Thus, drag D = A(p2-p3)

© L. Sankar 9
Helicopter Aerodynamics
Conservation of Energy
Consider a particle that traverses from station 1 to
station 4
We can apply Bernoulli equation between
Stations 1 and 2, and between stations 3 and 4.
Not between 2 and 3, since energy is being removed by
body forces.
V-v Recall assumptions that the flow is steady, irrotational,
2 inviscid.
p2   V  v   p  V 2
1 2 1
2 2
p3   V  v   p   V  v 4 
1 2 1 2

4 V-v4 2 2
 v4 
p2  p3   V   v 4
 2

© L. Sankar 10
Helicopter Aerodynamics
From the previous slide ,
 v4 
p3  p2   V   v 4
 2
 v4 
D  A p2  p3   AV   v 4
 2
From an earlier slide, drag equals mass flow rate through the
rotor disk times velocity deficit between stations 1 and 4

D  AV  vv4
Thus, v = v4/2
© L. Sankar 11
Helicopter Aerodynamics
Induced Velocities
V The velocity deficit in the
Far wake is twice the deficit
Velocity at the rotor disk.

To accommodate this excess
Velocity, the stream tube
has to expand.

© L. Sankar 12
Helicopter Aerodynamics
Power Produced by the Rotor
P  Energy flow in - Energy flow out

 m V 2  m V  2v 
1 1 2

2 2
 2m vV  v 
V2   v  v 

 2 AV  v  v  A 41   

2   V  V 

 A
 
41  a  a

where, a  v/V
To determine when power reaches its maximum value,
set 0
We get the result : a  1/3

1  16 
Pmax  AV 2  
2  27 
Thus at best only 16/27 of the inflowing energy may be converted into power.
This is called Betz limit.
© L. Sankar 13
Helicopter Aerodynamics
• According to momentum theory, the velocity
deficit in the far wake is twice the velocity deficit
at the rotor disk.
• Momentum theory gives an expression for
velocity deficit at the rotor disk.
• It also gives an expression for maximum power
produced by a rotor of specified dimensions.
• Actual power produced will be lower, because
momentum theory neglected many sources of
losses- viscous effects, tip losses, swirl, non-
uniform flows, etc.

© L. Sankar 14
Helicopter Aerodynamics

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