The Learner

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Instructions: Explore your attitudes and beliefs

about learning. Put a check mark beside the

number/ statements that are TRUE of you:
1. There will always be something new to learn
for as long as I live.
2. I am not afraid to commit mistakes as long
as I learn from them.
3. I take advantage of every opportunity to
4. I take charge of my own learning.
5. I am willing and eager to learn.
6. I am grateful to teachers who demand
quality and excellence for effective learning.
7. I have made it habit to set my personal
learning goals.
8. I find time to check my progress against my
personal learning goals.
9. I give my best in everything I am asked to do
in order to learn.
*For each item you didn’t check, think of two
steps that you could take right now to build a
positive learning attitude.
Marjorie B. Añero
Subject Instructor
 Describe the nature of the learner, his/ her
powers/ faculties/ multiple intelligences &
learning styles.

 Discuss the implications of the nature of the

learner to the teaching learning process.
The Elements of Teaching
& Learning:
 The Learner
 The Teacher
 The Learning Environment



40% Senses


Sight Hearing Touch Taste Smell
 Latin word “instinctus”, meaning “impulse”.
 The learner has a natural or inherent capacity
or tendency to respond to environmental
stimuli such as danger signs.
 Cognitive faculty of retaining and recalling
past experience.
 “Memory-formula: finding the are of a circle,
Presidents of the Philippines, grammar rules
and etc.
 Memory work is basic in learning.
(memorizing with understanding)
 The ability to form a mental image of
something that is not perceived through the
 Role playing, simulation, short story writing,
dress designing, visualizing a situation and
inventing creative ways of reporting or
 “think outside the box”
 Emotion is the on/off switch for learning.
 Positive feelings and emotions make the
teaching learning process an exciting and a
joyful, fruitful affair.
 Negative feelings and emotions make the
same process of a burden.
(affect the cognitive processes of recalling,
imagining, reasoning, judging, evaluating,
 Determines the learner’s capacity to
understand and assimilate information for
their own use and application.
 They differ in the way they observe and
interpret happenings in their surroundings.
 High, moderate, low achievers
 Mental ability: Superior, above average,
average and below average
 Learner’s innate talent or gift.
 Indicates natural capacity to learn certain
 Enabling the learner’s to flourish and grow.
 Learner’s interest in learning makes learning
no longer a task but a pleasure.
 Variety of interests.
 Interests are not inherited. They are
developed. (clubbing)
 Differences in upbringing and practices.
 Families are pro – active and passive in terms
of expression.
 Today, classroom setting speaks in a multi-
cultural, diverse and pluralistic classrooms.
 Cooperation and willingness to share
 Affiliation with the other group
 Positive attitude
*demonstrate a value of persistence in
their studies.
*Pursuing the task to completion and never
giving up when confronted with problems.

 Negative attitude
*Robs into the opportunities of learning.
 Curiosity
 Self-Motivation
 Self-examination
 Accountability
 Critical Thinking
 Comprehension
 Persistence
1. When you read, do you:
A. Enjoy descriptive passages and visualize the scene
B. Enjoy dialogue and hear the characters in your mind
C. Prefer action scenes, but do not enjoy reading

2. When you learn something new, do you:

A. Like to read instructions or see demonstrations
B. Prefer verbal instructions
C. Jump in and learn by doing it

3. When you are spelling an unfamiliar word, do you:

A. Visualize the word in your mind
B. Sound the word out as you spell it
C. Write the word down first
4. When you want to relax, do you:
A. Watch TV or read
B. Listen to music
C. Play a game or exercise

5. When you are concentrating, do you:
A. Get distracted by messy surroundings
B. Get distracted by noise
C. Get distracted by activity around you

6. When you are trying to figure out how someone is feeling,

do you:
A. Look at their facial expressions
B. Listen to the sound of their voice
C. Look at their body movements

7. When you teach someone something new, do you:

A. Show them what to do or write down instructions
B. Tell them what to do
C. Do it with them
8. When you compliment someone on their work, do you:
 A. Write them a note
 B. Tell them they did a good job
 C. Shake their hand or pat them on the back

9. When you are bored, do you:

 A. Look around or doodle
 B. Talk to yourself
 C. Move around or fidget

10. When you need to remember something, do you:

 A. Write it down
 B. Say it to yourself over and over
 C. Think about it while moving around

11. When you are giving directions, do you:

 A. Draw a map
 B. Give clear and detailed instructions
 C. Point and use body language to explain the directions
 Now add up your answers!

 A ___________ B ___________ C ___________

 A= Visual Learner
 B= Auditory Learner
 C= Kinesthetic Learner

 There are three basic types of learning styles. The three
most common are visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. To
learn, we depend on our senses to process the information
around us. Most people tend to use one of their senses
more than the others. This quiz helps you determine which
of these learning styles you rely on the most. It is not
unusual to use different learning styles for different tasks.

 Adapted from Rose, C. (1985). Accelerated learning.

New York: Dell Publishing.
Visual Learners  Teaching Strategies
 Learn best from what  Use visual materials.
they can see or read.  Demonstrate how
something is done.
 Prefer written
 Allow opportunities to
instructions. observe before doing.
 Prefer visual aids.  Provide written instruction.
 Learn how something  Encourage student to take
is done through notes.
observation of others.  Minimize noise, easily
Auditory Learners  Teaching Strategies
 Need to hear  Rephrase important points
information in order to to increase understanding.
retain it.
 Have student paraphrase.
 Prefer verbal
instructions over  Encourage discussion &
written materials. invite questions.
 Prefer to discuss ideas  Remember that students
aloud in order to may not tell you they don’t
process information. understand.
 Enjoy group  Have student discuss roles
discussions and
activities. with other colleagues.
Kinesthetic Learners  Teaching Strategies
 Prefer to learn through  Quickly engage student in
experience. agency activities.
 Obtain greatest benefit
by participation.  Use role plays.
 Remember information  Allow client contact early
that they experience on as it will reduce anxiety.
 Enjoy acting out or  Develop assignments that
recreating situations,.i.e. are interactive, i.e. have
role playing. student give presentation.
 Enjoy hands-on activities
that involve active,
practical participation.
 What is your learning style?

 How do you think this influences the way

that you approach teaching your student?

Now that you understand the characteristics of these

learning styles, it is important to recognize and
respond to the learning needs of your student,
particularly when your student has a different
learning style then your own.
1. Visual (spatial)
2. Aural (auditory-musical)
3. Verbal (linguistic)
4. Physical (kinesthetic)
5. Logical (Mathematical)
6. Social (Interpersonal)
7. Solitary (Intrapersonal)
A theory by Howard Gardner
The answer is that ALL of you are
 Word Smart
 Ability to write or
 Ability to rhyme
 Good speakers
 Actors
 How many of you
can speak or
 Number smart
 Ability to do math
 Ability to balance
a checkbook
 How many of you
can count your
 How many of you
have done a
 Picture Smart
 Who can draw
 How many people
can see pics in
their heads when
they close their
 How many of you
like movies, tv, or
video games?
 Body, sports or
hand smart

 Who can dance,

play sports, build
 Music Smart
 Who likes music?
 Who can play an
 People Smart
 Who has at least
one friend or
 Who likes group
 Self Smart
 Who has ever
talked to
 Who likes to work
on their own?
 Who takes care of
themselves after
 Strong in
nature, identifying
flora and fauna
 Sensitivity to deep
questions about
human existence,
such as the
meaning of life,
Take a sheet of paper out and write these
activities down:
 Whistle or sing at least 5 seconds from a song
 Complete this numerical sequence 1, 2, 4, 8, ___, ___ and
explain the logic behind it
 Draw a picture of a car, wolverine, or pair of shoes
 Do the mono or any other dance
 Share a dream you’ve had in the past week
 Someone who can honestly say they are comfortable
talking to everyone in this activity
 Recite the lyrics to any poem, rap, or song, or quote
Your job now is to walk around the room
and find people who can exhibit one of
these intelligences. Get them to initial
your piece of paper. You can only get
one person’s initials once. You cannot
sign your own sheet.
Have fun with this and try to meet some
new people.
 On a sheet of paper, you will write at least 3
 Write on what intelligences you think you
are better at
 what you aren’t so good at
 what you think you can do better in.
 Also, give examples of how you are good at
these things.
 Talk about friends you know who are good
at each of the intelligences, or famous
people who are like you in their abilities.
There is a belief that you can be good at all of
them, but inevitably we favor certain
intelligences. It is important to know how you
are intelligent so you can do your best to
adjust and adapt to what you have to learn.
If you are musically smart, memorize facts in
songs. If you dance well, create a dance about
certain stories, or act out a short skit, etc
Thank you!

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