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by The golden gang

There is no universal definition of bullying,
however it is widely agreed upon that bullying
is a subcategory of aggressive behavior
characterized by the following three minimum
criteria; 1.hostile intent 2.imbalance of power
3.repetetition over a period of time. Thus
bullying may be defined as activity of repeated,
aggressive behavior intended to hurt another
individual, physically, mentally or emotionally.
Those people who makes someone feel
miserable and isolated to show that they have
power and control over others and they think
that they always win, their intention is to
humiliate others. They lack empathy and are
very comfortable with their behavior and feel
pretty good about themselves.
A person who are easy to pick on, they are
isolated and have very few friends, they lack
social skills and are under confident, they
usually look afraid.
The types of bullying are:-
 physical bullying
 Verbal bullying
 Social bullying
 Cyber bullying
 use your voice
 Protect your feeling from name-calling and
hurtful behavior
 act with awareness, calm, respect &
 set boundaries about disrespectful or unsafe
 Be persistent in getting help from busy
 use physical self-defense as a last resort.
 Make a group and defend against him.
 Tell a responsible adult or teachers.
 Avoid him or ignore him.
We learn that if we work as a team it is easier to
prevent bullying and in this process, we can
even gain some good friends. And learning
environment get’s better.

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