Present Continuous Tense Review Workshop: Context (Affirmative Sentences)

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1) Demuestre que sí puede seguir instruciones sin estar repitiéndoselas 3, 4 veces
2) Desarrolle el taller a conciencia, recuerde que el único afectado con la no comprensión
del tema es usted, señor estudiante.
3) Viendo ya como les fue en primer período ¿En serio van a seguir con el mismo ritmo de
trabajo desordenado y poco productivo que llevan muchos de ustedes?
Copy this workshop in Class Activities. Leave spaces below to translate each
sentence (parts 3, 4, 5).
Write in Spanish the meaning = significado
Complete with am / is /are and translate
of this personal pronouns:
I____yo_______ 1. I ______calling the police.
You ______________ 2. Luis ______doing homework.
He _____________ 3. Brian ______reading.
She _____________ 4. Karl ______writing.
It _____________ 5. Stephanie ___washing the dishes.
We _____________ 6. I ______doing the chores.
They _____________ 7. The church ______London .
8. The toys ______in the box.
PART 2: PERSONAL PRONOUNS IN 9. I ______playing sports.
CONTEXT 10. The cars______ in the parking lot.
Associate name(s) with personal 11. The cat ______sleeping.
pronouns: 12. The house ______in Bogota.
13. Michael ______ taking a shower.
1. Luis __________He _______ 14. Janet ______ riding a bike .
2. Brian __________ _______ 15. Jessica ______ going to school.
3. Karl __________ _______ 16. Marc ______ getting dressed.
4. Stephanie ______she__ _______ 17. Anthony ______ visiting relatives.
5. The church __________ _______ 18. Anthony And Brian ______ watching TV.
6. The toys __________ _______ 19. Karl and Stephanie ______reading.
7. The cars __________ _______ 20. Stephanie and Jessica ______ sleeping.
8. The cat __________ _______ 21. Jessica and Luis ____working out.
9. The house __________ _______ 22. Jessica and I _____playing soprts.
10. Michael __________ _______ 23. Luis and you _______having breakfast.
11. Janet __________ _______ 24. Karl and I ______ listening to music.
12. Jessica __________ _______ 25. Stephanie and you ______reading.
13. Marc __________ _______
14. Anthony __________ _______
15. Anthony And Brian ________ ____
16. Karl and Stephanie ________ ____
17. Stephanie and Jessica ______ _
18. Jessica and Luis ________ ____
19. Jessica and you ________ ____
20. Luis and you ________ ____
21. Karl and you ________ ____
22. Stephanie and you ________ ____
PART 4: VERB TO BE IN CONTEXT PART 5A: translate questions and answers
Complete with am not / isn’t /aren’t and EXAMPLE
translate What is Brian doing on Thursday?
¿Qué está haciendo Brian el jueves?
1. I ______calling the police.
2. Luis ______doing homework. He is playing sports.
3. Brian ______reading. Él está haciendo deportes.
4. Karl ______writing.
5. Stephanie ___washing the dishes. 1) What is Paul doing on Tuesday?
6. I ______doing the chores. 2) What is Brian doing on Wednesday?
7. The church ______London . 3) What is Nicole doing on Thursday?
8. The toys ______in the box. 4) What is Carmen doing on Friday?
9. I ______playing sports. 5) What are you doing on Monday?
10. The cars______ in the parking lot. 6) What is Isabel doing on Tuesday?
11. The cat ______sleeping. 7) What is David doing on Wednesday?
12. The house ______in Bogota. 8) What are Nicole and Isabel doing on
13. Michael ______ taking a shower. Monday?
14. Janet ______ riding a bike . 9) What are Brian and Carmen doing on
15. Jessica ______ going to school. Friday?
16. Marc ______ getting dressed. 10) What are Isabel and you doing on
17. Anthony ______ visiting relatives. Wednesday?
18. Anthony And Brian ____ watching TV. 11) What are Nicole and you doing on
19. Karl and Stephanie ______reading. Thursday?
20. Stephanie and Jessica ______ sleeping.
21. Jessica and Luis ____working out. PART 5B: translate questions
22. Jessica and I _____playing soprts.
23. Luis and you _______having breakfast. EXAMPLE
24. Karl and I ______ listening to music. Is Brian doing the chores on Thursday?
25. Stephanie and you ______reading. ¿Está Brian haciendo oficio el jueves?
PART 5: VERB TO BE IN CONTEXT No, he isn’t .
(QUESTIONS) No, no está.
Observe the chart and answer the questions
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1) is Paul doing homework on Tuesday?
Paul 6 5 1 7 6 2) is Brian cleaning the house on
Brian Wednesday?
7 2 1 6 2 3) is Nicole doing homework on
Nicole 5 4 2 1 5 Thursday?
Carmen 7 8 4 3 2 4) is Malek doing the chores on Friday?
You 8 4 3 1 5 5) are you doing the chores on
Isabel 5 2 3 6 1 6) Are you doing homework on
David 6 5 7 5 4 Wednesday?
7) is Isabel doing homework on
1) Clean the house Tuesday?
2) Do the chores Mon= Monday 8) is David hanging out with friends on
3) Do homework Tue=Tuesday Wednesday?
4) Wash the dishes Wed=Wednesday 9) are Nicole and Isabel washing the
5) Work out Thu=Thursday dishes on Monday?
6) Play sports Fri=Friday 10) are Brian and Malek riding a bike on
7) Ride a bike Tuesday?
8) Hang out with friends 11) are Isabel and you cleaning the
house on Wednesday?
12) are Nicole and you cleaning the

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