Introduction To Artificial Neural Networks and Its Application

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Introduction to Artificial Neural

Networks and Its Application In

Power System

sanjay negi

• Biological Inspiration
• Artificial Neurons and Neural Network
• Activation Function
• Application Of ANN
Inspiration From Neurobiology

• Many input single output unit

• If the sum of the input signals

surpasses a certain threshold, then
neuron sends electrical signal along
the axon.
Artificial Neurons (Mathematical Representation )

• The synapses of the neuron

are modeled as weights.
• The strength of the
connection between an
input and a neuron is noted
by the value of the weight.
• An adder sums up all the
The McCulloch-Pitts model
inputs modified by their
respective weights.
• Finally, an activation
function controls the
amplitude of the output of
the neuron.
Activation Functions

• This function act as squashing function .

• Threshold Function: this function can takes on a value of
0 if the summed input is less than a certain threshold
value (v), and the value 1 if the summed input is greater
than or equal to the threshold value.
• Piecewise-Linear function: This function again can take
on the values of 0 or 1, but can also take on values
between that.
• sigmoid function: This function can range between 0 and
1 but sometime it is useful to take -1 to 1 range.
Artificial Neural Network
• An artificial neural network is composed of many
artificial neurons that are linked together according to a
specific network architecture. The objective of the neural
network is to transform the inputs into meaningful

• Weight settings determine the behaviour of a network

• How can we find the right weights?

• One way is to set the weights explicitly, using a priori

• Another way is to train the neural network by feeding it

teaching patterns and letting it change its weights according
to some learning rule.
• The learning situations in neural networks may be classified
into three distinct sorts. These are
• Supervised learning
• Unsupervised learning
• Reinforcement learning
Application of ANN In Power System
• Load forecasting
• Economic dispatch
• Fault diagnosis/fault location
• Transient stability problems
• Security assessment
Load Forecasting

• This can only be done if, among other vital factors, there is a
good and accurate system in place for forecasting the load
that would be in demand by electricity customers.
• Also Such forecasts will be highly useful in proper system
planning and operations.
Load Forecasting Using Neural Networks

• The back-propagation algorithm is a supervised learning

algorithm used to change or adjust the weights of the neural
• In back-propagation, the gradient vector of the error surface is
calculated. This vector points along the direction of steepest
descent from the current point, so that a movement over a
short distance along it decreases the error. A sequence of
such moves will eventually find a minimum error point.
• In this fig. basically two load
patterns were observable: one
for weekends (Saturday and
Sunday) and another for week
days (Monday through Friday).
• After the neural network is
trained on the input data set, a
new data set is presented at its
input, and the network
provides a forecast of the load
for the next one hour.
• Ajith Abraham .“Artificial Neural Networks” .Oklahoma State
University, Stillwater, OK, USA
• Carlos Gershenson. . “Artificial
Neural Networks for Beginners”
• Bakirtzis, A.G., Petridis, V., Kiartzis, S.J., Alexiadis, M.C., and
Maissis, A.H. 1996. “A Neural Network Short Term Load
Forecasting Model ”. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. 11:
• M. Tarafdar Haque, and A.M. Kashtiban. “Application of
Neural Networks in Power Systems; A Review”

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