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• It is also known as Hunter’s Canal or

Subsartorial Canal.
• It is an intermuscular space situated
on medial side of middle one third of
• It is a musculo-aponeurotic tunnel.
• It is 15 cm in Length.

• It extends from the apex of

the femoral Triangle to the
tendinous opening in
adductor magnus

• The Canal is triangular on
cross section

• Anterolateral Wall
Formed by Vastus Medialis
• Posteromedial Wall or
Formed by Adductor
Longus above and Adductor
Magnus below
• Medial Wall / Roof
formed by strong fibrous membrane
The roof is overlapped by the sartorius muscle
Medial Wall and Sartorius muscle is separated by Subsartorial
Subsartorial plexus is formed by branches
1. Medial cutaneous nerve of Thigh (L2,L3)
. 2. Saphenous Nerve.(L3,L4)
. 3. Anterior Division of Obturator Nerve(L2,L3,L4).
• Apex
• Medial lip of Linea Aspara
• The apex of the adductor
canal is marked by the
Adductor hiatus – a gap
between the adductor and
hamstring attachments of the
adductor magnus.

• Adductor Hiatus is a Gap

between the Adductor
Magnus Muscle and the
femur that allows the
passage of Femoral vessels
from the Anterior Thigh to
Posterior Thigh And then the
Popliteal fossa.

• Femoral artery
• Femoral vein
• Saphenous nerve
• Nerve to vastus medialis
• Anterior Division of obturator nerve
• Subsartorial plexus of nerves

• Femoral Artery

1. Extends from mid-inguinal

point towards Apex of Femoral
2. Within Canal it gives off
muscular branches and
Descending Genicular Branch.
3. Descending Genicular artery is
last branch of Femoral artery
just arising above the Haitus
4.It divides into superficial
Saphenous Branch that
accompanies the saphenous nerve
and deep muscular branch that
enters Vastus Medialis and
reaches the Knee
5.Femoral Artery leaves the
Adductor Canal through the
opening in Adductor Magnus
muscle to Continue as Popliteal
Artery in Popliteal Fossa
• Femoral Vein
1. It begins as upward
Continuation of Popliteal
Vein from Popliteal Fossa.
2. It lies Posterior to Femoral
Artery in the Upper part,
and Lateral to the Artery in
the Lower part of the Canal
• Saphenous Nerve
1. Crosses the Femoral
artery anteriorly from
Lateral to Medial side.
2. Leaves the Canal with the
Saphenous artery by
piercing the Fibrous roof.
• Nerve to Vastus Medialis
1. Lies Lateral to to the
Femoral artery.
2. Enters the Vastus
Medialis in the upper part
of the Canal.
• Branches of two divisions of Obturator Nerve
1. Anterior Division emerges at the lower border of
the Adductor Longus, gives branches to the
subsartorial Plexus, and ends by supplying the
femoral artery.
2. Posterior Division runs on Anterior surface of
Adductor Magnus accompanies the Femoral and
Popliteal Arteries , and ends supplying knee joint

• Hunter’s operation for treatment of Popliteal

aneurysm by ligating the femoral artery in the
Adductor Canal is landmark in the Vascular Surgery
• It was first performed by John Hunter , so it is also
known as Hunter’s Canal

• Adductor Canal Compression Syndrome

1. Entrapment of Neurovascular bundle within Canal
CAUSE : Hypertrophy of muscles forming Canal mainly
Vastus Medialis
2. It is most common in young males, who may present with
claudication symptoms due to femoral artery occlusion
(more common) or neurological symptoms due to
entrapment of the saphenous nerve.

• Adductor Canal block: Local Anesthetic is administered

to block Saphenous nervein isolation, or together with the
nerve to the vastus medialis to provide Sensory Anesthesia
for Surgical Procedures.
Femoral Vessels are compressed by applying torniquet
against the Bony Resistance of Linea Aspara to arrest the
bleeding during procedure of Popliteal aneurysm or in
Amputation of Lower Limb below Knee
Thank You !!!

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