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Shakespeare Mini-Biography

John Anderson
Mysterious Origins
No one knows for sure when Shakespeare’s his birthday or death day. But he is thought to be born in
1564 and thought to die in about 1616.
Personal Life
Birthday is believed to be April 23, 1564. He had 5
siblings. Not evident where he went to school.

Married life
Married to Anne Hathaway in November 1582. 8
years younger than his spouse
Later Work: Tragedies
Presented with vivid characteristics and
personality. Hamlet was his most know tragedy.

The cause of death is not known. Many
historians believe he died on his birthday.

Controversy and Legacy

People did not know how Shakespeare
did all of his work with no education.
His plays and poems have been
questioned. Shakespeare was entitled
“genius” until 19th century.
Shakespeare’s Career
Well known english playwright and
he was known around the world.
Early work: HIstory and Comedy
First writing are most historical.
Writing style Also started to write comedies in
His work was controversial. Used a his early time.
metrics pattern when writing his

Theatrical Beginnings
Establishing himself Most history and comedy based
He became an entrepreneur. He poems. He was a vital member of
also made a partnership and the Lord Chamberlain’s Men
created the globe theater. company. Began at age 30.

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