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Basic Network

Network Problem error
Network problem error message 1

Read the message in the box.

Box running software 14.8 Box running software 14.7
and above: and below:
No network adapter. (N01) A network adapter was not
Please make sure that your detected. (N01)
network adapter is securely Please make sure that your
plugged into a USB port on network adapter is securely
the back of the box. plugged into a USB port on
the back of the box.
Possible solution for error message 1
Quick Steps 1. If you have a TiVo Wireless G or N
Adapter: Remove the adapter from the
TiVo box for 15 – 60 seconds and
reconnect. Then force a connection to
the TiVo service.
2. Try another USB port (when
3. If these steps have not resolved your
issue, see Detailed Steps below for
additional assistance.
Network problem error message 2
Read the message in the box.
Box running software 14.8 and Box running software 14.7 and
above: below:
Problem with router. (N03) The DHCP server was unable to
supply an IP address.(N03)
It might be temporarily out of IP
addresses. Wait a few minutes, It might be temporarily out of IP
addresses. Wait a few minutes,
and then try connecting again.
and then try connecting again. If
If the DHCP server is part of your
the DHCP server is part of your
home network, try increasing home network, try increasing the
the number of IP addresses it number of IP addresses it can
can assign. assign.
Possible solution for error message 2
Quick Steps 1. Power cycle your network, then force
a connection to the TiVo service.
2. Renew the DHCP lease on your router.
NOTE: Please contact your router
manufacturer if you are unsure how to do
3. If these steps have not resolved your
issue, see Detailed Steps below for
additional assistance.
Network problem error message 3
Read the message in the box.
Box running software Box running software 14.7
14.8 and above: and below:
Problem with network The specified IP address
(<IP Address>) is already in
settings. (N05)
use by another device on
Change your network the network. (N05)
settings to use a Change your network
different (and unused) IP settings to use a different
address. (and unused) IP address.
Possible solution for error message 3
Quick Steps 1. If the box is using a static IP address, then
it will need to be changed. See How to
configure network settings on your TiVo box
for instructions.
2. Power cycle your network devices, then
force a connection to the TiVo service.
3. Renew the DHCP lease on your router.
NOTE: Please contact your router
manufacturer if you are unsure how to do
Network problem error message 4
Read the message in the box.
Box running Box running
software 14.8 and software 14.7 and
above: below:
Wireless Network Could not connect
to the wireless
Not Found. (N06)
network (<Network
Name>). (N06)
Possible solution for error message 4
Quick Steps 1. Verify your TiVo box has the latest
software version to support the
encryption used by your router.
2. Make sure your wireless network is
operational and you have sufficient
signal strength where the box is
located. See How to configure network
settings on your TiVo box for
Possible solution for error message 4
Quick Steps 3. Verify you entered the correct the
correct name of your network and/or the
correct encryption key or password.
4. Check for possible interference sources
nearby, such as microwave ovens,
cordless phones, etc.
5. Power cycle your network devices,
then force a connection to the TiVo
Possible solution for error message 4
Quick Steps 6. Move your wireless adapter to
improve signal strength.
7. Contact your router manufacturer
to determine whether you need to
update your router firmware.
8. If these steps have not resolved
your issue, see Detailed Steps below
for additional assistance.
Network problem error message 5
Read the message in the box.
Box running software Box running software 14.7
14.8 and above: and below:
Adapter not set up. Your network adapter has
(N08) not been set up for use
with the box. (N08)
Select Change network
settings to begin setting Select Change network
settings to begin setting
up your network
up your network adapter.
Possible solution for error message 5
Quick Steps 1. TiVo Wireless N adapter: Verify that your
adapter has been set up properly. Please see TiVo
Wireless N Adapter Setup for instructions.
2. Verify you entered the correct name of your
network and/or the correct encryption key or
3. Verify your wireless adapter is compatible with
your TiVo box.
4. Try another USB port (when applicable).
5. If these steps have not resolved your issue, see
Detailed Steps below for additional assistance.
Common Network
Errors and Solutions
Network Errors
Network problem is not 1. Make sure no any firewall
accessible running.
Message: " not accessible. 2. Make sure you have created
You may not have permission to the same workgroup, and the
use this network resource. same username for logging on a
remote computer.
Contact the administrator of this
3. Check user's rights.
server to find out if you have
4. You may want to enable guest
access permissions. The account on windows.
semaphore timeout period has 5. if you are using simple file
expired." sharing, you may try to disable it
and re-share the drive manually.
Network Errors
6. If it is mixed OS network, enable
NetBIOS over TCP/IP.
7. Make sure the Computer Browser
service is started if all computers are
8. Stop Computer Browser service on
wwin9x, ME and NT if this is a mixed
OS network.
9. Cache credential by using net use
/user:username command (it is better
to have the username logon shared
Network Errors
10. If you have tried enabling
netbios over tcp/ip but doesn't
work, you may try to load
netbeui (loading netbeui may
slow your network).
11. Make sure the server service
is running.
12. Still need help, contact
consultant at
p for the tech support.
Network Errors
Network problem not 1. Type command
available. The server is "net share" on the
not configured for shared computer. If
transactions" there is not a share
named "IPC$" in the
share list, use the
command "net share
ipc$" to create it.
Network Errors
An extended error has 1. This issue may occur if the
occurred" or "Access Denied" workstation doesn't
Symptoms: When mapping a synchronize the time with the
network drive using net use or server. After verifying that
using the net view command basic network connectivity
to view a different computer exists, you can force time
in the domain, you may synchronization on the client
receive: "An extended error computer manually. To do
has occurred" or "Access this, run net time /domain /set
Denied" error messages. command.
Network Errors
2. Make sure you
have granted
enough licenses
for clients
Network Errors
“Computer 1. Are you sure the logon user
has permission to the shared
name is not folder?
2. Have you tried to logon using
accessible. No the same user name and
password of the accessed
permission to computer?
3. The last and risky one, if you
access the enable guest account in
computer, can you access
resources" now?
Network Errors
"Multiple 1. Try using net use /d from
a command to clear all
connections to your mapped connections
before joining the domain.
the server or You can also disconnect
the mapped drive in
shared resource Windows Explorer by right-
are not allowed" click the mapped drive and
select disconnection.
Network Errors
"Multiple 1. Try using net use /d from
a command to clear all
connections to your mapped connections
before joining the domain.
the server or You can also disconnect
the mapped drive in
shared resource Windows Explorer by right-
are not allowed" click the mapped drive and
select disconnection.
Network Errors
"Network path 1. You can find some
computer browser
not found" in a errors on the DNS
domain server. Disable one of
two NICs will work.
network 2 More resolutions can
be found in browser
Issue page.
Network Errors
"Network path 1. You can find some
computer browser
not found" in a errors on the DNS
domain server. Disable one of
two NICs will work.
network 2 More resolutions can
be found in browser
Issue page.
Network Errors
"Network path
1. Make sure that File and
Printer Sharing is enabled on the
shared computer. Make sure
not found" in a that shared machine has
something shared.
workgroup 2. Make sure that you have
created the same workgroup
network - error and logon the same username
Make sure that you have
53 enabled NetBIOS over TCP/IP if
this is a mixed OS network.
Network Errors
"Not accessible. 1. Enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP on
one or more computers in the
You may not have workgroup. To do that, go to
properties of Local Area
permission to use Connection>properties of Internet
Protocol (TCP/IP)>General>
this network Advanced>WINS, check Enable
NetBIOS over TCP/IP (If you have a
resource" DHCP-assigned IP address, select
Use NetBIOS setting from the DHCP
server ).
Network Errors
2. Make sure
the Computer
service is
Network Errors
"Not enough 1. The registry value IRPstackSize
may be not explicitly present. To
server storage is increase the value of the
parameter, go to the key
process this LanmanServer\Parameters. If the
key is not present, choose Add
command." error. Value in the Registry Editor. The
Value Name should be
IRPStackSize and the Data Type is
Network Errors
2. Remove any
unnecessary entries from
this value in the registry,
Network Errors
3. Disable
antivirus to see
if that will fix
the problem.
Network Errors
"No logon
This sounds like cache
credential issue.
1. Make sure the computers in
server the same network, the same
workgroup/domain and have
available" created the same username.
2. Use net use
password /user: username to
cache the credential.
Network Errors
Still need help,
contact consultant
1. Disable
at ICF if you
ontactus.asp for the don't need
tech support.
Network Errors
Still need help, 2. Open port # (UDP and TCP) from
135 through 139 and/or 445. to do
contact consultant this, go to the properties of the
connection> Advanced> ICF>
at Settings> Services. For Microsoft file
sharing SMB: add (UDP and TCP)ports from 135 through 139. For direct-
hosted SMB traffic without network
ontactus.asp for the basic input/output system (NetBIOS)
uses port (TCP and UDP) 445. Note:
tech support. the external and internal port
numbers should be identical.
Network Errors
1. You need to setup every user
that needs access to the shared
folder on every computer they
password is have to connect to. Then give
the proper user proper

incorrect. Try permission to the shared folder.

2. Logon the same user and
again" 3. As always, you can try to
enable a guest account on the
accessed machine.
Network Errors
"There are no
1. If there are no file or print shares
on the computer, the net view
command displays a "There are no

entries on the entries in the list" message. So,

make sure there are file or print
shares on the computer. Or to use
list" net share command to check
sharing status.
2. Make sure no firewall running
because the firewall may block
Network Errors
"Unable to access 1. NetBIOS over
Computers near TCP/IP. To do that, go
to the properties of
Me" or "Workgroup TCP/IP>Advanced>WI
is not accessible" NS. If you are using a
errors static Internet Protocol
(IP) address, click
Network Errors
"Unable to access 2. Enable NetBIOS over
TCP/IP. If you have a
Computers near DHCP-assigned IP address,
Me" or "Workgroup click Use NetBIOS setting
from the DHCP server. No
is not accessible" Master Browser or too
errors many browsers may
cause this issue. Check
Browser issue.
Network Errors
"Unable to
1. Have you loaded the NIC or is
it working?
2. Have you loaded common
Browse protocol, TCP/IP?
3. Does the Computer browser

Network" work?
4. Have you enable file and
printer sharing in the accessed
5. Is the workstation service

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