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Identifying Non Performers

In person discussion
with those employees.
And written feedback
on email
Setting target & roadmap
to achieve

Issuing PIP

Achieved Not achieved

Based on employee’s
s/efforts management can
decide if they want to
exceed or discontinue the
Setting another target for
Out of PIP list
next 30 days
Points to note/decide
Issuing another PIP
Please refer to the next slide
Achieved Not achieved

Asking an employee to
Out of PIP
leave with a severance pay
Points to note/decide

1) Non performers will be identified on the below points

- Less than 70% target achievement continuously in the last 2 quarters
- less than 80% attendance, insubordination, Indiscipline issues

2) Defining targets. Targets remain the same as defined in the start of the cohort. However, there will be a close monitoring on the
disciplinary side as well (Mandatory 9 hrs are important, 6 days working, no leaves, 60 calls required to be logged).
3) In certain/exception cases where an employees meets 60% - 70% of the weekly target and meets all the disciplinary points, he/she
would be eligible for an extension of PIP, however at managers discretion. Further, if extension if given, an employee would not be
eligible for appraisal/incentives
4) If the same employee is put on PIP second time within the next 2 quarters, he would be given notice of only 15 days.
5) Defining targets for final stage. No change in Targets

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