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Diagnosis Fisik

(Perineum, Anus & Rectosigmoid)

Bambang Djarwoto
Bagian Penyakit Dalam
HP 081 227 68 958
Sistem Pelaksanaan
• Problem based learning (PBL)  SPICES
- Student centered.
- Problem based.
- Integrated learning.
- Community oriented,
- Early clinical exposure.
- Self directed learning.

Block Team: Objective learning

Ujian : OSCE ( Objective Structure Clinical Examination)
• Sesuai dengan Objective learning Block
Study guide
1. Based on Diagnosis.
2. Based on sign & Symptom.
3. Campuran.
The Doctor is diagnosis
Goals: Tingkat kemampuan yang
diharapkan dicapai
4. Mampu Dx  Tx
3. A. Mampu Dx  First Aids  Refer
(Non gawat darurat)
B. Mampu Dx  First Aids  Refer
(Gawat darurat)
2. Mampu Dx  Refer
1. Teori
Penyebab Penyakit
1. Trauma
2. Infection & Inflamation
3. Neoplasma
4. Metabolic disease
5. Immunologic disease
6. Congenital disease
Chinese Proverb

Tell me and I will forget,

Show me and I will remember,
Involve me and I will understand,
Step back and I will act.
The learning pyramid

• 10% of what they read

• 20% of what they hear
• 30% of what they see
• 50% of what they see and hear
• 70% of what they talk over with others
• 80% of what they use and do in real life
• 95% of what they teach someone else to do
Pola pikir
• We are what we think.
Practice make perfect.
• (7 X) Skore: 80 Lulus:
A : 9,2 – 10
A/B : 8,5 – 9,2
•5W1H B : 8,0 – 8,5
Tidak lulus < 8

• Ketrampilan Komunikasi.
PD Abdomen Pentingkah?
• 10 % pria dewasa: Tukak peptik
•5% divertikulum
•4% Ca Colon

• Diagnosis Fisik terbukti

menurunkan mortalitas Ca Colon
2 3

4 6
Nyeri telan
Heart burn

kenyang dini;

2-3 lt As. Lambung;

Kosong 6 jam

P: 2 jam, 1-2 lt
E: 1lt

600 cc
200 cc
Ketrampilan Medik
• Pemeriksaan Umum
• Pemeriksaan Khusus
– Asites
– Cholesistitis
– Appendicitis
– Ginjal
– Prostat
– Ginekologik dll
Pemeriksaan Ascites
• Tes untuk pemeriksaan Ascites
– Tes Suara Redup Berpindah
• Pada penderita tanpa ascites batas suara redup dan
timpani tidak berubah dengan perubahan posisi
– Tes Undulasi
ketuk sisi abdomen dg jari, sebelumnya minta
pasien/asisten menekan midline abdomen dengan kedua

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