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Is The Water Supreme Being?

That water produced Satya. Satya is Brahman

Brahman (produced) Prajapati

Lord Brahma

The Manifestations Of Lord Shiva

Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 6th Adhyaya 4th Brahmana Verses 1-3
1. Verily, of created things here earth is the essence; of earth, water; of water, plants; of plants,
flowers; of flowers, fruits; of fruits, man (purusa); of man, semen.
2. Prajâpati ('Lord of creatures') bethought himself: 'Come, let me provide him a
firm basis!' So He Created Woman. When he had created her, he revered her below.--
Therefore one should revere woman below.--He
stretched out for himself
that stone which projects. With that he impregnated
3. Her lap is a sacrificial altar; her hairs, the sacrificial grass; her skin, the soma-press. The
two labia of the vulva are the fire in the middle. Verily, indeed,
as great as is the world of him who sacrifices with the Vâjapeya
('Strength-libation') sacrifice, so great is the world of him who
practices sexual intercourse, knowing this; he turns the good deeds of women to
himself. But he who practices sexual intercourse without knowing this-women turn his good
deeds unto themselves.

That Stone Which Projects. With That He Impregnated Her

The Satapatha Brahmana, Part I, 1st Kanda 7th Adhyaya 4th Brahmana
1:7:4:1 Pragâpati conceived a passion for his own daughter,--either the
Sky or the Dawn . 'May I pair with her!' thus (thinking) he united with

1:7:4:2. This, assuredly, was a sin in the eyes of the gods. 'He who acts thus
towards his own daughter, our sister, [commits a sin],' they thought.

1:7:4:3. The gods then said to this god who rules over the beasts
(Rudra) , 'This one, surely, commits a sin who acts thus
towards his own daughter, our sister. Pierce him!' Rudra,
taking aim, pierced him. Half of his seed fell to the ground. And thus it
came to pass.

1:7:4:4. Accordingly it has been said by the Rishi with reference to that (incident), 'When the father
embraced his daughter, uniting with her, he dropped his seed on the earth.' This (became) the
chant (uktha) called âgnimâruta ; in (connection with) this it is set forth how the gods caused that seed
to spring. When the anger of the gods subsided, they cured Pragâpati and cut out that dart of this.
(Rudra); for Pragâpati, doubtless, is this sacrifice.

Prajapati United With His Daughter And It Was A Sin In The Eyes Of The Gods
Matsya Purana 3.30-33

5 Heads Story
Matsya Purana 3.34-35

5 Heads Story
Matsya Purana 3.35-41

5 Heads Story
Matsya Purana 3.43-46

5 Heads Story
Panchavimsa Brahmana 8.2.10

Prajapati Went On Top Of His Own Daughter Usas

Aitareya Brahmana 3.33.1-4

For When Prajapati Had Carnal Intercourse With His

Daughter, His Sperm Was Poured Forth Upon The Earth
Aitareya Brahmana 6.5.27

For When Prajapati Had Carnal Intercourse With His

Daughter, His Sperm Was Poured Forth Upon The Earth
The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad Section IV Chapter 1 Verse 1.4.4
Section IV - The Creation and Its Cause

She thought, ‘How can he be united

with me after producing me from
himself? Well, let me hide myself.’ She became a
cow, the other became a bull and was united with her;
from that cows were born. The one became a mare,
the other a stallion; the one became a she-ass, the
other became a he-ass and was united with her; from
that one-hoofed animals were born. The one became
a she-goat, the other a he-goat; the one became a
ewe, the other became a ram and was united with her;
from that goats and sheep were born. Thus did he
project every-thing that exists in pairs, down to the

Saraswati Thinking Of Prajapati

Shiva Purana, Rudra Samhita 2, Sati Khanda 2, Ch 19. 26-28
”Then, O sage, afflicted by the cupid and delighted in
the heart of hearts, I [Brahma] lifted her veil and stared
into the face of Sati. I looked at the face of Sati many a
time. I was helpless in curbing the onset of a sensuous
organism. Four drops of my semen virile
got displaced and fell on the ground like
drops of dew as a result of staring into her face.”, Tr.
Board of Scholars, Edited by J.L. Shastri
Brahma looks at Sati with lust and
semen drops fall on the ground.
Siva listens to Vishnu's pleas not to kill Brahma.
Vishnu says that the Trinity are the parts of Siva.
Brahma Purana Gautami - Mahatmya 3.18
Chapter 3 - Gift of a Water Vessel to Brahmā
Brahmā said:
18. Performing the sacrifice there near Śiva, I saw
her. My semen got ejaculated due to my evil
mind on seeing the toe.

19. In the entire three worlds, who is not deceived

by Cupid? Defiled and ashamed, I scattered the
ejaculated semen in small droplets.

20. From the minute particles of my semen

the Vālakhilyas were born. Then there was a great
commotion caused by Devas. Overwhelmed by Gautami Mahatmya
by G. P. Bhatt
shame, I stood up from my seat and started.

Brahma Confessing : My Semen Got Ejaculated Due To My Evil

Mind On Seeing The Toe
Brahma Masturbated Fixing His Carnal Eyes On The Celestial Beauty Urvasi
Brahma and Saraswati Brahma is one of the three main gods— Trimurti— of
the Hindu pantheon. He is the creator of the universe. Saraswati, who became
the wife of her own father, was the daughter of Brahma. There are two stories
about her genesis in the “Saraswati Purana”. One is that Brahma created
his beautiful daughter Saraswati direct from his “vital strength” or
seminal fluid. The other is that Brahma used to collect his semen in a pot
whenever he masturbated fixing his carnal eyes on the celestial beauty
Urvasi. Brahma’s
semen in the pot gave birth to the sage
Agastya, and Agastya in turn gave birth to Saraswati.
Thus, Saraswati had no mother. This daughter or grand-daughter of
Brahma is the Hindu goddess of learning. When Brahma saw the beauty of
Saraswati he became amorous. To escape from her father’s passionate
approach Saraswati ran to the lands in all four directions, but she could
not escape from her father. She succumbed to Brahma’s wish. Brahma and
his daughter Saraswati lived as husband and wife indulging in incest for 100
years. They had a son Swayambhumanu and a daughter Satarupa.
Swayambhumanu made love with his sister Satarupa. Through the incest
of Brahma’s son and daughter Brahma got two grandsons and two
Kovoor, Dr. Abraham. Gods, Demons & Spirits (Kindle Locations 1235-1244).
Jaico Books. Kindle Edition.
Brahma’s Semen In The Pot Gave Birth To The Sage Agastya
Rig Veda Mandala 10, 61 Hymn, Verses 5 - 8
परथिष्ट यस्य वीरकर्मथर्ष्णदनुथितं नु नयोपौहत | पु नस्तदा वहम थत यत कनाया दु थहतु रानुभ्र्तर्नवाम ||
र्ध्या यत कर्त्मर्भवदभीके कार्ं कर्ण्ामणेथपतरर युवत्यार् | र्नानग रे तो जहतु थवमयन्ता सानौथनथिक्तं सुक्र्तस्य योनौ
|| थपता यत सवां दु थहतरर्थिष्कन कष्मया रे तःसंजग्मानो थन थिञ्चत | सवाध्यो.अजनयन बरह्म दे वावास्तोि पथतं वरतपां
थनरतक्षन ||

Prajapati United With His Daughter And It Was A Sin In The Eyes Of The Gods
Rig Veda Mandala 10, 61 Hymn, Verses 5 - 8

Prajapati United With His Daughter And It Was A Sin In The Eyes Of The Gods
Rig Veda Mandala 10, 61 Hymn, Verses 5 - 7
Hindi translation is by Pandit Ram Govind Trivedi

Prajapati United With His Daughter And It Was A Sin In The Eyes Of The Gods
Rig Veda Mandala 10, 86 Hymn, Verses 1 - 23

Discussion Between Indra and Indrani

Rig Veda Mandala 10, 86 Hymn, Verses 1 - 23

Discussion Between Indra and Indrani

Rig Veda Mandala 10, 86 Hymn, Verses 1 - 23

Discussion Between Indra and Indrani

Shiva Purana Rudra Samhita 2, Yuddha Kanda 5, Ch. 23: 36-46
Chapter 23 - Outraging the modesty of Vṛndā
36. After saying this and restoring him to life, O sage, that sage who was
Viṣṇu the foremost among those who wield illusion vanished from the
scene. 37. Jalandhara thus revived to life by him stood up. Delighted in
mind he embraced Vṛndā and kissed her face. 38. On seeing her husband,
Vṛndā too was delighted. She forgot her sorrow. She considered everything
a dream. 39. Delighted in the heart and with all the dormant passions
kindled up, she sported with him for many days in the middle of that forest.
40. Once at the end of the sexual intercourse she
realised that it was Viṣṇu. Vṛndā rebuked him angrily
and spoke thus. 44. The two persons whom you made
to appear in front of me shall become Rākṣasas and
abduct your wife. 45. You will be distressed on
account of separation from your wife roaming about
with Śeṣa ‘lord of snakes’ who posed as your
disciple here. You will seek the help of monkeys in
the forest. 46. After saying this, Vṛndā entered fire though prevented by
Viṣṇu who was fascinated by her charms.

Vishnu Is Said To Have Raped Tulsi / Vrinda

Shiva Purana Rudra Samhita 2, Yuddha Kanda 5, Ch. 41: 36-46
Chapter 41 - The curse of Tulasī
Sanatkumāra said:—
28. After saying this the lord of the worlds lay down on his bed. Then out of
joy Viṣṇu indulged in sexual intercourse.
29. That lady began to suspect on observing a change in her happiness,
endearment and attraction and asked him “who are you?
Tulasī said:—
30. Who are you? Tell me quickly. I have been enjoyed by you deceptively.
My modesty has been outraged. Hence I am going to curse you.”
Sanatkumāra said:—
31. On hearing the words of Tulasī, Viṣṇu became afraid of the curse.
O Brahmin, sportively he re-assumed his own real beautiful form.
32. On seeing the characteristic signs she guessed that it was Viṣṇu.
Infuriated by the violation of her chastity she said.
Tulasī said:—
33. “O Viṣṇu, you are ruthless. Your mind is like a rock. Since my chastity
has been outraged my husband is doomed.
34. O
wicked one, being ruthless you are like a rock.
Hence due to my curse you will become a rock.

Vishnu Is Said To Have Raped Tulsi / Vrinda

Devi Bhagavatam Book 9 Chapter 24 Verses 1 - 27
1. Nârada said :-- How did Nârâyana impregnate Tulasî? Kindly describe all that in detail. 2-11.
Nârâyana said :-- For accomplishing the ends of the Devas, Bhagavân Hari assumed the Vaisnavî
Mâyâ, took the Kavacha from S’ankhachûda and assuming his form, went to the house of Tulasî. 14-
17. O Dear! Full one Samvatsara the war lasted betwixt us. All the Daityas were killed. Then Brahmâ
Himself came and mediated. Peace, then, was brought about and by the command of Brahmâ, I gave
over to the Devas their rights. When I returned to my home, S’iva went back to His S’ivaloka. Thus
saying, Hari, the Lord of the world, slept and then engaged in sexual
intercourse with her. But the chaste Tulasî, finding this time her experience quite different
from what She used to enjoy before, argued all the time within herself and at last questioned him :--
18-22. Who are you? O Magician! By spreading your magic, you have enjoyed me. As you have taken
my chastity, I will curse you. Bhagavân Nârâyana, hearing Tulasî’s words and being afraid of the
curse, assumed His real beautiful figure. The Devî then saw the Eternal Lord of the Devas before her.
He was of a deep blue colour like fresh rain-clouds and with eyes like autumnal lotuses and with
playful Lîlâs equivalent to tens and tens of millions of Love personified and adorned with jewels and
ornaments. His face was smiling and gracious; and he wore his yellow - coloured robe. The love-
stricken Tulasî, seeing That Lovely Form of Vâsudeva, immediately fell senseless; and at the next
moment, regaining consciousness, she began to speak. 23-27. O Lord! Thou art like a stone. Thou
hast no mercy. By hypocrisy Thou hast destroyed my chastity, my virtue and for that reason didst kill
my husband. O Lord! Thou had no mercy; Thy heart is like a stone. So Let Thee be
turned into a stone.
Hari, the Lord of the world, slept and then engaged in sexual intercourse with Tulsi
Siva Sex With Madhura in Absence Of Parvati
Once a celestial damsel named Madhurā after observing Somavāravrata
went to Kailāsa to pay obeisance to Siva. Pârvati was absent from the place
then, having gone to attend the birthday celebrations of one of her sons. So
Madhura met Siva sitting lonely and this led to a
clandestine sexual union between them. When Pârvati
returned she saw traces of the ashes from the body of
Siva on the naked breast of Madhura and Parvati in
her anger cursed Madhură to live in a well for twelve
years ás a frog. Siva was stupefied at the curse and he went
to the well and consoled her by saying that she would after the
twelve years of life as a frog become a very beautiful maiden and
would be married by a man of great fame and valour. It was near
this well that Maya and his wise were performing penance to get a
daughter. After twelve years the frog changed itself into a beautiful
maiden and cried loudly from the well. Hearing the cry Maya and Hemä,
who were nearby peeped into the well and seeing the young girl took
her home and brought her up giving her the name Mandodari. – Page
No. 476
So Madhura Met Siva Sitting Lonely And This Led To A Clandestine Sexual
Union Between Them
God Shiva Had Two Wives
God Shiva had two wives—Ganga and parwati. It
was while Shiva was frolicking and making love
with Parvati in the forest in the form of
elephants that Ganapati, the god with the
head of an elephant was born. On another
occasion when Shiva was frolicking
with Parvati in the form of a monkey,
Hanuman the monkey god was born.
Kovoor, Dr. Abraham. Gods, Demons & Spirits
(Kindle Locations 1244-1247). Jaico Books. Kindle
Birth Of Ganapati and Hanuman
Brahma Vaivartha Puranam 5th Adyaya Verses 149 - 161

Krishna Having Sex With Radha

Is The Water Supreme Being?
That water produced Satya. Satya is Brahman

Brahman (produced) Prajapati

Lord Brahma

The Manifestations Of Lord Shiva

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