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Case Presentation

1. Preliminary Data Date- 18-08-2017

• Name :-Mr.ABC
• Age :- 56
• Sex :- Male
• Occupation :-Business
• Marital Status :-Married
• Address :- Kondhwa ,Pune.
• Economical Status :-Middle Class
• Race :- Maratha.
• OPD No. :- SH – 328

2. Chief Complaint :- Pain in abdomen since 7 Days.

3. ODP:- ::- Patient was apparently alright A week back. On 11 th aug he
went to Dhule for his business work. Where he had lunch n dinner outside in
hotel . He came back to pune next day morning ( On 12 th Aug ) as the last
night he couldn't sleep well & he didn’t feel fresh in the morning. Along with it
he started complaining of low grade fever with Headache. As his business
work is important for him he couldn’t take rest & treated himself with
Tab.Acetaminophen 2 times a day for 2 days & continued the work but still
no relief. Next day Morning ( On 13 th Aug) He felt Nauseating n had two
episodes of vomitting also Because of it he got generalized weakness n also
had bitter taste in mouth. Inspite of not feeling well he continued his work
without rest. Four Days Passed in this on evening of (17 thAug ) he felt dull Pain
in the abdomen but after eating pain reduced During sleep again he started
Dull feeling pain in right hypochondriac region < Motion n Touch . He applied
pressure on painful region with pillow n sleep on right side whole night as it
Ameliorates his pain. On the next day Morning His Wife noticed that his eyes
are looking yellowish in color. N there fore he contact to his physician.
There is No H/O Trauma, Recent Immunization,
Hematemesis , recurrent Diarrhea, Blood
Transfusion , Swelling of Joints Or Feets .

Location Sensation Modalities concomittant

Rt Dull pain < Motion , -
Hypochondriac Touch

> Pressure.
4. Associated complaint:- Headache , Generalized
Weakness , Nausea, Bitter taste in Mouth.

5. Past history :- Nothing specific.

6.Family history :-Nothing specific.

7.Previous treatment :- Self Medicated

Tab.Acetaminophen for fever on (12th Aug) 2 tab 2
times a day for 2 days.
8.Personal History:-

• Appetite – Reduced Since Complaints.

• Craving – Hot 3 + ( No recent alterations)
• Aversion – Nonveg ( Never Taste Before Religious Family Background)
• Thirst – 8-10 Glasses per Day ( No recent alterations).
• Bowels – Since complaint started Constipated stools ,Yellowish in
coloured offensive Odour since complaint started has to go two times a
day previously he goes once a day.
• Urine – Since complaint started urine is Dark in color .
• Perspiration – on exertion.
• Sleep – On right side with covering Pressure >
• Dream – dreams of daily routine work . ( Sometimes Not Regular)
• Habits – Alcohol Started since college life Now Occasionally he Drinks.
• Thermal – Chilly ( Likes Summer, Takes Covering at Night, Hot Craving).
• Mind – Very attentive and concern about accuracy.
Finds faults in others .
9.General Examination :-
• Built :Average built.
• Pulse : 75 Beats/min .
• B.P : 110/70 mm of Hg.
• Temp : 99.7 F
• RR : 18/min.
• Wt : 60 Kg.

• Tongue : Yellow coated with Imprint of teeth.

• Yellowish discoloration of skin , sclera and mucous
• No pallor, Clubbing, Edema, lymphadenopathy.
Palmer Erythema And Spider Nevi Absent.
• Xanthelasma Is Absent –( Symmetrical yellow
plaques around eyelids present in primary biliary
10. Systemic Examination:-

• CNS – Patient is Conscious & well oriented is answering

correctly to all questions as regards time and date etc.
• CVS- S1S2 heard.
• RS – AEBE Clear.
• Per Abdominal –
• Inspection : Umbilicus centrally situated. No scar of any
previous Surgery , no swelling.
• O/P -Examination of all 9 Abdominal Quadrant are done
. Fullness is present. Tenderness in Rt Hypocondriac
Region with mild Hepatomegaly n Palpable Spleen.
Murphy’s Sign Negative. Fluid three test is – ve. No
guarding Rigidity.
• Percussion : Fullness is Present Dull Note.
• Auscultation : Peristaltic Movements Auscultated.
• 12. Differential Diagnosis –
• Infective Hepatitis.
• Alcoholic Hepatitis.
• Chloecystitis.

• 13. Investigation :-
• Haemogram, Urine Routine , USG, LFT, HBsAg,
Anti-HAV IgM
14. Probable Diagnosis :- Infective hepatitis

16. Miasmatic Diagnosis:- psora miasm.



I. Very attentive and concern about accuracy. (char).

II. Finds faults in others.(common).

III. Craving for Hot (char).
IV. Aversion Nonveg (com).
V. Bowel Constipated yellow coloured (char)
VI. Urine Dark Colour (Char)
VII. Perspiration On exertion (com)
VIII.Sleep on right side Pressure> (char)
IX. Thermal Chilly (char)
X. Tongue Yellow coted with Imprint of Teeth (Char)
XI. Dreams of daily routine (com).

XII. Pain in Rt Hypocondriac Region < Motion , Touch ,> Pressure (char)
18.Evaluation :-

I. Pain in Rt Hypocondriac Region < Motion , Touch

,>hard Pressure (char)
II. Tongue Yellow coted with Imprint of Teeth (Char)
III. Thermal Chilly (char)
IV. Sleep on right side Pressure> (char)
V. Bowel Constipated yellow coloured (char)
19. Probable remedies :-Chelidonium Majus
,Bryonia alba, Lycopodium.

20. Indicated remedy:- Chelidonium Majus

21. Prescription :-

Rx, Date – 18-08-2017

Chelidonium Majus 200 (globule no 30)
4pills * TDS *5 DAYS
Take 4 pills three times a day for 3 days.

Follow up – come after 3 days .

Sign :
Reg no :
22. Auxiliary line of treatment:-

• Avoid outside food .

• Have a nutritional diet that has high carb and low
• Rest .
• Keep yourself well hydrated.

23. Prognosis -
Good. After taking medicine.
1) Chelidonium:
- The liver symptoms of chelidonium are very
- Soreness and stitching, shooting pain from
liver down into the stomach or down into the
back from posterior part of liver; marked pain
under the angle of right scapula even going
through the chest live a rivet.
-Abdomen distended and sensitive to pressure.
-Irregular palpitations of heart.
- Great weariness and anorexia
-It is remedy to be used in simple biliousness
and jaundice, and in hepatic congestion or
-It causes the liver to secrete thinner and more
profuse bile than any other remedy.
-Jaundice due to hepatic and gallbladder
-There is aggravation from motion and touch
and amelioration from pressure.
2) Merc sol:
-Right sided affection
-For congestion of liver, its complications and
end stage liver disease
-Yellow skin with itching < night ,warmth of
-Intense thirst even though tongue moist
excessive salivation.
-Bitter ,sweetish, foul taste in mouth
-Power of transforming healthy cells into
- Profuse sweating day and night without
which is offensive.
- Tongue large ,flabby with imprints of
3) Magnesium mur:
-Pressing pain in liver area < walking, touch
and lying on affected side
-Ascites with hepatomegaly
-Liver hard and enlarged
-Sensation as if something is ragging in
-Chronic induration of liver .
4) China:
-Liver hard ,small with pain < on touch
-Obstruction of gallbladder with colic
-Tympanatic abdomen and distention
must loosen cloths.
-Eructation and flatulence.
-Debility due to loss of vital fluids.
-Marked periodicity
-Constipation even soft stool voided with
5) Bryonia:
-The liver is swollen ,congested and
Stitching pain the right hypochondriac
region <any motion>lying on right side
-Even on breathing pain in abdomen and
spits bile.
-One of the chief remedies for jaundice.
-Stools are hard and dry, or ,if loose,
papescent and profuse and associated
with colic.
6) Lycopodium:
-The region of the liver is sensitive to touch and
there is feeling od tension in it, a feeling as if a
cord were tied about the waist.
-Used for cirrhosis.
-The pains are dull and aching instead of sharp
and lancinating
-Fullness in the stomach after eating a small
-There are no real icteric symptoms but, there is
a peculiar sallow complexion.
7) Belladonna:
-Active violent congestion of all systems <
pressure, Breathing, coughing and lying upon
right side
-Severe pain in right hypochondriac in small
-Hepatic tenderness, pain radiates to right
shoulder and neck.
-Rapidly progressing disease.
-There is continuous retching and vomiting of
bile >on bending double
-Transverse colon protrudes.
- Uncontrollable vomiting .
8) Leptandra:
- Jaundice with black, tarry stools
- bilious constitution.
- feeble portal congestion.
-Dull, aching pain accompanied by
-Burning distress in and about liver ,often
spreading to stomach and abdomen.
-Vomiting of bile.
-Frequent chilliness along the spine

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