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Is an amber-colored, protein-rich liquid that

seperates out when blood coagulates.
It is considered the gold standard and remains
the required sample matrix for some assays
,laboratories must consider turn around time,
which is a metric for lab performance and plays
a critical role in patient care.
What is serum in the body?
• In blood the serum is the component that is
neither a blood cell(serum does not contain
white blood cell or red blood cells) nor a
clotting factor ,
• Serum is used in numerous diagnostic test as
well as blood typing
• The blood serum of an animal used especially
to provide immunity to a pathogen or toxin by
inoculation or as diagnostic agent
What are components of serum?
• The components of serum include serum
albumin, globulins and fibrinogen. The
remainder 1% of blood proteins is composed
of low abundance circulatory proteins as well
as proteins secreted by live, apoptotic and
necrotic cells.
What is blood plasma and serum
Serum is not part of blood which is similar in
composition with plasma but exclude clotting
factors of blood. Fibrinogen is a protein that is
involved in blood coagulation
What is serum test?
• A serum albumin test is a simple blood test
that measures the amount of albumin in your
• If none of those apply to you and you have an
abnormal serum albumin level, it may be a
sign that your liver or kidneys aren’t working
correctly. it could also mean that you have a
nutritional deficiency.
Can you get serum from plasma?
• If you allow the blood to clot you will get
serum, not plasma. I you use an anticoagulant
,you will get plasma not serum
What is serum HCG?
• A qualitative HCG blood test checks if there is
a hormone called chronic gonadotropin in
your blood.HCG is a hormone produce in the
body during pregnancy. Other HCG test
include: HCG urine test
• Quantitavie pregnancy test ( checks specific
level of HCG in your blood).
What is normal serum level/
• Typically, the range or albumin in the blood is
bet 3.4 to 5.4 grams per deciliter. When a
person’s level are found to be lover than the
ave range ,it could indicate conditions
What serum contains?
• It does not contain WBC and RBC or a clotting
factor. It is the blood plasma without the
fibrinogens. Serum includes all proteins not
used in blood clotting ,and all electrolytes,
antibodies, antigens, hormones and extra

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