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Principal’s Communication

School Culture


Background of the study
• As we all know, there were lots of changes in upgrading the nation’s education in
• This field also has gone through many obstacles in defining the best education
system in producing the quality of output (students).
• This changes need an efficient leaders to manage an organization such as schools.
• The leaders or principals also need to be equip with skills and knowledge to manage
the schools, teachers, students, support staff and parents.
• One of the critical skills that principals should have is communication skills.
• According to Yahya, Aziah and Yaakob (2007), principals also need skills in oral and
written communication, understanding between cultures, physical fitness and other
• As stated by Ramaiah (1999), a powerful principal in the school is a point of
contact with the various relations such as the relationship between principal,
teachers, students and parents.
• Effective communication gives rise to teachers’ comfort and create high
commitment level from teachers.
• Indirectly, this positive environment of good relationship between the principal
and teachers at school can create a positive school culture.
• A school’s culture is a reflection of the principal’s leadership style and skills.
• Harris (1971), school culture defined as pattern of behavior, attitudes and feelings
which are acquired through socialization and which are characteristics of group
rather than individuals.
Problem Statements
Communication Style
Many leaders today Samsidar (1997), the failure of Ineffective communications will
communicate regularly with and organization is due to the make teachers become
individuals, their team leaders who lacked of confuse and misinterpret
members, and larger management knowledge and information.
organizational units at a skills.
distance using technology
As a result, teachers would fail
applications. Strengthening principals’ to carry the tasks and
conflict resolution skills, face- responsibilities.
Stated by Reeves (2006), to-face communication skills
acknowledged the increasing as well as emotional demands
use of technology in of principal ship are key issues This conflict may effect the
communication, yet urges in effective and successful relationship between principal
the importance of holding on school principal and teachers also the school
the non-technological side of (Aderson,1991) environment.
School Culture

Purkey (1990), pointed out Because of the schools itself Sometimes, though, the
that school culture is often are closely related to culture has developed
understood to be a positive humans, i.e. principals, dysfunctional values and
concept. administrators, teachers, beliefs, negative traditions,
students and parents so and caustic ways of
indirectly, there are various interacting. These are what
School culture is the of behaviors need to Deal and Peterson (1998)
underlying set of norms, understand and handle. have called "toxic cultures"
values, traditions,
ceremonies, and unwritten
rules of behavior, action, and These schools are not fun
thinking. The school culture places to work in and seldom
is built over time as try to improve what is going
educators cope with on. Toxic cultures inhibit and
problems, deal with changing limit improvement efforts in
students and staff, and deal several ways.
with successes and failures.
Research Objectives & Research
1. To identify the principal’s communication 1. What is the principal’s communication
style as perceived by the teachers at style as perceived by the teachers at the
schools. schools?

2. To determine the level of the school 2. What is the level of the school
culture. culture?

3. To investigate the relationship between 3. Is there a relationship between principal’s

principal’s communication style and school communication style and school culture as
culture as perceived by the teachers at perceived by the teachers at schools?
Significant of this study
• This study is aim to see the communication style that practice by the principal at
• Then the level of school culture there.
• The relationship between the principal’s communication style and school culture.
• The result of this study hopefully will help the principal to understand the
communication style that can create a positive school culture.
• From the teachers view, this study can be a guide and reference for the teachers
about the important of communication skills in organization.
• From the principal view, this study can be used to improve the principal
communication skills and knowledge.
Limitation of this study
• This study will be conduct at four vocational schools;
• Kolej Vokasional Shah Alam
• Kolej Vokasional Sungai Buloh
• Kolej Vokasional Setapak
• Kolej Vokasional Klang

• This limitation means that the findings of this study cannot be generalized to all
type of schools in the state.
IV - Communication Style
Author Variables Methodology Findings
Eng Lee Wee (2011), Effective The survey was conducted • The role of communication skills
Adnan Houtmain Communication Style of to investigate the perception can improve the effectiveness of
(2004), principal. of teachers related to the principal.
Andul Khalil (2009), effectiveness of the • Failure of communication will
Mohd Amiludin (2011) principal’s communication cause problems and affect the
style. efficiency of the staff of the
Samsidar (1997) Principal’s Asking ideas and opinions • Favorable style that practiced by
communication style from the voluntarily teachers the principal is the equalitarian
and the involvement of style.
teachers. • Besides there are styles that are
not likeable which are withdrawal
style, structuring style and control
DV - School Culture
Author Variables Methodology Findings
Ann Higgins, Understanding school Survey on Professional • The culture in school can support or
D’Alessandro culture as the basis for Educators of Tennessee limit student learning.
school reform • Engage students rarely cause
University) discipline problems.
• For educators it can be associated
with morale, job satisfaction and

Terrence Deal & Toxic Cultures and the Adopted from the book • These schools are not fun places to
Kent Peterson Problems of Change Shaping School Culture : The work in and seldom try to improve
(1998) Heart of Leadership what is going on.
• Toxic cultures inhibit and limit
improvement efforts in several ways.
Author Variables Methodology Findings
Ferudun Sezgin Teachers perception Qualitative interview design to • The principal’s communication
Emre Er (2016) of school principal examine how teachers perceived style is little problematic. There is
interpersonal school principal’s form of a negative atmosphere in the
communication style : communication school because of insufficient
A qualitative study of teacher-principal communication.
Turkish primary school • The school principal should be
able to use formal and informal
communication style to create a
positive environment and a good
• Communication plays an
important role with respect to the
nature of the organization, i.e.,
when it comes to organizational
climate and culture.
Communication Style
• Wofford, Gerloff and Cummins (1997) as cited in Wee Eng Lee (2011) traced another
communication style. They identified there are six dimensions of communication styles which are;

Communication Style Characteristic

style of one way communication, oriented control, demanding,
Control style
directive and should be followed by teachers
honest and straightforward, simple, aggressive, action
Dynamic style
Equalitarian style two way communication, friendly, empathetic, more open
avoid discussion, hinder effective communication in
Withdrawal style
Relinquish style always served as an assistant only, hand the task to others

Structure style according to the rules and regulations existed

Hofstede Theory of Organizational

Hofstede (2001) and Greet Hofstede (2011) cultural dimensions are the most widely used
variables and has been applied in cross cultural communication, psychology and in
international management.

Long Term Orientation

Power Distance Index
Short Term Orientation

Uncertainty Avoidance

Masculinity & Femininity

Research Framework

Principal’s Organizational Culture

Communication Style
1. Power Distance Index
1. Structural style 2. Individualism
2. Dynamic style 3. Masculinity / Femininity
3. Equalitarian style 4. Uncertainly Avoidance Index
4. Withdrawal style 5. Long Term vs Short Term
5. Relinquish style Orientation
6. Control style
Research Design
• Quantitative research

• Easier to get data from the respondents by using questionnaires

• This questionnaire consist of questions which will be adopt and adapt from the previous
study that related to this study

• Easier to collect the analytical data

Population & Sampling
• Population - vocational schools in Selangor.

• Conduct at four vocational schools with have the same background of technical

• The respondent who will involve in this study are 120 teachers

• Random sampling – each individual is chosen entirely by chance and each

member of the population has and equal chance of being

• 4 schools x 30 set of questionnaires = 120 respondents

• The questionnaire divided into 3 sections:
Part A - 6 items of respondents’ personal information
Part B - 24 items related to the communication style practiced by the principal,
adopted and adapt from Nazahiyah (2013) cited in Wee Eng Lee (2011)
Part C - 29 items adopt and adapt from Hofstede’s Theory of Organizational
Culture of six dimensions.
• Five point Likert scale to evaluate the sample response
• Validity – the supervisor will review the draft of questionnaire
• Conduct a pilot study – the purpose is to improve the instruments
• Reliability – to measure the internal consistency (Cronbach Alpha Coefficient) for all
dimensions in both section Principal’s Communication Style and School Culture
Data Collection
• Plan activities before collect the data

• Using a right procedure

• An official letter will be send to this four schools for a permission in doing this study at the
chosen schools

• The distributing questionnaires and collecting data will be trough the administrator
Data Analysis
• SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science)
• In order to achieve the research objectives, this is the data analysis that will be use:

RO Data Analysis
To identify the principal’s communication style calculation of mean
as perceived by the teachers at the
To determine the level of school culture at the calculation of mean

To investigate the relationship between calculation of Pearson Correlation

principal’s communication style and school

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