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User Login
User LoggedIn

When you have successfully logged onto

TendersInfo "My Dashboard" icon will
appear and it will display all Live Tenders
as per your Product Profile
User LoggedIn

When you have successfully logged onto

TendersInfo "My Dashboard" icon will
appear and it will display all Live Tenders
as per your Product Profile
Quick Search & Advance Search
You can search for business leads as per your requirement with the help of “Quick Search” using "Region or
Country" , "Sector", "Keyword" or "Date" or else can choose the “Advanced Search” option.


Advance Search
to fine-filter

Choose countries
from the list

Choose Sectors
Select Date
from the list
Advance Search
Advance Search option has more search options to filter business opportunities matching to your criteria. You don't
have to fill all the fields. Just put values in those fields which are in your Search Criteria
. Choose Domestic/
International Information.
Filter information Contact TendersInfo if
using Free Text Bid Type is “Not Specified”

Use unique
CPV Codes Choose Sector from
the list

Filter using
Funding Agencies
Use TendersInfo
unique TI Ref Number

Select Desired
Select Desired Deadline
Publishing Date

Select Tender
Select Tenders/
Notice Number
Projects/ News
Contract Awards

Add desired State/

Select desired City

Search Live/ Add desired Project

Archive Information Cost
Advance Search
It will help you to search required information using Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV) to fetch exact
information. You can get the desired product profile CPV codes with a request to Tenders Info. Select the necessary
CPVs of your choice from the list and click on “Done” to add CPV to filter information.
If you have CPV (722080,722081,722082) with you paste it directly & click on “Cancel” to close the message box.

Use unique
CPV Codes

If you already know the

CPV codes , then put CPVs
(Codes separated by Comma
in case of Multiple
CPVS) in CPV field
and click on Cancel
Search Results
After filling all required fields in the Advance Search form, Search Results will appear.

Click on
Tender Summary
to View
Tender Details
Tender Details
After clicking on required Tender Summary on Search Result page, Tender Details will appear.

Click on “Search Results”

to go back to “Search Results” Page
or to “Filter Your Search” again

This section contains the initial

Tender Notice issued by the
Tendering Authority. It also has
the softcopy of RFP documents
if it is provided by the Authority

You can save the Tenders to

“My Briefcase” folder for
easy retrieval of information
future references
You can also request TendersInfo for
Bid consultancy Services and
Purchase Bid Documents on You can request for
your Behalf more information or further
update on
this opportunity concerned
team will revert them with
requested information instantly.
Filter your Search again
After clicking on browser's “Back Arrow” it will display “Filter Your Search” & “Search Results”
You can further
modify the
Search criteria using
“Filter Your Search”
How to save “My Searches”
After filling all the detail in Advance Search you will get required Search Results. You can save this search filter options
which is used in Advance Search to “My Searches” folder.

You can save your preferred

Search criteria to
“My Searches” for
easy retrieval of information
future references
My Dashboard

Its an overview of your TendersInfo membership account along with Graphical representation of business
opportunities available and activities performed by you
My Dashboard
When you click on ”Tenders”, you can view all live tenders according to your Products & Services provided by you.
Click on any Summary information to view the Tender Details.

You can see all live tenders

as per Products & Services
provided by you.
My Dashboard
When you click on ”Projects”, you can view all live Projects according to your Products & Services provided by you.

You can see Projects

as per Products & Services
provided by you.
My Dashboard
Project Details

After clicking on required Project Summary on Projects Dashboard, Project Details will appear.

Project Details Page

My Dashboard
Contract Awards
Click on ”Contract Awards”, to view all live Contracts according to your Products & Services provided by you.

You would be able to view all

Contract Awards as per
Products & Services
My Dashboard
Contract Award Details

After clicking on required Contract Award Summary on Contracts Dashboard, Contract Details will appear.

Contract Details Page

My Dashboard
Procurement News
Click on ”Procurement News”, to view all live Business News according to your Products & Services provided by you.

You would be able to view

Procurement News as per
Products & Services
My Dashboard
Procurement News Details

After clicking on required News Summary on News Dashboard, News Details will appear.

News Details Page

My Activities
My Email Alerts
When you click on ”My Email Alerts”, you can select all tenders that were sent through regular email notifications.
You can also choose the desired information “Tenders,RFPs,Prequalification” ,”Projects” and “Date” to filter results.

You can view all information

that were sent through
regular Email Alerts
My Activities
My Searches
When you click on ”My Searches”, you can see all Search Filters that were saved during the Advance Search. You
can View, add, edit and delete the search filters. You can view all live information after clicking on View option.

You can view all “searches”

that you had earlier saved
during Advance Search
My Activities
My Briefcase
When you click on ”My Briefcase”, you can see all information that were saved during the Advance Search or saved
directly for future references.

List of Tenders/News/CA that you

had earlier saved to My Briefcase
for future references
My Activities
My Future Updates
When you click on ”Future Updates”, you can see all Tenders/Project/News/CA for which you had requested “More
Details”,”Tender Documents”, “ Bid Documents” or has request “Future Updates”.

List of Future Updates &

Bid Documents requested
My Activities
My Bid Request
When you click on ”My Bid Request”, you can view all Tenders for which you have sent Bid Consultancy request to

List of Bid Consultancy requests

Account Information

It will display your “User Name” and “Login ID”. Details of “Last Login” along with the option to check different
packages to choose from to “Renew” the services. User can also Add/Edit User “Profile”and “Business Profile”.

Account Information will display

“User Name”, “Last Login”
“subscription Validity” and
options to Add/Edit
“User” and “Company” Profile
Other Services

You can go through the list of other “Services” that we provide to our clients where our valued subscribers can rely
on TendersInfo for relevant global business opportunities and a reliable source of support for all bid related services.

Bid Assistance Services

TendersInfo extends step to step Bid Assistance Services for its members in the countries where they do not
have local presence.

With the help of our vast network of local agents spread across more than 65+ countries and our in-house
Bid Consultancy experts, we help our members in Bidding for projects across the globe. Below are the 2
different services which could be availed by clients as per their requirements on project to project basis.

Bid Facilitation (Bid Document Procurement and Bid Submission)

 Procuring Bid Document from Tendering Authority and making it available to the client on time.
 Submission of Proposal/Bid with logistical assistance required to carry out the same.

Bid Consultation & Facilitation (Complete step to step Groundwork for Bidding)
 Procuring Bid Document from Tendering Authority and making it available to the client on time.
 Submission of Proposal/Bid on time and its entirety, with logistical assistance required to carry out the
 Represent client at the Pre-bid conference.
 Ensure that client organization is compliant with local bidding processes, with the respective tendering
 Attend Bid Opening meetings on clients behalf and report back the summary and key actions required by
 Coordinate receipt of key bid requirements like Bank Guarantee, Earnest Money and other vital
 Follow-up & liasioning with the Tendering Authority on clients behalf.
 Giving Local Taxes and duty information & helping with local registrations if any required for the project.
 Assistance with complete Local Logistics.
Other Services continue...

Partnerships / Consortium / JV (Joint Venture)

Tenders, Projects and Major Business Opportunities sometimes call for collaboration. TendersInfo has major tie-ups and an unmatched market reach worldwide in the Public Procurement

How should a company look at JVs and Consortiums, their preparation, research on what would target companies look at when they look for a partner, map companies based on their
qualification criteria for various projects, validate aspirations of companies involved and create a pitch to connect both the companies are some of the key activities of this service.

Who would need this service? If you are a first time bidder If you do not completely qualify for the technical or the commercial bid terms and conditions If you are falling short of manpower
/ skill / capabilities If you do not have a local partner in a country where you do not have a presence If you would like to distribute the risk in huge projects with an equally matching
company also involved in execution of similar projects.

Local Agent Services

TendersInfo has a wide network of local agents in different countries around the world. With the aid of these local agents, TendersInfo helps members to bid in different countries wherein
they do not have a local presence or a local contact.

Bid Outsourcing

TendersInfo will play the role of your Tendering department. We will assign a dedicated resource from our employee base who will be your dedicated Relationship Manager.

Selling Database

6 We provide data as per requirement, in terms of product, sector and geography. We provide company's name, Website, country, contact person, Email Id, Designation, Telephone numbers,
Product profile to our clients.

Finding a Distributor

TendersInfo in its endeavor to transforming business engagement has embarked on a new initiative to connect manufacturers distributors and suppliers to enable the network dynamics of
the product leverage and cost the leverage market in different countries and geographies.

Who would need this service?

Manufacturers & Global Product Organizations

Distributors eyeing at an international reach strategy
Business match making based on organizational product distribution requirements
Dedicated Research & Connects with global distributors with strong local establishment
Live Support

You can go live and have a direct conversation with our customer care executives. Get instant support in real time.
Share your issues, feedback and suggestions and get immediate response.
Put your queries directly to the front desk executives and request for solutions.

Go Live and chat with our

Customer Care Executive.
Add your “Name” and “Email”
Do the Live Chat
Help Us Improve

Now that we've upgraded our website and have introduced an entire new look, we have more control over all
features we have introduced to our clients. We would appreciate your feedback on how best we can improve them to
serve you in a better way. We request your feedback, comments, suggestions or any problems you are facing
related to our services.

Help us improve
Contact Us

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