Communication: Prof. Divine Grace V. Garsuta Communication Instructor

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Prof. Divine Grace V. Garsuta

Communication Instructor
• Is a process by which people send messages
or exchange ideas or thoughts with one
another in a verbal or non-verbal manner
• Originates from the Latin term, communicare
(to share, to unite, to join, or to have things
in common)

• There is no single definition of the term


1. Communication is Schemata-driven
- It allows transfer of messages by activating your
schemata, experiences, or background
knowledge that have been stored in your brain
since your early developmental stages
2. Communication is an interpretative act
- Only the sender has absolute knowledge about his
- The listener merely interprets, infers, or guesses the
meaning of what he hears
3. Communication is symbolic
– Symbols, signs, or marks like letters, words,
sentences, graphs, etc.
– Non-verbal: bodily actions, posture, voice quality, etc.
4. Communication is contextual
-An exchange of views, ideas, or feelings also
involves other aspects of communication such
as time, place, topic, occasion, and manner of
5. Communication is influenced by media and
-with modern technology, an exchange of
ideas occurs just in seconds regardless of
distance between participants
Types of Communication According to Mode

Verbal Communication

Spoken Written
Non Verbal Communication
What is Nonverbal

• Nonverbal communication (NVC) is a

communication behavior that is
expressed in any other means besides
Aspects of Nonverbal
1. Body Language (kinesics)
2. Clothing & Appearance
3. Voice ( paralanguage)
4. Space & Distance (proxemics and environment)
5. Color
6. Time
7. Touch (haptics)
Body Language

• Is a movement that includes eye contact, facial

expression, gestures, and postures at the same
time all of these movements communicate
something about you and your message.
Eye Contact

• Occurs when two people look at each other's eyes

at the same time eye contact is a form of nonverbal
communication and is thought to have a large
influence on social behavior.
Facial Expressions

• Facial expression is a tool to communicate the

message and feelings through the eyes, eyebrows,
mouth, facial wrinkling, cheeks , neck, nose, and
How to use your eyes effectively?

1. Know your material.

2. Establish a visual bond.
3. Monitor visual feedback.
4. Distribute eye contact smoothly in different areas
of the room.
5. Avoid eye- surfing.
6. Avoid gazing above or below audience’s eye level.
6 Basic Emotions:

Happiness Sadness Fear

Surprise Anger Disgust

• Are movements, not from one place to another,
but of the limbs , body, and head.
Types of Gestures:

• Descriptive – used to describe, clarify, or enhance the

message; using the hands to describe size, height and the

Ex: making a circular gesture for round shapes

• Emphatic – used to underscore or suggest strong emotions on

what is being said.

Ex : pounding gesture
• Suggestive- used to concretize ideas and emotions

Ex. Shrugging of the shoulders for ignorance .

• Prompting – used to evoke a desirable response.

Ex. initiating applause by doing first yourself.

Gestures Interpretation
Gesture of Openness

• Warm smile
• Unfolded arms
• Uncrossed legs
• Leaning forward
• Open palm
Gesture of Aggressiveness
• Clenched fist
• Furrowed brow
• Leg over arm of chair
• Squinting
• Finger- pointing
• Akimbo
• Arms spread with hands gripped
• Stare
Gesture of Dominance

• Feet on desk
• Palms down
• Physical elevation
• Strident loud voice
• Crunching handshake
Gesture of Boredom
• Blank stare
• Drooping eyes
• No blinking
• Head in hands
• Little eye contact
• Crossed legs
• Doodling
• Repetitive finger and foot-tapping
Gesture of Frustration
• Staring into space
• Running fingers through hair
• Kicking at ground
• Short in and out of breaths
• Wringing hands
• Tightly closed lips
• Rubbing back of neck
• Tightly clenched hands
Gesture of Confidence
• Stretched legs
• Physically elevating
• Good stance
• Continuous eye contact
• Leaning back hands behind neck
• Head up
• Chin forward
• It is the arrangement of the body and its limbs. Good
posture conveys confidence, improves breathing, creates a
favorable impression in general and helps to project voice
Types of Posture

• The Erect Posture

A vertical line through the

ear would pass through
the hip bone, knee, and
ankle bone.
• The Lordosis Type

A person with lordosis has

deep curve in the back
near the waistline.
• The Fatigued Type

A person with this

posture will have a
flattened back line.
Clothing and Appearances
• Clothing and appearance are the largest factors in
judgement. Appearance can make or break your image and
Power Dressing for Men

• Follow the rule of 12. This means that men’s

clothing is no more than 12.
• Do wear a suit.
• Do wear simple and elegant attire.
• Do wear a tie but avoid those with cartoon
• Do wear polished shoes and dark-colored socks.
• Do wear a belt.
• Do wear pants with crease.
• Do make sure your hair is well polished.
• Do get a close shave.
• Do wear an attire one step higher than the audience ‘s
• Avoid denim pants.
• Do not wear too much jewelry.
• Do not proclaim your political ,religious , or fraternity
• Avoid facial hair.
• Do not use casual or novelty watch and accessories.
• Do not wear heavy perfume.
Power Dressing for Women

• Do wear tailored suit or a dress with

• Follow the rule of 13. This means
clothing of women is no more than 13.
• Do wear leather shoes with -3 inches
• Use stocking in natural shade.
• Make jewelry well coordinated.
• Do sport a simple and attractive
• Do make your nails clean and well
• Do wear subtle cosmetics.
• Do not wear anything flamboyant.
• Do not wear slacks.
• Keep your bangs off your face.
• Hair with shoulder length , pony it.
• Do not wear sandals or loafers.
• Do not wear stockings with patterns.
• Do not wear heavy perfume.
• Do not wear an anklet.
Voice/Paralinguistic cues
• Paralinguistic cues are the vocal cues which include
volume , rate , tone , and pitch. Rate refers to speed at
which we speak; Volume refers to loudness and softness of
voice; pitch refers to highness and lowness of voice; and
tone refers to quality of your voice.
Space and Distance (PROXEMICS)
Space and distance or proxemics refers to the space
between the speaker and the listener. It may be classified into
intimate, personal , social, and public distance.

• Intimate distance ranges from 0 to 18 inches.

• Personal distance ranges from 18 inches to 4 feet.
• Social distance ranges from 4 to 12 feet
• Public distance ranges from 12 feet to limit of sight.
Facts about Proxemics

• Men claim more space than women.

• Men more actively defend their territories.
• Men become more aggressive to regain
• Men more frequently walk in front of women
than vice versa.
• Color refers to visual attribute of things that result from the
light they emit or transmit . Color affects people emotionally
and psychologically , for example, when people see pure
red, their BP also increased, when people see green they
become more relaxed.
Have you experienced being tapped on the shoulder after
doing a great job?

• Touch refers to physical contact via tactile sense. It is

partially a cultural issue and gender-related. Touch can also
sexual or non sexual depending on the relationship of
people involved and the context.
Visual Communication, on the other hand, is
the type of communication that uses visuals
to convey information and/or messages.
Some examples are signs, symbols, imagery,
maps, graphs, charts, diagrams, pictograms,
photos, drawings or illustrations, and even
various forms of electronic communication.
Some examples of electronic communication
symbols or images are the emojis, emoticons,
and animation among others to convey the
writer’s emotions or clarify the intent of the
message sender. These are achieved through
digital mode or text.
Effective communication calls for the blending of these two
types. One cannot be separated from the other. For instance,
door-to-door salespersons who demonstrate product
knowledge can only be effective if they know how to properly
punctuate what they say with proper gestures and facial
Their communication with the customer begins upon greeting
him/her with a welcoming smile then assessing customer
needs and answering customer queries enhanced by gestures
and a friendly, happy, pleasant disposition. It is only through
this mode that salespeople with excellent communication
skills are able to provide the best information needed, thereby
convincing the client to patronize their products.
Nonverbal communication can be equally important — or even
more important than — verbal communication. Even silence —
the total absence of words — can speak volumes in the right
We can easily turn our verbal communication on and off, but
it's much harder to manipulate our nonverbal communication.
Most people don't seek to deceive people with nonverbal
communication. Instead, they use words to deceive. If a
person's words don't match their actions, experts say to trust
their nonverbal communication, since it tends to be more
honest and trustworthy.

• Nonverbal communication effectively communicate

messages without using words.
• The aspects of nonverbal communication are:

1. Body Language (kinesics)

2. Clothing & Appearance 5. Color
3. Voice ( paralanguage) 6. Time
4. Space & Distance (proxemics and environment) 7. Touch (haptics)

• Nonverbal communication can be equally important or even more

important than verbal communication. Make sure that both verbal
and nonverbal cues complement each other.
The following are some forms of communication. Identify
whether each is verbal, nonverbal, or a combination of

1. Laughing whole-heartedly
2. Writing a love note
3. Delivering a report in class
4. Motioning to the traffic cop
5. Smiling at the waiter
6. Praying aloud
7. Looking sternly at your enemy
8. Scribbling your name at the sand
9. Conversing excitedly about a piece of good news
10. Winking at your girlfriend

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