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Recommender System

• Recommender systems try to capture these patterns and similar

behaviors, to help predict what else you might like.
• For example, suggesting books on Amazon and movies on Netflix.
Applications of Recommender System
Usage of Recommender System
Two Types of Recommender System
Implementing Recommender System
Content Based Recommender System
Content Based Recommender System
• Assume a dataset
Content Based Recommender System
• input user ratings
• encode the movies through the "One Hot Encoding” approach.
• Genre of movies are used here as a feature set.
• we simply multiply the user-profile matrix by the candidate movie
matrix, which results in the “weighted movies” matrix. It shows the
weight of each genre, with respect to the user profile. Now, if we
aggregate these weighted ratings, we get the active user’s possible
interest-level in these 3 movies.
Content Based Recommender System
Content Based Recommender System
Collaborative Filtering
Collaborative Filtering
• In user-based collaborative filtering, we have an active user for whom
the recommendation is aimed. The collaborative filtering engine, first
looks for users who are similar, that is, users who share the active
user’s rating patterns.
• Collaborative filtering bases this similarity on things like history,
preference, and choices that users make when buying, watching,
orenjoying something
Collaborative Filtering
• For example, movies that similar users have rated highly. Then, it
uses the ratings from these similar users to predict the possible
ratings by the active user for a movie that she had not previously
Collaborative Filtering
• multiplying the similarity weights to the user ratings
Collaborative Filtering
Collaborative Filtering
• First find similarities with other active user
• For do this including Euclidean Distance, Pearson Correlation, Cosine
Similarity, and so on.
• create a weighted rating matrix.
• multiplying the similarity weights to the user ratings
• recommendation matrix by aggregating all of the weighted rates
Collaborative Filtering
• In the User-based approach, the recommendation is based on users
of the same neighborhood, with whom he or she shares common
preferences. For example, as User 1 and User 3 both liked Item 3 and
Item 4, we consider them as similar or neighbor users, and
recommend Item 1, which is positively rated by User1 to User3.In the
item-based approach, similar items build neighborhoods on the
behavior of users.
• Item 1 and Item 3 are considered neighbors, as they were positively
rated by both User1 and User2. So, Item 1 can be recommended to
User 3 as he has already shown interest in Item3. Therefore, the
recommendations here are based on the items in the neighborhood
that a user might prefer.
Collaborative Filtering
Challenges in Collaborative Filtering

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