Newswriting Simplified

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 News is a report, oral or written,

of an event that has just

happened or which will happen
and which is of interest to
 News is new information, true
information, important
 1. Prominence. It deals with
persons, places, things and
situations, which are familiar
to or of importance to the
 2. Proximity. The nearness of the
event to the readers.
 3. Immediacy. It refers to the
timeliness of the event.
 4. Oddity. Any unusual or deviation
from the normal course of events like
pregnant man, bearded woman and
others are newsworthy.
 5. Human Interest.It deals with
events which are appealing to the

 6. Conflict.
It deals with any
disagreement between man and
fellowman, man and nature, or
man and himself
 7. Romance and adventure. Love and
adventure especially among
celebrities and prominent people can
arouse reader’s interest.

 8. Development. Any progress like

putting up of schools, building bridges
and the like could be news items.
 9. Animals. Stories about animals,
especially those unusual ones are also

 10. Calamity. Newspaper pages

devote stories and photos describing
casualties caused by earthquake,
typhoons and other disasters.
 A. According to style of presentation

 Straight news. The data are presented

in direct fashion using the summary

 News feature. The data are presented

indirectly through the use of novelty
 B. According to place of occurrence

 Local news. The event happens

within the locality of the reader

 Foreign news. The event take place

outside of the country.
 C. According to Content
 1. Science and technology news

 2. Development and
communication news

 3. Sports news
 D. According to sources
 1. Action story. The reporter himself is
an eye witness of the event that
 2. Based on the records news. The
information are gathered from the
records like the police stations,
hospitals and other agencies.
 3. Speech news. The data are
gathered from the speech of

 4. Based on interview - When data are

gathered through interviewing
persons, who are knowledgeable or
authority of the event.
Basic Structure of News

Primary Lead
Secondary lead
Other important details

 Who
 What
 When
 Where
 Why
 How
It’s time
to write…

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