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Universidad Alberto Hurtado

Ingeco (Vesp) – English I

Knowing about
Participants and
Learning Objectives
 To identify general and specific ideas in texts.
 To refer to work routines.
 To re-tell past events.
PRE: Speaking



1. Reach her office by 8.

2. Have a coffee at around 9.
3. Go through daily destination websites (10-11)
4. Check and respond emails. (12-1)
5. Have lunch at around 2
6. Organize the weekly meetings (3-4).
7. Make random phone calls to customers (4 to
8. Leave for home between 5-6

 Look at Laura’s daily work routine and tell the class

what she does by including adverbs of
frequency. 2
WHILE: Reading & Writing Participants and Functional Areas of
 Scan the text, focus on the words in bold that areA business can have one or more
underlined and match them with their meanings. owners. Their primary role _____ (to be)
Then, conjugate the verbs in parenthesis. to invest money in the business. When a
business ______ (start), the owners
1.Owners __ objectives, aims generally _____ (polish) the business’
2.To invest __ to improve, enhance, refine idea and bring together the resources,
3.To polish __ capital, wealth money and people, needed to turn the
4. Resources __ to contribute money to make money idea into a business. The owners also
5. Goals __ holders, proprietors _____ (hire) employees to work for the
company and help it reach its goals.
Owners and employees depend on a third
group of participants — customers. The
 Answer the questions in complete sentences. goal of any business _____ ( to be) to
satisfy the needs of its customers. The
1. How many participants can we identify in a
activities needed to operate a business
can be divided into a number of functional
2. What are business activities? areas: management, operations,
marketing, accounting, and finance. 3
WHILE: Reading & Writing  Read the excerpt and spot
the mistakes.

Managers were responsible for the work

performance of other people. Management
involve planning for, organizing, staffing,
directing, and controlling a company’s
resources so that it can achieve its goals.
Managers plans by setting goals and
developing strategies for achieving them.
They organizes activities and resources to
ensure that company goals are met. They
provides the organization with qualified
employees and direct them to accomplish
organizational goals.
POST: Writing and Speaking
What did you do yesterday at

 Think of what you did at work yesterday

and then, write at least 5 actions.

Yesterday, I…

Universidad Alberto Hurtado
Ingeco (V) – English I

Workshop Assessment II:

Reading Comprehension

Learning Objectives
 To identify general and specific ideas in texts.
 To refer to work routines.
 To re-tell past events.
PRE: Reading

 Read some of Henri Fayol’s 14 principles of

management and answer if the statements
are True or False. Justify the false ones.

1. __ A business needs a common goal and

2. __ Authority implies that you can give
3. __ Discipline in an organization requires to
consider sanctions.
4. __ Fayol believed that specialization was
the best way to divide workers.
5. __ If you are in a position of authority, you
accept the responsibility.

WHILE: Writing
 Organize Henri
__ To become the Managing Director of this mining company that Fayol’s life
employed over 1,000 people in 1888.
events into a
__ To be born in a suburb of Istanbul, Turkey in 1841. mini biography.
__ To be also one of the founders of the principles of modern
__ To start his career as an engineer at a mining company at the
age of 19.
__ To die in 1925 in France.

__ To publish his work experience in the book Administration

Industrielle et Generale (General and Industrial Management) in 1916.

__ To study mining engineering at the ‘École Nationale Superieure

des Mines’ academy in Saint-Étienne in 1860.

__ To be successful in this position until 1918. 9

WHILE: Reading & Writing

 Read the excerpts and conjugate the verbs in brackets.


Companies ______ [have] to transform resources (labor, materials, money, information, and so forth) into
goods or services. Some companies, such as Apple, ______ [turn] resources into tangible products — iPhones,
iPods, Macs. Others, such as hospitals, ________ [convert] resources into intangible products—health care.
The operations manager ________ [design] and ______ [oversee] the transformation of resources into goods
or services. This individual _______ [to be] also responsible for ensuring that products are of high quality.


Marketing ________ [refer] to everything that a company ______ [do] to identify customers’ needs and design
products to meet those needs. Marketers _________ [create] the benefits and features of products, including
price and quality. They also ________ [decide] on the best method of delivering products and the best means
of promoting them to attract and keep customers. They _______ [manage] relationships with customers and
make them aware of the organization’s desire and ability to satisfy their needs. 10
POST: Reading  Read the excerpts and find
the mistakes.

Managers requires accurate, relevant, timely financial information, and accountants
provides it. Accountants measures, summarize, and communicate financial and managerial
information and advises other managers on financial matters. There is two fields of
accounting. Financial accountants prepare financial statements to help users, both inside
and outside the organization, assess the financial strength of the company. Managerial
accountants prepare information, such as reports on the cost of materials used in the
production process, for internal use only.

Henri Fayol is a French coal-mine engineer, director of mines and modern

management theoretician. His scientific management theory forms the base for
business administration and business management. In the academic world, this come
to be known as Fayolism. Henri Fayol provide one of the most influential modern
management concepts of his time. He founds the 14 Principles of management and
the five functions of management. 11

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