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Rain Jacket(extra layers for cold conditions)
1. Conceptual aspects – Since it is a
navigational activity, it enhances
your decision making skills about
map interpretations and using
compass. It also requires you to
constantly interpret information
contained in the map.
2. Physical Aspect – Orienteering is
basically a running sport so it develops
your cardiovascular endurance and
general fitness. Speed, endurance, and
strength are essential components
necessary to successfully participate in
the game. Technically, this activity
captivates the mental and physical
challenge features.
3. Personal aspects – Since you are
responsible in making decisions in
this activity, you develop your self-
confidence and reliance. Your aims
are clear that you work hard to
achieve them giving you the feeling
of self-achievement.
4. Social Aspects – You will learn to
work cohesively with one another
5. Environmental aspect – It creates
an avenue for you to appreciate
your environment
The fundamental skill in orienteering is orientating the map or setting the

map. In moving the map, you have to :

• Find your approximate location on the map

• Recognize the pattern of features on the ground
as being the same as the pattern on the map
• Always hold the map so that you are looking
along the route with the map matching the
• The map is said to be oriented if the features on
the map are in proper relation to the actual
features in the field

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