Matter in The Wrong Place

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“Matter in the wrong place”

Solid Waste
 All discarded
waste material
from household,
industrial, and
mining activities.
 In Metro Manila, the population density is
14,440 persons per square kilometer
 63 times more than the national average
 Per capital waste production daily is
estimated at 0.66kg
 More than have of a kilo of trash per person
per day
 The volume of daily wastes weights in a little
over 6,000 tons
 85% of these waste are collected
Uncollected waste
 Streets
 Vacant lots
 Unauthorized dumpsites
 Scavengers
 Junk
Breeding ground of

 Flies
 Mosquitoes
 Rats
 Other pests
 Disease carrying organisms
Waste also goes to bodies of water
 Ditches
 Storm drains
 Sewage mains
 Contamination
 Water pollution
 Flood
Ecological Solid Waste
Management Act of 2000
 Law of providing for a
national solid waste
management program
Solid Waste Management
 The collecting,
treating, and
disposing of solid
materials that is
discarded because
it has served its
purpose or no
longer useful
Waste Segregation

 Is the process of
dividing garbage and
waste products in an
effort to reduce,
reuse, and recycle
The 3Rs of Solid Waste Management
 Reduce-avoid wasteful consumption of goods
 Reuse-whenever
practicable, reuse
items that are still
useful instead of just
throwing them away.
 Recycle-Waste should be treated as valuable

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