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E by: Jonel Mendoza
Photo taken
Significance of technology

Technology affects every aspect of our lives. From romance

to business, it has shown its presence everywhere. But
technology has had a huge impact on education that cannot be
denied, and has done nothing but improve the quality and quantity
of education.
Today, schools are being pressured more and more to
improve the technology they use and teach in the classrooms.
Parents are placing this pressure on schools so that their students
have the skills needed to compete in the real world job market.
Students are placing pressure on the schools to improve
technology by having more knowledge of current technology
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than the school’s staff. Teachers in turn are placing emphasis
on the schools to improve technology they want…
want to increase efficiency of information sharing, grading, and
communication in the classroom. Businesses place an
emphasis on technology in schools so that the schools
adequately prepare their future employees, the students. The
government is also placing pressure on schools to improve
technology in the classrooms so that students can compete,
along with helping prepare successful employees to help
improve the economy in the future. These pressures are
welcomed however, as schools are eager to improve their
current use of technology in the classroom.
Technology can be useful in a lot of ways but it can also
bring adverse effects when abused. So before using anything,
be reminded arth
of its pro and cons because if it serves the other
E you are the one to blame.
way around,
E by: Jonel Mendoza
Photo taken

“You are not worthy,” “Look at her, she looks like she’s a
witchcraft who forgot her comb,” “She’s ugly, trying so hard to be
like us.”
Sad but let’s accept the fact that whatever we do, people will
have words to say. They will continue to spread rumors until
everyone knows it even if it is not true. But be aware of what you
are sharing with others. Because a simple rumor can kill some.
Not instantly but slowly you are killing someone. A simple fallacy
can ruin other’s life as it can lead to depression.
So watch out! Be careful to what you spit out. Because
maybe it’s funny for you, but it actually murdered someone
emotionally arth
E mentally.
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Photo taken by: Jemo Ibon
Friends I have had

As everyone knows, friendship is one of the most important

things in our lives. Sometimes we cannot live without friends. And
to have good relationship, we have to make friendship with good
friends to get benefits. On the other hand, we have to be optimistic
although we have some bad friends in our lives and we have no
idea about them. However, I can divide my friends into three
groups: honest friends, successful friends, and motivated friends.
The purpose for the classification depends on my society.
My honest friends are always with me whatever happens to
me or wherever I am, and that makes them honest friends. In
addition, they always say the truth and help me when I need them
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the most. Therefore, I spend a lot of time with them more than
anyone else.
One other thing I love in my honest friends is they always ask me
about my health, my education, and all other things. For instance,
"A good friend can tell you what is the matter with you in a minute.
He may not seem such a good friend after telling". By Arthur
Brisbane, The Book of Today. In my view, friends should be honest
to each other, no matter how hurtful things can be.
Second group of my friends is successful friends group.
Actually, they almost do good things. They study hard and try to
save their own time. I hope I spend a lot of time with them to learn
new and useful things. Furthermore, they always advice me and
convince me to do useful things.
Last group of my friends is motivated friends group. Of
course, they always motivated me to do new things. Unfortunately,
sometimesEwe arth
make mistakes together. They always want to
spend a lotcience
of time with me because they like me, no doubt,
I like them, too.
Finally, whatever friends I have had, I always like to spend a
lot of time with them. I think some of them are not good, but I still
love them because of our friendship. In comparison, they are so
different, but all of them have something and useful things. In
addition, I think I will get a new group of friends. They will be
international friends. I don't know if they will be honest friends,
successful friends, or motivated friends, but I know they will be not
from my home country. To sum up, I advice earnestly to protect
our friends. Also, it is not necessary to carry a lot about their
mistakes because all of us make mistakes. We just need to
remember there is no one perfect.
How about you? Do you have friends like mine?
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O the
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E taken by: Jonel Mendoza
fear of being without a mobile device
You had been hiding for quite a while now. You don’t
know what it feels like to be kissed by the invigorating air.
You don’t know how warm the sunshine is. You didn’t even
know how enthralling the landscape poured with darkness
but lighten up by the gleaming stars. You don’t know
because you did not even try.
These days, kids have been devoured by the glee
given by technology. And in article by The Washington
Post, kids consume nearly nine hours a day consuming
media. That is more than one third of a day! This is a real
shame because the young generation is losing the delight
of being out in the fresh air.
Technology is a great help to attenuate human’s work.
It can be used to research topics as well as enjoyment for
leisure. But be responsible for you action because too much
might lead to addiction.
So instead of sitting inside the house all day, trying to
clash with other clans or to wipe out your enemy, try
clashing with the gust of cold breeze. Try playing outside
until you cannot wipe your sweat anymore. Try frisking with
your friend until you cannot stop chortling. That’s the real
definition of childhood, less problems and more happiness.
So what are you waiting for? Get out and feel the
inviting air. Allow the sunlight to touch your skin and watch
the stars twinkle at night. Because time is something you
cannot travel back to. Live your life to the fullest.
Photo taken by:
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Dennyel Panganiban
In this simple flower we can see our life as a people. The
flower is simple but we should appreciate it even if it is small.
We must give importance to things no matter what their sizes or
how much they are. It tells that the life must go on even if there
are challenges that would dare to pin us down. Stand up and
show in the world that you are not weak.
Like this flower it is living alone but it continues to exist
because the flower know its own worth. We people should be
inspired in this flower because it is confident in its physical
appearance and just like this one, we should accept whoever or
whatever we are. Rain or shine it is strong like us even there’s a
problem thatarth
give us a reason to give up we choose to be
strong andElive the life that we want.
You can see flower as a decoration in the streets or in the
pots in your house. They merely seem but and embellishment to
some. But more than that, focus on the message it tries to
convey. There’s always a hidden story in every beauty.

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E arth Photo taken by: Jonel Mendoza
Does size matter?
The culture of the people have been used to discriminate
what looks, at least for them, small. But are they really small?

Ants can measure from 6 to 20 millimeter but they can lift

things weighing 20 up to 100 time of their own weight.
Fascinating that even the small specie existing almost
everywhere have that kind of ability.
But why are there many people who are not just literally
small but feels unconfident for their selves. You must start
speaking for yourselves. You have the right to speak yourself up.
You can tell the world what you really feel. Some might judge
you but do not
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worry because they doesn’t matter at all.
They will judge you anyway.
So it is time now! Get out of your shell and be that
beautiful and confident creation you are. Size does not really
matter at all as long as you show the universe that you have
enough confidence to showcase what makes you great. Use
your tiny voice because it can be diminutive now but tomorrow, it
can be as loud as the roaring tiger. If ants can, then so are you.

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