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¿When it was made?

• We can place the origin of computers in a strict sense in the
year 1936, which covers until 1946.
Who created it?
• Konrad Zuse • Steve Wozniak
• 1910-1995 • age 68 years

• Clifford Berry • Tommy Flowers

• 1918-1963 • 1905-1998
Primary use
• In World War II mechanical analogical computers were used, oriented
to military applications, and during the same the first digital computer
was developed, that was called ENIAC; she occupied a huge space and
consumed large amounts of energy, equivalent to the consumption of
hundreds of current computers (PC).
essential parts that make it up
Two constitute it, the hardware, which is its physical structure
(electronic circuits, cables, cabinet, keyboard, etc.), and the software,
which is its intangible part (programs, data, information, digital signals
for internal use, etc. .).
From the functional view is a machine that has a central processing unit, a main memory and some
peripheral or input device and other output. the CPU is responsible for its processing and the
output devices communicate them to other media. and so the computer receives data, processes
and outputs the resulting information, then interprets, stored, transmitted to another machine or
device or simply printed.

The fact that it is programmable makes it possible to perform a great diversity of tasks, this makes it
a general purpose machine (unlike a calculator whose purpose is to calculate limitedly). Thus, based
on input data, it can perform operations and solve problems in the most diverse areas of human
activity (administrative, scientific, design, engineering, medicine, communications, music, etc.).

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