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• This cooking recipe is very easy to prepare.

Basically we are going to need engredients

easly to get at the grocery store or the mall.

• We are going to need…..

• 1/ 2 cup of macaroni.
• ½ cup of water.
• A pinch of salt
• A splash of milk
• ¼ cup of chesse.
• A pinch of peper.
• Parsley chopped.
Tools and items in the kitchen
• Microwave.
• Cup
• Knife.
• Spoon
• Mug / pitcher.
• First we pour macaronni into a cup, after we
add some water until the macaronni is
covered and sprinkle a pinch of salt and
dissolve it.
• Next we put the cup inside the microwave and
leave it there for 2-3 minutes.
• Then we get out the cup of microwave and stir
the macaronni with a spoon. Next we add a
splash of milk over the maccaronni.
• After that we add some grated chesee and
sprinkle a pinch of pepper. With a spoon we
have to mix all engredients.
• After we get in the mixture into the
microwave again for 30 seconds.
• When the cup is outside of microwave, one
more time we stir the mixture with a spoon.
• Finally we sprinkle some parsley over the
chesse and ready , we can eat it with bread
and a glass of a grape juice.

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