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CAP Presentation

By: Nick O, Jose G, Alejandro V, Christopher C.

● Brainstormed a demand we would want to create a
change in.
● We decided to have a topic of immigration but try to create
a change to Trump’s “Zero Tolerance Policy”
● Contacted California Immigrant Policy Center

● Our Issue that we wanted to create change in is

immigration, specifically Trump’s Zero Tolerance Policy.

● Trump’s Zero Tolerance policy says that any person who

crosses the border illegally is immediately considered a
Facts & Background
● Immigrants who cross the border illegally face civil
penalties for illegal presence in the United States, and
they face criminal penalties for having entered the country
illegally (
● Families and children are separated at the border and if
not they are eventually separated

● To bring light to this topic that many people may not know about

● Make change within our community, state, and possibly even nation

● Give knowledge to the new generation living in this new world

Goals of projects

● Enable peers to join on our

lobbying at Sacramento
Goals of Project
● Scanned a shirt design and made it into illustrator, and wore shirts to
lobby at California State Capitol in Sacramento
Civic Actions
● Had a press conference at the Metropolitan Detention Center
● Went to Sacramento to advocate for immigrant rights
● Hand made shirts
Impact of project
● People at Sacramento that we talked to visited the website that our class had
done for the CAP project
● Rally down to Metropolitan Detention Center in Downtown LA

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