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Apprenticeship Levy

How it will work…..

Upskill Shropshire Board – School
• Lorraine Edwards – Senior HR Business Partner
• Jacqui Carter – Primary Headteacher Representative
• Richard Langford – Primary Headteacher
• Vacant – Secondary Headteacher Representative

HR Project Group – School Representative

– Louise Smith – HR Business Partner
– Lorraine Edwards – Senior HR Business Partner
– Other HR Colleagues
Information Pack
• Upskill Shropshire Useful Information for
– Process for applying - CPD & Recruitment
– Templates & examples
– Information for staff
• Information on Apprenticeships & Standards
• List of Providers
• Copy of slides
What is the Levy?
• Budget November 2015 / Enterprise Bill
• 0.5% of Employers Pay bill (<£3m) (approx.
£327,000 for schools) paid to HRMC monthly
• Levy can be used to fund apprenticeship
training and assessment (not salary costs).
• Target of 2.3% apprentices in the workforce by
2020 in the public sector
• Part of wider Apprenticeship Reforms
How will it work?
• Levy paid into our Digital Apprenticeship
Service Account (DAS) with 10% top up
– available from next week
• 24 months to use levy or we lose it !
• National Register of Providers
• Not just for new recruits….also staff
• Funding limits will apply
How does the levy affect schools
Local Authority’s Levy includes:
• Community Schools
• Voluntary Controlled Schools

Local Authority’s Levy excludes:

• Foundation & Voluntary Aided Schools
• Academies & MAT’s
Schools not eligible for levy…
• Pay 10% of the cost of apprenticeship training
and assessment
• The government pays the remaining 90%

These include :
• Employers with pay bill of less than £3m
• Schools that have used all their funds in their
digital account
Apprenticeship roles available
for schools
• Teaching Assistants
• Business Administration & Management
• Science & ICT Technicians
Currently under development:
• Teaching Apprenticeships
• School Business Management
Progress so far ……
• Apprenticeship Levy Board (includes Schools
• Confirmed Branding –

• Procured Framework of Providers – 15 in total

• Accessing the funding & selection process
• Communications
• Developing Apprenticeships
Next Steps (for schools)
• How to access the levy funding…..
• Agree communication strategy for staff to
– Information on Apprenticeships and removing the
myth about only for young people!
– How to access information on the training
– How to access professional development
How to access the funding?
Secondary Primary
Funding Funding


Professional Recruitment –
Development New Post
Continued Professional
• Upskill Shropshire Application Form – Staff
• Complete business case – Pro-forma
• Consideration by Schools Levy Funding
Approval Committee
• Approach to Providers for “best provision”
• Provider confirmed by AL Selection Board
• DAS account updated – provider signs
agreement and paid….
Recruitment - Option 1
(school completes recruitment admin)
• Complete business case and consideration by
Schools LF Approval Committee
• Schools Recruitment Process – school undertaking
– Placing advert, shortlisting, interviews, Myview
starter process -
• Approach to Providers for “best provision”
• Provider confirmed by Selection Board
• DAS account updated – provider signs agreement
and paid….
Recruitment - Option 2
(HR completes recruitment admin)
• Complete business case and consideration
by Schools LF Approval Committee
• Recruitment Process – LA undertaking via E-
– Placing advert, applicants apply on-line, HR to
shortlist against agreed criteria
– School to carry out interviews & complete the
Myview starter process
Recruitment - Option 2 cont..

• Approach to Providers for “best provision”

• Provider confirmed by Selection Board
• DAS account updated – provider signs
agreement and paid….
Recruitment - Option 3
(No access to levy funding)
• Schools Recruitment Process – school undertaking
– Placing advert, shortlisting, interviews
• Offer subject to selection of training provider
• Approach to training providers for “best provision”
• Provider confirmed by AL Selection Board
• 90% of training costs funded by ESFA and 10% by
school, plus any other costs – provider signs
agreement and is paid….
Questions ?

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