SIDLAK Bukidnon Beyond The Horizon

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The K to 12 Philippine Basic Education

Curriculum Framework

SIDLAK Bukidnon beyond the horizon

Learning Objectives
• Identify the general principles of classroom
assessment in the K to 12 Basic Education Program
• enumerate the different types of assessment and
their uses
• relate how assessment reports are used for
decisions on instruction, promotion, and retention
• suggest how the assessment system can be
managed in the school to keep track of learners’
progress and to ensure that learners meet the
learning standards

2| School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1

Test your prior knowledge and understanding on
classroom assessment. Use a piece of paper in
answering each question.
1. Teacher Cruz wants to test his/her students’ ability on
organizing ideas. Which type of test should he/she

A. completion test
B. essay question
C. matching type
D. problem solving

4| School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1

2. Teacher Sam discovered upon analyzing the
gathered data that some of the students had difficulty
on applying mathematical procedures in solving
various word problems because they lack basic
knowledge and skills on algebraic concepts and
operations. What form of assessment did Teacher Sam
A. aptitude
B. diagnostic
C. formative
D. summative
3. A grade two learner is not performing well
in his/her Math class. The teacher noticed this
and decided to give the learner a special
instruction. What decision is this?


4. The English Teacher discovered that his/her
students are weak in sentence construction.
Which test should he/she administer to
determine what other learning difficulties
his/her students have?

5. Teacher Reyes gave a unit test after a
two-week discussion to determine
learners’ performance in his/her Filipino
class. What assessment did he/she
B. formative
C. placement
D. summative
8 | School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1
6. What is the basic feature of summative

A. checking students’ progress before, during and

after instruction
B. decision –making assessment for possible remedial
C. improving teaching strategies, methods and
D. assessing learning and grading the students every
9 | School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1
7. The Araling Panlipunan Teacher is thinking a
suitable assessment that would allow his/her
Grade 10 students to explain the political, social
and economic effects of climate change. Which
method of assessment will work best?
A.essay test
B.performance task
C.selected response
D.true or false

10 | School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1

8. The principal found out that the results of
two tests administered to grade six students
are almost the same. What characteristic of
test is involved?

11 | School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1

9. How can validity of the classroom tests be
best insured?
A.Multiple assessment test formats are used.
B.Test items are suitable to all levels of
students in a class.
C.Tests observe appropriate complexity of
assessment tasks.
D.The test items are all aligned to the target
learning outcomes.
12 | School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1
10. Efficiency in constructing tests is one of the
prime considerations in assessment. Which
test format would you recommend to measure
learner’s ability in applying scientific
A.binary choice
B.essay test
C.matching type
D.multiple choice

13 | School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1

11. The social studies class has divided itself
into three groups for conducting an out-reach
activity in a community. Which scoring
criterion of a rubric is appropriate to use in
rating class performance? enjoyment
B.fairness in task assignment work and cooperation
D.time devoted to complete the activity
14 | School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1
12. A Math Teacher will construct a quarterly
assessment for his/her Algebra subject. Which
of the following should he/she consider first?
A.Make a test item analysis.
B.Prepare a Table of specification.
C.Identify the format of the test item.
D.Study the content of his/her discussed

15 | School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1

13. Which is the most appropriate assessment
in attaining the given objective, “Multiply 3-
digit whole numbers by 2-digit number”?
A.What is 56 times 72?
B.What are the factors of 234 and 25?
C.What is the product of 120 and 45?
D.What are the rules in multiplying 3-digit
whole numbers by 2-digit number”?

16 | School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1

14. Teacher Marissa formulated a test item following
Bloom’s Taxonomy of Behavioral Objectives. She
posted on the board, “Write a two-paragraph
composition about your summer vacation using the
two-word adjectives.” What cognitive level does the
assessment of Teacher Marissa fall?
17 | School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1
15. Which of these behavioral
terms fall under synthesis?

A.classify, make and train

B.create, develop and devise
C.conclude, evaluate and refer, distinguish and infer
18 | School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1
16. Discuss, explain, classify and infer
fall under what cognitive level?

19 | School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1

17. An English Teacher wants to formulate a question
that would fall in analyzing level. Which question
should he/she formulate?

A.Who is the main character of the story?

B.What happened to the main character of the story?
C.Which event of the story describes the real feeling
of the main character?
D.If you were the main character of the story, what
should you do to avoid the last event?

20 | School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1

18. Asking students to define a given
concept falls under what Bloom’s cognitive

21 | School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1

19. DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015 re: Policy Guidelines
on Classroom Assessment for the K to 12 Basic
Education Program stipulates the new grading system
of the Department of Education. Which component is
given the biggest weight?
A.written works
B.oral recitation
C.performance tasks
D.quarterly assessment

22 | School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1

20. Using statements, I-IV, which is NOT a purpose of
formative assessment during the lesson?
I. Students understand the purpose of the lesson.
II. Students know what he/she knows about the topic/lesson.
III.Teacher identifies what facilitates and hinders learning.
IV.Teacher gets information about what the learner already
knows and can do about the new lesson.

A.I & II
C. I, II & III

23 | School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1

21. When a Teacher uses the Table of
Specification in constructing his/her quarterly
assessment, which of the following
characteristics of a good test will be assured to
his/her students?
A. administrability
B. content validity
C. reliability
D. scorability
24 | School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1
22. The teacher reported that one of his/her
pupils is slow and sloppy. Is his/her report
A. Yes. It is normal.
B. Yes. It is his/her right to report what is
happening to her students.
C. No. It is offensive and discriminating.
D. No. The learner should be the one to report
to the principal about his/her weaknesses.

25 | School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1

23. A teacher grouped the students for an oral
presentation based on their learning style and
preference. What basic and important concept is
considered by the teacher?


26 | School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1

24. A Grade 5 teacher required his/her class to do a
group project about mitigation and disaster risk
reduction. He/She forgot to discuss to the class how
they shall be graded. What ethical concern did the
teacher fail to consider?


27 | School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1

25. The teacher compares students’ responses in a test. For a
specific response made by a student, the teacher decides that
the student should receive a score of 6 out of 10 in
comparison to the answers provided by his/her classmates.
How do you classify the test?

B. criterion-reference
C. norm-reference

28 | School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1

26-28. What are the 3 purposes of assessment?
29-31. What are the three components in K to 12
assessment and grading system?

29| School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1

32-37. What are the six cognitive levels in the revised
Blooms Taxonomy of behavioral objectives from the
lowest to the highest level?
38-40. What are the three types of tests according to
purpose in classroom assessment?
Activity: Connect Me Not
• In three minutes, connect all the dots using only
four straight lines without lifting your hand. Once
you start, do not lift your hand or start another
How do you link the activity to assessment?
Linking Assessment
to Learning
Standards and
Pedagogies K to 12 Learning


60 | School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1

Group Activity-5 minutes

Discuss with your

group mates what
your thoughts are
about the picture
that will be

61| School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1

62 | School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1

Guide Questions
1. What task is being given for the animals to do?
2. Which animal will require less or more preparation for the task? Why?
3. Would (some) animals be able to do the task if they are given the proper
training and enough time? Why?
4. What do you think is being assessed here?
5. Is the goal of the assessment clear?
6. Are the criteria for assessment clear?
7. Is the assessment method chosen by the assessor appropriate in this case?
8. Who else can help determine what assessment method or strategy can be

63| School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1

What is

64 | School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1

Classroom Assessment

is an ongoing process of
gathering, organizing, &
interpreting information
about what the
learners know and can do.

65| School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1
Classroom Assessment

Assessment is a process
used to keep track of the
learners’ progress in
relation to standards and
the development of 21st
century skills.

66| School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1
Revised Taxonomy

Source: Wilson, Leslie O. 2001

67| School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1
4Cs: Ticket up the
economic ladder in the
21st Century

68 | School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1

Principles of

69 | School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1

Principle 1. Assessment should be aligned with objectives,
learning standards and competencies

70 | School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1
Kinds of Learning Targets
• Knowledge – The facts and concepts we want
students to know and understand.
• Reasoning – Students use what they know to
reason and solve problems
• Skills – Students use their knowledge and
reasoning to act skillfully
• Products – Students use their knowledge,
reasoning, and skills to create something new.
• Dispositions – Students’ display attitudes about
school and learning.

Source: Stiggins, Richard J, Arter, Judith A., Chappuis, Jan, Chappius, Stephen. Classroom
Assessment for Student Learning. Assessment Training Institute, Inc., Portland, Oregon, 2004, p.75 .
71| School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1
Principle 2: Assessment should be more like instruction

Unity of instruction and assessment

Skills too difficult to master for a child

on his or her own, but can be done
with guidance and encouragement
from a knowledgeable person
What is What is not
known LEARNING known

Source: Magno, 2015

72 | School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1
Kinds of Learning Targets
• Knowledge – The facts and concepts we want
students to know and understand.
• Reasoning – Students use what they know to
reason and solve problems
• Skills – Students use their knowledge and
reasoning to act skillfully
• Products – Students use their knowledge,
reasoning, and skills to create something new.
• Dispositions – Students’ display attitudes about
school and learning.
Source: Stiggins, Richard J, Arter, Judith A., Chappuis, Jan, Chappius, Stephen. Classroom
Assessment for Student Learning. Assessment Training Institute, Inc., Portland, Oregon, 2004, p.75 .

73| School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1

Types of Classroom Assessment:
Assessment for, of, as Learning

Assessment of
Assessment for Learning
Diagnostic Formative Summative
Pretest Quiz Quarterly Test
Student Survey Recitation Performance Task
Skills Check Work draft Culminating project
Think aloud
Dress rehearsal

74| School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1

Types of Classroom Assessment:
Assessment for, of, as Learning
Assessment of
Assessment for Learning
Diagnostic Formative Summative
precede instruction Ongoing Culminating
• check learners’ prior • provide information • determine the degree of
knowledge to guide teaching and mastery or proficiency
• Identifies learning for according to identified
misconceptions, improving learning learning targets
interests and learning and performance • evaluative in nature
styles preferences • include both formal generally resulting in a
• provide information to and informal methods score or grade
assist planning and
guide differentiated
Jay McTighe & Grant Wiggins
75| School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1
Pitfalls in Assessment Practices

• A tendency for teachers to assess

quantity and presentation of work
rather than quality of learning.
• Greater attention given to marking and
grading, much of it tending to lower
self esteem of students, rather than
providing advice for improvement.
• A strong emphasis on comparing
students with each other, which
demoralizes the less successful

76| School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1

Principle 3: Assessment should recognize diversity of learners

Where would you place your school’s assessment practice on
the following continuum?

Quantity of work/
Quality of learning

Marking/Grading Advice for improvement

Comparing students Identifying individual


77 | School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1

Principle 4: The Formative Assessment should scaffold the
learners in Summative Assessment
Balanced Assessment

Formative Summative
Formal and informal processes teachers and Provides evidence achievement to
students use to gather evidence to directly certify student competence or
improve the learning of students assessed program effectiveness

Formative uses of
Assessment for Assessment for summative data
learning learning Use of summative evidence to
Use to help students Use to inform teacher’s inform what comes next for
assess and adjust their decisions individuals or groups of students
own learning

78 | School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1

Features of the K to 12
Classroom Assessment
Sources Content standards Learning Competencies

Types Diagnostic Formative Summative
Purpose Assessment for Assessment for Assessment of Learning
Learning Learning

When Before During After

How Written Work Drill & Practice Quarterly Assessment

Taxonomy Before: KPUP Cognitive Process Revised Bloom’s

Dimension Taxonomy

79| School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1

Types of Classroom Assessment:
Assessment for, of, as Learning

Assessment as Learning
• Assessment as learning focuses on students and
emphasizes assessment as a process of
metacognition (knowledge of one’s own thought
processes) for students.
 Students reflect on their work on a regular basis,
usually through self and peer assessment and
decide what their next learning will be.
 Helps students to take more responsibility for their
own learning and monitoring future directions.

80| School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1

Principle 5: Assessment results should be used by teachers to
help students learn better

• Think about these...

 Are our current approaches to assessment improving
student learning?
 How can we use assessment to help all our students
want to learn?
 How can we help them feel that they are able to learn?
 How can we be sure that our assessment instruments,
procedures, and scores serve to help learners want to
learn and feel able to learn?

81 | School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1

Principle 6: Assessment is a joint process that involves both
teacher and learners

Think about this:

• Do teacher and learners share
agreements about how success is
determined and measured?

82 | School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1

1. Assessment should be aligned with objectives, learning
standards, and competencies.
2. Assessment should be more like instruction.
3. Assessment should recognize the diversity of learners.
4. The Formative Assessment should scaffold the learners
in Summative Assessment.
5. Assessment results should be used by teachers to help
students learn better.
6. Assessment involves both teachers and learners.

83| School Heads’ Development Program: FOUNDATIONAL COURSE | MODULE 1

The K to 12 Philippine Basic Education
Curriculum Framework


Assessment should enhance mathematics learning and
support good instructional practice.

SIDLAK Bukidnon beyond the horizon

The K to 12 Philippine Basic Education
Curriculum Framework


Assessment should support every
student's opportunity to learn
important mathematics.

SIDLAK Bukidnon beyond the horizon

The K to 12 Philippine Basic Education
Curriculum Framework

SIDLAK Bukidnon beyond the horizon

The K to 12 Philippine Basic Education
Curriculum Framework

Authentic Ways to Develop

Performance-Based Activities

Group Activity(10 minutes): What a performance!

1. Identify 5 least mastered learning competencies.
2. identify whether each needs performance-based assessment
or paper-pencil test or both.
3. Use manila paper and meta cards.
4. Specify your assessment strategy and test format.
5. Present your output.

SIDLAK Bukidnon beyond the horizon

The K to 12 Philippine Basic Education
Curriculum Framework

1. How did you identify your assessment strategies?

2. Are they effective? Why or why not?
3. What is your basis in assessing your learners?

SIDLAK Bukidnon beyond the horizon

The K to 12 Philippine Basic Education
Curriculum Framework
Authentic Ways to Develop
Performance-Based Activities

1. Presentations

SIDLAK Bukidnon beyond the horizon

The K to 12 Philippine Basic Education
Curriculum Framework

Authentic Ways to Develop

Performance-Based Activities

2. Portfolios

Reflective learning
Monitoring progress

SIDLAK Bukidnon beyond the horizon

The K to 12 Philippine Basic Education
Curriculum Framework

Authentic Ways to Develop

Performance-Based Activities

3. Performances


SIDLAK Bukidnon beyond the horizon

The K to 12 Philippine Basic Education
Curriculum Framework

Holistic Analytic
• Overall rating • Criterion-based
– Process – Process
– Product – Product
– both – both

SIDLAK Bukidnon beyond the horizon

Analytic rubric in Problem-solving
Criteria 1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points
Identification of one or no fact is Two facts are 3 facts are All facts are
Facts listed/identified. listed/identified. listed/identified. listed/identified.
Identification of No operation One operation is Two operations All needed
Operations identified/used identified and used are used correctly operations are
used correctly identified and
correctly use.
Writing the No expression is Has written two errors of the Complete and
equation/expressi written/equatio expressions/ equation correct
on n equation but expression/equati
erroneous. on.
Answer and Wrong answer Correct answer Correct answer Correct and
solutions but with few with three steps are with incomplete complete
correct and missing. solutions solutions and
incomplete answer
The K to 12 Philippine Basic Education
Curriculum Framework

Authentic Ways to Develop

Performance-Based Activities

4. Projects

SIDLAK Bukidnon beyond the horizon

The K to 12 Philippine Basic Education
Curriculum Framework

Authentic Ways to Develop

Performance-Based Activities

5. Exhibits and Fairs

SIDLAK Bukidnon beyond the horizon

The K to 12 Philippine Basic Education
Curriculum Framework
Authentic Ways to Develop
Performance-Based Activities

5. debate

SIDLAK Bukidnon beyond the horizon

The K to 12 Philippine Basic Education
Curriculum Framework

-essay Traditional Assessment

-multiple choice Paper-pencil test
-matching type Test formats
-fill in the blanks

SIDLAK Bukidnon beyond the horizon

The K to 12 Philippine Basic Education
Curriculum Framework

Group activity: 20 minutes.

1. Using the given template, fill in the column for each learning
competency assessment methods, strategies, techniques.
Prioritize least learned and hard to teach competencies but
ensure that each competency has appropriate assessment
strategies and tools.
2. One member shall encode the responses.
3. Present your output.

SIDLAK Bukidnon beyond the horizon

The K to 12 Philippine Basic Education
Curriculum Framework

SIDLAK Bukidnon beyond the horizon

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